
  1. 由此可见网上预订业务特别适合酒店、宾馆、花店、蛋糕店、搬家公司、电影院和家政服务公司等服务性行业。

    It can be seen that booking online is particularly suitable for service industries , such as hotel , guesthouse , flower shop , bakery , remover , theater , and housekeeping company and so on .

  2. 如果您需要享受芸轩贵族服务或想进一步了解上海芸轩家政服务有限公司,请尽可能地完整填写以下资料,我们会立即和您联络!

    If you need EJLL noble service or want to know EJLL forward please fill in the form as fully as possible , we will connect with you right now !

  3. 上海可馨家政服务有限公司是一家涉外家政服务公司,由资深的海外归国人士投资管理。

    Shanghai kexin housekeeping serve Co. , Ltd. one concerning foreign affairs housekeeping service company , by a senior one being overseas to return to the homeland personage 's management of investment .

  4. 广州正祥和家政服务有限公司总经理周雯(音译)认为,家长以及社会广泛持有的老观念阻碍了大学生扎根家政业。

    Zhou Wen , managing director of Zhengxianghe homemaking company in Guangzhou , believes that stereotypes held by parents and the wider society prevent college graduates from settling down in the homemaking industry .