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  • family planning ;family financial budgeting
  1. 并且联邦X资助家庭计划节目必须在他们的节目和从事节育医务人员之间维持隔离状态。

    And federal Title X-funded family planning programs must maintain a " wall of separation " between their programs and abortion providers .

  2. 威尔斯曼称,在美国,女用避孕套的使用对于家庭计划生育和减少HIV和性传播疾病的蔓延时同等重要的。

    Weissman says that in the U.S. , female condom use is important both for family-planning purposes and for protection against HIV / AIDS and other STDs .

  3. 以卡加梅(Kagame)总统为首的该国领导层奉行实事求是和追求实效的政策,其中包括在全国强调家庭计划、与捐助方和非政府组织进行交叉式合作、更多地鼓励政府部门的敬业精神以及加强卫生健康领域。

    And their leaders , led by President Kagame , believed in policies based on evidence and measurable results , including a nationwide emphasis on family planning , cross-cutting partnerships with donors and NGOs , a greater premium on professionalism in the government and the health sector .

  4. 性教育参考图书馆〔香港家庭计划指导会〕

    Sexuality Education Reference Library [ Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ]

  5. 睡房总是成为整个家庭计划。

    A bedroom is always a part of the entire home plan .

  6. 可以考虑一项家庭计划,当然要算进所有的家庭成员。

    You should consider getting your whole family involved in a project at home .

  7. 争取获得学术或体育等传统奖学金仍然是很多家庭计划的一部分。

    Traditional scholarships , academic or athletic , are still a part of many families'planning .

  8. 两个小孩是香港推行家庭计划的理想数目。

    Two children is the ideal number as promoted by family planning in Hong Kong .

  9. 由于使用避孕措施,发展中国家的妇女越来越能够进行家庭计划。

    Women in developing countries are increasingly able to plan their families due to contraceptive use .

  10. 她们还可以打零工,在家庭计划上有更大的发言权。

    They have part-time jobs , and they play a larger role in making family plans .

  11. 香港家庭计划指导会

    Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

  12. 家庭计划的路在何方?

    Where next for family planning ?

  13. 吃一顿悠闲的午餐谈论家庭计划玩一些游戏。

    Eat a leisurely meal , talk about family plans , and play a few games .

  14. 政府已经制定了有关家庭计划生育的政策,规定一对夫妇只允许生一个小孩。

    The government has a firm family planning policy that limits parents to having only one child .

  15. 报告说家庭计划和帮助妇女避免意外怀孕也是减少贫困的方式。

    The report says family planning and helping women avoid unwanted pregnancies are also ways to reduce poverty .

  16. 此外,改善家庭计划及产前护理的可及性亦可减少死产婴儿数目。

    Improvement in access to family planning and antenatal care could also reduce the number of stillborn babies .

  17. 当然,教皇弗朗西斯采取的最环保的行动就是迎接家庭计划。

    Of course , the greatest green action that Pope Francis could take is to embrace family planning .

  18. 6)70%的中国家庭计划在2007年前买私家车。

    f ) Before 2007 , 70 % of all Chinese household plan on having their own car .

  19. 教育组〔香港家庭计划指导会〕分区和环境管理计划指导委员会

    Education Division [ Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ] Steering Committee for the Zoning and Environmental Management Plan

  20. 声音2:人类语言家庭计划将试图记录婴儿约翰学习新单词的过程。

    Voice 2 : The Human Speechome Project will try to record baby John as he learns new words .

  21. 我高中的姐妹们现在依旧依赖家庭计划,有时也依赖医疗补助计划。

    My girlfriends from high school to this day still depend on Planned Parenthood and often Medicaid for important health care services .

  22. 苹果还提供每月14.99美元的家庭计划,可供最多6名家庭成员使用。

    The company is also offering what it calls a family plan for $ 14.99 USa month for up to six family members .

  23. 但是实施一点儿家庭计划可能是环保主义者认为的最好方式,再一次的婴儿潮对地球可能是个坏消息。

    But a little family planning might be the best measure of an environmentalist and another baby boom could be bad news for the planet .

  24. 答:在我工作的社区,为一个家庭计划生育和提供孕产妇保健意味着使夫妇安全获得其所期望的子女数目。

    A : Planning a family and addressing maternal health in the community I serve means safely having the number of children a couple would like .

  25. 这不只是家庭计划内的生育控制,从迁徙到安乐死都有广泛讨论。

    These concern not only fertility control in the context of family planning , but also a broader range of topics extending from migration to euthanasia .

  26. 一个关键的突破口出现在七十年代晚期,那时候一个加州大学洛杉矶分校小组开始发表一个称之为“加州大学洛杉矶分校家庭计划”的具有影响力的长期研究的结果。

    A key break came in the late1970s , when a UCLA team began to publish the results of an influential long-term study called the UCLA Family Project .

  27. 威廉和凯特从来不需要为家庭计划和他们的未来思前想后,他们生活的保障都来自纳税人的钱。

    Will and Kate aren 't having to rethink their plans for a family and their futures , their security is coming at the taxpayer 's expense . "

  28. 致电者可以获得家庭计划,防止意外怀孕等方面的信息。他们可以与受过训练的接线员进行私人对话,讨论避孕方法和健康诊所方面的问题。

    Callers can receive information about family planning and the prevention of pregnancies . They are able to speak privately with trained operators about methods and about health clinics .

  29. 邀请可能来自地方上的国际接待家庭计划或是他们在班上或社交场合遇见的人。

    The invitation to do so may come from a community international host family program , or from someone they have met in a class or in a social gathering .

  30. 据调查,英国今年预计有270万个家庭计划和孩子、父母及祖父母在同一地方度假。

    An estimated 2.7 million families are planning to holiday in the UK this year with children , parents and grandparents all in the same resort , according to a survey .