
  • 网络Depth First Search;depth-first search;depth-first-search;DFs;depth-first traversal
  1. 本文分析了深度优先搜索方法(DFS)和广度优先搜索(BFS)方法的特点,提出了一种混合使用动态规划方法和下界(上界)算法的精确求解方法求解组合优化问题。

    A hybrid algorithm combined with dynamic programming and the lower bound ( or upper bound ) algorithm is proposed . It is on the basis of analysing the depth first search ( DFS ) and the breadth first search ( BFS ) methods .

  2. 利用深度优先搜索方法求解作业排序

    A Depth First Search for Solving Job Scheduling Problem

  3. 基于这种字典顺序,FSP算法不需要生成候选,采用深度优先搜索策略挖掘频繁连通子图。

    FSP adopts the depth-first search strategy to mine frequent connected subgraphs efficiently , without candidate generation .

  4. 一种基于PFSP性质的深度优先搜索算法

    Depth-first search algorithm based on special properties of PFSP

  5. 为了提高专家系统的搜索效率,在使用传统的深度优先搜索策略的基础上,结合启发式算法、关键路径算法,以及Petri网,TabuSearch等优化算法短时间内给出一个最合适的方案。

    To improve its searching efficiency and reach the most optimal plan in short time , the traditional depth first search strategy is combined with other algorithms , such as heuristic arithmetic , critical path method , Petri net and Tabu search .

  6. 采用启发式深度优先搜索方法来判断传动简图中构件的干涉,从而开发出一个行星变速箱传动方案CAD系统该系统设计结果合理,可用于行星变速箱的传动方案设计

    Using heuristic depth-first search method , interference of components in a transmission connection diagram is judged A CAD system for design of transmission schemes of epicyclic boxes is developed The results given by the system are reasonable , so it could be used to design schemes of epicyclic boxes

  7. 该算法在传统最小路算法上加以修正,采用深度优先搜索(DFS)从分支线首端至负荷点的最小路,主馈线元件根据接线形式计入计算,从而省略了非最小路元件的等值过程。

    The algorithm makes progress on traditional minimal path . The path is searched from the sub feeder to terminal by DFS , and the main feeder components are calculated according to cases .

  8. 该算法在随机的sIB算法多次深度优先搜索形成的初始解空间的基础上,通过多次局部范围的广度优先搜索,拓展了有效的搜索空间,进而获得了更优的解。

    Based on the initial solution space formed by many times of Depth-First Search ( DFS ) from random sIB , this algorithm enlarges effectual search space by local Breadth-First Search ( BFS ), finally attains better solutions .

  9. 这一混合算法保持了GBF扩展结点数少的优点,并有效地降低了GBF算法的空间开销,改善了LBF策略特别是深度优先搜索的盲目性。

    The algorithm can not only inherit the merit of GBF which produces fewer expanding nodes , but also dramatically reduce the space cost of GBF and the ineffectiveness of the LBF scheme and , in particular , the depth first scheme .

  10. 基于冲突指派集求解作业排序问题的深度优先搜索方法

    A depth-first search for solving job scheduling problem based on conflicting assignments

  11. 加权约束满足问题的改进深度优先搜索算法

    Improved depth-first search algorithm for valued constraint satisfaction problem

  12. 图5显示了这种混合式深度优先搜索求解器的一个示例。

    An example of this hybrid depth-first search solver is depicted in Figure 5 .

  13. 图深度优先搜索技术在流域系统集成中的应用

    The application of graph deep optimization searching technology in system integration of drainage areas

  14. 然而深度优先搜索类算法的定位延迟长,因此如何在保持较小开销的情况下提高定位性能仍然需要进一步的深入研究。

    How to improve locating performance and keep low overhead still needs further study .

  15. 基于矢量量化和深度优先搜索的轨迹分布模式学习算法

    A novel trajectory pattern learning method based on vector quantization and depth first search

  16. 有两种常用的方法可以用来搜索图:即深度优先搜索和广度优先搜索。

    There are two common approaches to searching a graph : depth-first search and breadth-first search .

  17. 深度优先搜索在给水管网计算中的应用

    Application of the depth - first search method in the calculation of water supply pipe networks

  18. 在推理机的设计中采用了目标驱动控制,以及深度优先搜索和广度优先搜索这两种搜索策略;

    In the inference engine section , target-drive control , depth-first search and breadth-first search are adopted .

  19. 具有自动回溯的深度优先搜索

    Depth-first search with automatic backup

  20. 由“汽车问题”浅谈深度优先搜索的对象与策略

    About the object and strategy of preferential depth searches based on the " question of automobie "

  21. 随后,分析了将传统的深度优先搜索算法和广度优先搜索算法应用到基于此种知识表示方法的推理算法的可行性。

    It analyzes the feasibility of applying the traditional depth-first algorithm and the broad-first algorithm into knowledge reasoning .

  22. 根据本应用的具体要求,提出了将深度优先搜索方法应用到案例检索当中;

    Bringing forward the method on the base of Depth Firstly Searching ( DPS ) in case searching ;

  23. 面向队列的深度优先搜索程序

    Queue-oriented depth-first search program

  24. 通过比较保护依赖度的大小来确定每次方向回路搜索的起始点,并通过对保护依赖集的深度优先搜索来确定所有有向简单回路。

    The beginning point of searching directional loops every time could be determined by comparing the protection dependency dimension .

  25. 定位请求消息处理技术的主要目的是提高定位性能和减小开销,包括宽度优先搜索类和深度优先搜索类两类方法。

    Locating information processing aims at improving locating performance and reducing overhead , which includes BFS-like and DFS-like methods .

  26. 盲目的深度优先搜索策略通过为第一个空格选择第一个可行的候选值并进行猜测。

    A blind depth-first search strategy makes a guess by choosing the first available candidate for the first empty cell .

  27. 同时采用基于度的禁忌表这种数据结构来表示度约束生成树,并与深度优先搜索的思想结合,保证得到树的连通性;

    Degree - based tabu list in the algorithm based on depth first search is introduced to obtain connected trees .

  28. 该算法引入了数据结构中的深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索以及邻接表的概念。

    This algorithm introduces the conceptions of Depth__ First Search , Breadth__ First Search and Adjacency List in data structure .

  29. 论文设计了以正向推理为推理方向,深度优先搜索为搜索策略的推理机。

    The thesis designs an inference engine with forward reasoning as its inference direction and depth-first search as its search strategy .

  30. 该方法将待探索区域划分为若干个子区域,利用粒子群优化算法深度优先搜索子区域。

    The approach divided the exploring region into several sub-regions , and then used the particle swarm to depth-first search the sub-regions .