
  • 网络household income;Gross Household Income;Total Income
  1. 韩国统一研究所研究发现,虽然女性只占朝鲜1200万人口的一半,但朝鲜女性收入占家庭总收入的70%以上。她们主要在近年激增的非正式市场里进行贸易活动。

    Women in the DPRK earn more than 70 % of household income , mainly as traders in the informal markets that have proliferated in recent years , research by the Korea Institute for National Unification found . That is despite women making up only about half of the 12m residents in the country .

  2. 根据国家统计局的数据,1985年平均每个农村家庭花费家庭总收入的1.92%用于健康保健,到1999年,这一比例提高到了3.16%,而且越贫困的家庭该比例就表现得越高。

    According to the data from National Bureau of Statistics of China , every family expends 1.92 % of total income to health care service . In 1999 , the rate had been 3.16 % , and the poorer family , the higher rate .

  3. 在相对经济风险评估中,当健康支出占家庭总收入的比例超过20%时,无论是贫困家庭还是非贫困家庭,他们都会面临着超额健康经济风险(RR1.0)。

    In comparative economic risk evaluation , when the proportion of health expenditure accounts for more than 20 % of the total family avenue , both IRFs and Non - IRFs are faced with excessive health economic risk ( RR1.0 ) .

  4. 你的家庭总收入是多少?

    What is your combined family income ?

  5. 你一年的家庭总收入要达到多少,才会觉得自己富有?

    How much would your total annual family income have to be for you to consider yourself rich ?

  6. 社会经济地位由家庭总收入、教育水平以及职业地位来衡量,而社会经济地位又与身体健康程度和寿命长短有直接关系。

    Higher socioeconomic status ( measured by total family income , level of education attained and professional career status ) is directly correlated with better physical health and life expectancy .

  7. 前三季度,城镇居民家庭人均总收入15756元。

    In the first three quarters of this year , the per capita total income of urban households was 15,756 yuan .

  8. 10、家庭每月总收入是影响吉林省体育院系应届本科毕业生择业取向最重要的因素。

    Tenth , monthly gross earnings of the family is the most important factors of all that affect the mindset of the graduate .

  9. 影响园地面积变化的主要因子是农业总产值、社会消费品零售总额和农民家庭人均总收入。

    The main impact factors of changes in the garden area are the total agricultural output value , the total retail sales of consumer goods and the total per capita household income of farmers .

  10. 2009年全年城镇居民家庭人均总收入18858元,其中,城镇居民人均可支配收入17175元,比上年增长8.8%,扣除价格因素,实际增长9.8%。

    In 2009 , the urban residents per capita income was 18,858 yuan . And per capita disposable income of urban residents was 17,175 yuan , an increase of 8.8 % after deducting price factors , the actual increase of 9.8 % .

  11. 随着私人家庭在中国总收入中所占比例迅速下降,消费增长只会十分缓慢。

    As private households ' share in China 's income pool is shrinking fast , consumption growth can only be slow .

  12. 1998-2002年棉花净产值一直高于小麦-玉米两熟的净产值,棉花收入占农户家庭种植业总收入的60.3%,是农户家庭现金收入的主要来源。

    The net product value of cotton for one season was higher than the combined net product value of wheat and corn for two seasons . The income from cotton made up to 60.3 % of the total income from planting in a fanner family .

  13. 摆脱过度负债的必要性已引发了去杠杆周期——家庭总负债与总收入之比已从2007年的泡沫峰值134%下降至近九年低点114%,在五年中前所未有地跌去了20个百分点。

    The necessity of crawling out of excess indebtedness has led to the mother of all deleveraging cycles : the aggregate household debt / income ratio has contracted from the bubble-high 134 per cent in 2007 to a nine-year low of 114 per cent . That is an unprecedented 20 percentage point decline in five years .

  14. 户主的年龄、文化水平、家庭人口数和家庭年总收入、收入来源等因素对农村宅基地使用权流转的意愿度影响较高。

    It has a high degree of willingness on the rural land use right transfer , which are the factors of age , education level , family population , family income , and income sources .

  15. 中国家庭的子女教育花销占家庭总收入的三分之一。

    The cost of children 's education eats up a third of a Chinese family 's total income .