
  • 网络Family function;family functioning;domestic function
  1. 方法使用家庭功能问卷(APGAR)和症状自评量表(SCL-90),进行方便取样问卷调查。

    Methods Using APGAR family function questionnaire and SCL-90 in convenient , 60 patients were surveyed .

  2. cineMRI对女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的诊断价值北京女大学生进食障碍与家庭功能关系调查

    The diagnostic value of cine MRI in pelvic floor disfunction Correlation Between Eating Disorders and Family Function of Female University Students in Beijing

  3. 目的:了解中学生互联网过度使用倾向(IOT)与学业成绩、心理困扰、家庭功能、管教方式等的关系。

    Objective : To explore relationship between Internet overuse tendency and academic achievement , mental problems and family function in middle school students .

  4. 结论PCI患者的家庭功能状况与其日常应对方式和医学应对方式之间没有明显的相互影响,与假设相反。

    Conclusion There is no obvious mutual effects for the relationship between family function of PCI and daily coping style as well as medical coping style , against the hypothesis .

  5. 家庭功能各组间抑郁发生率、GDS值差异显著。

    Presence of incidence of depression and GDS value was significantly associated with the function of difference families .

  6. 结论关注IVF-ET治疗患者的心理反应,采取正确方式加强其家庭功能。

    Conclusions Attention must be paid to the mental reaction of the IVF-ET treated patient , and their family function are needed to strengthen .

  7. 职业、生活费来源、家庭功能和IADL对临终关怀方式有影响。

    The influence factors are occupation , the living supports , the family function , and IADL .

  8. 家庭功能方面,酒依赖组在沟通、角色、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制等方面评分和FAD总分均明显高于正常对照组(P<001)。

    The scores of the communication , role , affective response , emotional involvement and behavior control in patients with alcohol dependence were higher than that of controls ( P < 0 01 ) .

  9. 老年大学学员心理状况与家庭功能的相关性

    Mental Health and Family Function of Elderly regularly participating Community Activity

  10. 抑郁与家庭功能、社会支持有相关性。

    Depressive symptom is related to society support and family function .

  11. 心血管患者家庭功能及其行为方式调查

    Survey for Family Function and Behavior of Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

  12. 青少年心理门诊患者家庭功能与心理健康的关系

    Relationship between family function and mental health among teenager mental outpatients

  13. 第四章分析了家庭功能的变迁。

    And last chapter , I studying the family function change .

  14. 银屑病患者心理卫生状况与家庭功能的相关性研究

    Correlation between mental status of patients with psoriasis and their family function

  15. 守法少年与犯罪少年家庭功能比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Family Function of Juvenile and Delinquent

  16. 初中生家庭功能类型与其价值观形成的关系探讨

    Correlation between Values Forming and Categories of Junior Family Function

  17. 恶性肿瘤患者家庭功能与应对方式调查

    Research on Family Function and Coping Styles of Patients with Malignant Tumour

  18. 家庭功能对慢性乙肝患者行为方式的影响

    Impact of Family Activity on the Behaviors of Chronic Hepatitis B Patients

  19. 40例麻风村患者家庭功能状况的调查及分析

    Analysis on the family function status of 40 patients in leprosy village

  20. 家庭功能及其相关因素研究

    The Research of the Family Functioning and its Related Factors

  21. 幼儿行为问题与家庭功能关系的调查

    Investigation on relationship between behavior problems in preschool children and family function

  22. 家庭功能训练和支具在小儿臂丛神经损伤中的应用

    Using Splint and home based training in treatment of brachial plexus injury

  23. 家庭功能与初中生自我同一性的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship Between Ego-Identity and Family Functions

  24. 家庭功能对青少年疏离感的影响:有调节的中介效应

    Effect of Family Functioning on Adolescents ' Alienation : Moderated Mediating Effect

  25. 家庭功能随婚姻发展历程发生变化;

    Family functioning varied across the family life cycle .

  26. 术前患者应对方式与家庭功能的相关性研究

    Study on Relationship between Family Function and Coping Style in the Preoperative Patients

  27. 老年人家庭功能状况及影响因素分析

    Research on family function of elderly and its influential factors in Anhui province

  28. 北京女大学生进食障碍与家庭功能关系调查

    Correlation Between Eating Disorders and Family Function of Female University Students in Beijing

  29. 重新定性这个案子为家庭功能紊乱。

    To relabel it a case of family dysfunction .

  30. 民办高校学生主观幸福感与人格、家庭功能关系研究

    Relationships Between Personality , Family Function and Subjective Well-being Among Private College Students