
  • 【铁道】computer network
  1. 利用邮政综合计算机网、基于Web技术实现了普通给据邮件查询系统。

    A common registered mail tracing system is accomplished based on Web technology by using the postal integrated computer network .

  2. IPv6已经成为实现计算机网和通信网结合的一个契机。

    IPv6 has become a chance to combine computer network and communication network .

  3. 同时还介绍了已和该网络连通了的中国教育科研计算机网、Internet网以及作者在应用这两个分别为国内和国际最大计算机网络为电力系统科研人员提供服务方面所做的工作。

    And HP / UNIX . and has been connected to the China Education and Research Network and Internet . this paper describes this computer network and its application in the power system .

  4. 随着信息通信技术(InformationandCommunicationTechnology,简称ICT)的快速发展,电信网、计算机网和有线电视网不断相互渗透,融合步伐日益加快。

    With the rapid development of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology , referred to as ICT ), telecommunications networks , computer networks and cable networks continue to penetrate each other , accelerating the pace of integration .

  5. 并提出了组播会议的安全策略。该系统及应用框架已成功应用到中国教育和科研计算机网,在2003年SARS期间发挥了重要作用,证明了该系统和应用框架是可行的和实用的。

    The system has been successfully applied in the China education and research network ( CERNET ) and played an important role during the 2003 China SARS period .

  6. 随着计算机网和通信网的发展以及CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement)越来越受企业的重视,建立呼叫中心来优化企业服务已成为许多公司的首要选择。

    With the development of computer networks , communication networks and the enterprise pay more and more attention to CRM ( customer relationship management ), establishment of call center to optimize business services has become the preferred choice of many companies .

  7. 而E1标准和以太网分别在电信网和计算机网中得到广泛应用,因此E1和以太网互联的研究具有重要的意义。

    The E1 standard and Ethernet were widely used in telecom network and computer network , which make the research of their interconnect more necessary .

  8. IPPBX(IP专用交换机)系统是近年来计算机网与传统电话系统技术融合领域的研究热点,而如何在IPPBX系统中提供有QoS(服务质量)保证的实时通信能力成为一个关键技术。

    IP-PBX is one of the hottest research directions in recent computer telecommunication integration domain . How to provide QoS guarantee becomes a key technique for real time communications in IP-PBX system .

  9. CallCenter是一种基于CTI技术、充分利用通信网和计算机网的多功能集成的综合信息服务系统,有效地为客户提供高质量、高效率、全方位的服务。

    Call Center , as center of customer services , is a multifunctional integrated information service system based on CTI and telecommunication network and computer network , supplying comprehensive customer services with high quality and high efficiency .

  10. 目前电信网与计算机网的融合已得到广泛应用,而IPTV的引入将最终实现三网合一。

    At present , the combination of telecom network and computer network has been widely used and the entry of IPTV will achieve the three networks in one ultimately .

  11. IP-PBX系统是近年来计算机网与传统电话系统技术融合领域的研究热点。

    IP-PBX is one of the hottest research directions in recent computer telecommunication integration technology domain .

  12. 为了适应我国教育和科研计算机网CERNET的建立和使用,研制了高校实验室综合信息系统。

    In order to adapt to the construction and application of CERNET , a university laboratory comprehensive information system has been successfully developed .

  13. 介绍了存储区域网(SAN)存储系统的组成、特点及目前主流企业级SAN存储阵列的体系结构和技术特征,给出了SAN存储在邮政综合计算机网中的两种典型应用解决方案。

    The composition and characteristics of SAN storage system , the architecture and technical features of present major enterprises ' SAN storage array are presented . Two classic solutions for the application of SAN storage to postal integrated computer network are given .

  14. 中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET)在全国主干节点上构建和实现了组播视频会议系统,成为全国教育网各节点的视频会议交流平台。

    China Education and Research Network ( CERNET ) construct and realize the multicast based video conference system on CERNET backbone and make it the communication platform for CERNET nodes .

  15. 运用DEA模型对高校计算机网建设投入产出的有效性进行分析;运用博弈论对高等教育信息化的资源使用和共享问题进行博弈分析。

    It uses DBA model to analyze the effectiveness of the investment output of the computer nets construction in universities and colleges , it uses chess theory to analyze the problems of the use and share of resources in the higher educational informatization .

  16. 基于新出现的计算技术和TMN的逻辑分层管理体系结构,提出了一个能够综合管理计算机网和电信网的集成网络管理体系结构,并分析此管理体系结构的特点。

    Based on new computing technologies and TMN logical layer management architecture , the integrated network management architecture which can manage computer and telecommunications networks integrative is proposed and the features of the new architecture are also given .

  17. 中国教育科研计算机网(CERNET)工程,经国家计委批准,已于1994年正式启动,开始了中国高校校园网络建设的新阶段。

    " The Chinese education scientific research computer net ( CERNET )" project , authorized by the State Planning Commission , has started officially in 1994 , coming with the Chinese university campus network construction new stage .

  18. 北京邮电大学是1994年创建中国教育和科研讨一算机网”(CERNET)的十所大学之一,也是全国第二代中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET2)主干网的核心节点之一,学校的计算机校园网是CERNET示范工程。

    And BUPT is one of ten universitiesthat took part in the initiation construction of " China Education and Research Network " ( CERNET ) in 1994 . It also look part in the demonstrating project of the CERNET2 , a model project of the next-generation Internet ( NGI )

  19. 随着互联网高速发展,计算机网与个人主机受到越来越多的危害。

    Computer network and individual hosts suffer more from Internet developed .

  20. 利用Cisco2514路由器对卫星计算机网进行升级改造

    An application of cisco 2514 router to satellite computer network upgrading

  21. 掘进工作面局部通风机的供电本地计算机网

    Electrical supply for auxilary fans in heading face Local Computer Networks

  22. 计算机网的数据安全数字签名技术及其应用

    Digital Signature and Its Applications in Digital Communications and Computer Networks

  23. 有限缓冲器长计算机网平均时延的分析

    Analysis of Mean Delay Time in Computer Network with Finite Buffer Capacity

  24. 防汛中的水情遥测网及辅助计算机网

    Water Information Remote Measuring Network and Auxiliary Computer Net in Flood Control

  25. 研究通过信令将计算机网与电信网无缝连接。

    And it puts forward the method of connecting computer and switch .

  26. 计算机网的进程调度和资源管理研究

    Study of Process Scheduling and Resource Management in Computer Network

  27. 无线传感器网与计算机网融合的网络管理体系设计

    Management Architecture For The Convergence of PC Network and WSN

  28. 吉林省邮政综合计算机网安全保密系统总体技术方案设计

    Overall Technology Programme Design of Jilin Province Postal Computer Network Safe Privacy System

  29. 一种把二个具有不同网络体系结构的计算机网联接起来的操作装置〔功能部件〕。

    A functional unit that interconnects two computer networks with different network architectures .

  30. 并结合铁路计算机网进行分析与讨论。

    The applications of TCP / IP protocol in railway computer network are discussed .