
  • 网络Computer facility
  1. 这种执行程序的功能保证系统能最大限度地利用整个计算机设施。

    This function of the executive program allows an installation to make maximum use of its total computer facility .

  2. 这些大型、复杂、相互联网的电力系统必须采用先进的计算机设施来可靠、安全而又经济地满足负荷的需求。

    These large , complex , interconnected power systems must utilize state-of-the-art computer facilities to meet the load demand reliably , safely , and economically .

  3. 消费者通过Internet可以从完善的计算机基础设施获得服务。

    A consumer can get service from a full computer infrastructure through the Internet .

  4. IaaS是以服务的形式交付计算机基础设施。

    IaaS is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a service .

  5. ICT技术支持人员提供计算机基础设施和网络技术,诊断和解决技术问题的部署。

    ICT SUPPORT TECHNICIANS provide support for the deployment and maintenance of computer infrastructure and web technology and the diagnosis and resolution of technical problems .

  6. 在新厂房设施规划与布局阶段,详细介绍如何采用SLP和计算机辅助设施规划相结合的方法,协调车间各个工业系统,设计相关作业区域和生产流程。

    In the workshop layout stage , this paper particularly introduces how to apply SLP and CAD methods to coordinate the relations between every industrial system and design manufacturing areas .

  7. 您应该持续监控整个计算机基础设施。

    You should continually monitor the entire computer infrastructure .

  8. 计算机在设施农业中的应用教学中多媒体的应用

    Application of Multimedia in Teaching the Course of Computer Application in Protected Agriculture

  9. 计算机辅助设施布置系统

    System of Computer Aided Facilities Layout Planning

  10. 因为社会计算机基础设施有望快速地发展,所以工作前景还是非常好的。

    Job prospects are excellent because our society 's computer infrastructure is expected to grow rapidly .

  11. 由于计算机基础设施的缺乏,这对于马达加斯加这样的发展中国家来说是不可能的选择。

    This is not a viable option for developing countries like Madagascar , which have limited computing infrastructure .

  12. 他们对自身听说水平的不满和想要借助良好的计算机教学设施来提高自己听说水平的需求为混合学习在大学英语听说教学中的应用提供了必要的前提。

    Their dissatisfaction towards current listening and speaking abilities and their desire to improve listening and speaking with the help of computer-based teaching facilities proves the necessity to apply Blended Learning in college English listening and speaking teaching .

  13. 提供计算机、网络设施和其他硬件设施技术支持,如打印机、扫描仪等的安装、配置和升级;

    Provide technical support with computer , network devices and other hardware devices , such installation , configuration and upgrade .

  14. 综合布线系统是一套用于建筑物内或建筑群之间为计算机、通信设施与监控系统预先设置的信息传输通道。

    Comprehensive wiring system is information transmission passway of computer , communication facilities and menitoring system set up in advance inside buildings or among buildings .

  15. 顺应日益更新的计算机硬件及其外部设施,结合离散元程序UDEC,MATLAB和EX-CEL,提出了一种在UDEC中全面处理各节点或单元中心波幅的数据处理新方法。

    Suitable for the latest hardware of personal computers , combining a discrete element code UDEC , MATLAB and EXCEL , a new method of comprehensive processing of amplitude of velocity / stress wave for every grid-point / zone-centroid for every zone was proposed .

  16. 实施条件则对教师、学生及计算机硬件、软件设施提出了必要的要求。

    The complement condition also required the qualification of teachers , students and equipment of computer hardware and software .

  17. 通过问卷调查发现,计算机辅助教学的设施比以往有所增加,但不能满足日常教学的需要。

    Through questionnaires , it is found that though the mount of computer-aided teaching facilities has been increased , computer-aided teaching facilities can not meet the needs of everyday teaching .

  18. 随着现代电子技术、液压技术和计算机技术以及基础设施建设施工技术的发展,工程船舶的液压控制系统中,对其工作自动化和工作精度要求也越来越高。

    With the development of modern electronic , hydraulic , construction and computer technology , the requirement for automotion and precision in the Hydraulic Control System of Piling Barge becomes higher .

  19. 上周,美国发动了代号为网络风暴3号的演习。模拟了一个全面发动的网络攻击,以检验美国是否能应对这种打击,进而在计算机系统和基础设施上做好准备。

    Last week , the US launched an exercise called Cyber Storm III. It was designed to simulate an all-out cyber attack in order to determine the readiness of US systems and infrastructure .

  20. 提出加强计算机安全管理的对策,即:健全银行计算机业务管理制度,健全网络管理监督体系,加强银行计算机房基础设施和网络安全的安全防范。

    The countermeasures include perfecting administrative system of bank computer operation and net monitor , strengthen foundational facilities and net safety defenses .