
jiā yònɡ diàn nǎo
  • home computer
  1. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台家用电脑。

    They kept badgering him to get a home computer .

  2. 此时IBM正准备推出新型的家用电脑

    A new home computer was on its way from IBM

  3. 民意调查显示,家用电脑的最大需求者不是那些最有钱的人。

    The poll suggests that the strongest unsatisfied appetite for home computers isn 't among the richest consumers .

  4. 基于Bass模型的城镇家用电脑市场扩散研究

    A Study on the Market Diffusion of Home Computer in Urban Areas Based on Bass Model

  5. 次要功能和程序。如果你买家用电脑的主要用途是打游戏,你可能会选择A机器而不是B,因为A可以同时兼作文字处理器。

    If your main reason for buying a home computer is to play games , you may take computer A instead of computer B because computer A can also be used as word processor .

  6. 在他撰写的那本书里,他告诉电子爱好者们如何让原始的80年代的家用电脑提速,从而能运行强大的3D软件来制作动画模型。

    He wrote his book to show electronics enthusiasts how they could soup up their primitive home computers of the early 1980s to run powerful three-dimensional software suited to graphical modelling .

  7. 你现在看到的这段话,是我在一家梅西百货(Macy's)店里,通过网络用一部iPad在我的Windows家用电脑上打出来的。

    I am typing this paragraph remotely on my home Windows PC , using an iPad in the middle of a Macy 's in a mall , over the Internet .

  8. 就在上星期,康柏宣布推出了一系列新型家用电脑,它们带有一组可以直接访问Internet的按键,包括与AltaVista的链接。

    Just last week we announced a new line of consumer PCs with buttons that provide direct Internet access , including a link to AltaVista .

  9. 虽然它不是最早和唯一的DOS,但微软的DOS却是家用电脑中的主角&不管你喜不喜欢,当时你用的就是DOS。

    Not the first or only DOS , but it was the main player for home PCs-like it or loathe it , DOS was the one you used .

  10. 但克莱夫辛克莱(SirCliveSinclair)爵士在英国推出的石英表和家用电脑,很快被其它企业更好的产品所取代,他的C5电动车则无人问津。

    But the quartz watches and home computers that Sir Clive Sinclair championed in the UK were quickly overtaken by better products from other businesses , and his C5 electric vehicle was not wanted by anyone .

  11. 1979年从家用电脑制造商雅达利(Atari)分离出来后,Mediagenic曾打造了Kaboom!和《逃离险境》(Pitfall)等热门游戏。

    Spun out of Atari , a maker of home computers , in 1979 , the company had made popular games with titles such as Kaboom ! and Pitfall .

  12. 家用电脑的到来结束了打字机时代。

    The arrival of the home computer spelt doom for typewriter .

  13. 这些发展促使家用电脑的需求量增大。

    These developments have created a great demand for home computers .

  14. 在家用电脑学习的好处有什么?

    Why do home-schooling parents keep their children to study at home ?

  15. 以大众可承受的新机型打入家用电脑市场

    Penetrated the home-computer market with an affordable new model .

  16. 我的孩子纠缠不休地要我弄一架家用电脑

    My children keep badger me to get a home computer

  17. 志愿者的家用电脑上运行了近万个模拟程序。

    Almost 10,000 climate simulations were run on volunteers ' home computers .

  18. 1992年我买了第一台苹果家用电脑。

    I chose a Macintosh when I purchased my first home computer in1992 .

  19. 家用电脑将您带入尽善尽美的境地。

    Personal computers lead you into a perfect world .

  20. 这家公司专门经销进口家用电脑。

    This company specializes in selling home computers that were made in other countries .

  21. 苹果公司把复兴的希望寄托在了一款新的家用电脑上

    But Apple 's hopes of a revival rested on a new home computer ,

  22. 家用电脑外设多媒体,高技术产品,家庭好助手。

    The multimedia household computer is a high-tech product and a good hand at home .

  23. 基于人性化设计思想的家用电脑设计

    Appliance Computers Design Based on Humanized Design

  24. 苹果机二代于1977年面世它是第一台拥有彩色图像的家用电脑

    Released in 1977 , the Apple II was the first home computer with colour graphics .

  25. 也可以通过远程连接到自己家用电脑存取自己所需的数据。

    You can also remotely connect to your home computer to access the data they need .

  26. 家用电脑2004嘉年华

    Home PC Summer 2004

  27. 检获的文件和从安生在歌赋山道家用电脑上山顶。

    Officers seized documents and a computer from Chan 's home in Gough Hill Road on The Peak .

  28. 者警告说小孩子在家用电脑可能会导致数学和阅读的分数下降。

    Researchers warned that marks in maths and reading tended to drop when youngsters used a computer at home .

  29. 家用电脑在使用和维护过程会出现很多问题,使用过程中产生很多不便;

    So many problem will be emerge in appliance computer using and maintenance procedure which fetch so much discommodiousness ;

  30. 1976年乔布斯和沃兹在家用电脑俱乐部向其他研究技术的同仁们推出了苹果机的原型

    Jobs and Waz unveiled the prototype to their fellow tech geeks at the Home Brew Computer Club in 1976 .