
yǒng dào
  • lane
泳道 [yǒng dào]
  • [lane] 游泳池中供游泳比赛的分道

泳道[yǒng dào]
  1. 泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。

    The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners

  2. 一名游泳运动员最终在哪条泳道比赛取决于他们在排位赛比赛成绩。排名第一的运动员在中间泳道。

    A swimmer ends up in a particular lane depending on their qualifying time . The fastest gets the center lane .

  3. 奥运会游泳比赛是如何分配泳道的?

    How are lanes assigned in Olympic swimming ?

  4. 单击复选框IsSystemLane来指出泳道不能用于完成人工任务。

    Click the checkbox Is System Lane to indicate that the swimlane is not used for human tasks .

  5. 设立了三个垂直的泳道:待办(todo)、进行中(doing)和完成(done)

    We have three vertical lanes : todo , doing and done .

  6. 该模型并没有使用泳道(SwimLanes),因为用户与角色都关联到每个活动上了。

    This model removes the need from Swim Lanes as users and roles are associated to each activity .

  7. CreateOrder和UpdateOrderStatus流程模拟一个基本的客户关系管理(CRM)系统的功能,因此出现在CRM泳道中。

    The Create Order and Update Order Status processes effectively mimic the capabilities of a basic customer relationship management ( CRM ) system , and hence appear in the CRM swimlane .

  8. 更妙的是,你还可以看到一个泳道图,图中显示了在由某个Actor组织在一起的用例中所有的动作。

    And even more groovy , you can see a swim-lane representation of all the actions in a use case organized by actor .

  9. 运用UML统一建模语言用例图对于系统进行了参与者用例分析,针对于重要业务流程采用UML活动图、泳道图等图形进行了描述。

    Use case analysis for every participant is described by UML use case diagram . Main business processes are described by UML activity diagram and swim lane diagram .

  10. SDS-PAGE蛋白电泳后,各泳道酶蛋白量多少依次为包涵体蛋白、全菌蛋白以及培养液上清,提示转化子表达产物主要存在于包涵体内。

    The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis results showed that the expressing products quantity was supernatant , whole bacterial proteins and inclusion body protein in turn .

  11. 该方法首先用高斯平滑滤波和灰度信息进行水平方向的投影,以抵抗光照不均的影响,得到PCR扩增时所在的泳道;

    Firstly , Gaussian filter and horizontal projection of PCR images ' gray information are used to resist the effect of non uniform distribution of brightness and gain the position of the pervasive PCR .

  12. 通过UML分区(也作为泳道)来表示流程中通信的合作伙伴:customer、assessor以及approver。

    The partners with which the process communicates are represented by the UML partitions ( also known as swimlanes ): customer , assessor , and approver .

  13. 链状执行直接由jBPM泳道支持,并不需要额外的开发。

    Chained execution is directly supported by jBPM swimlines and does not require any additional development .

  14. XPDL还有任务管理功能,包括泳道。

    XPDL includes task management capabilities including swimlanes .

  15. 泳道(Swimlane)分解使用一个分区。

    Swimlane decomposition uses a partition .

  16. 介绍了NDIS网络接口规范、架构,给出了驱动程序模型及程序执行泳道图,编写网络状态诊断方法的NDIS协议驱动程序及应用程序。

    The driver model and swim-lanes of program are presented , and the NDIS protocol driver and application program for network status diagnosis are given .

  17. 该系统主要包括PCR凝胶图像的图像去噪、图像增强、泳道和条带的划分、图像分割、条带的光密度值的计算和图像定性和定量分析。

    This system mainly includes that image denoising , image enhancement , the division of lanes and bands , image segmentation , optical density ( OD ) value of band to PCR gel image . Low-pass filtering is used to denoise the image .

  18. 我们一周(或当todo泳道空了的时候)才向里面放入新的故事,以此保证我们内部的长期的任务能够完成。

    We only pull in new stories into the Todo lane once a week ( or if it is empty ) to ensure that the internal , intangible tasks are actually done .

  19. 首先对系统的现状和研究意义进行概括性描述,采用UML用例图、泳道图、活动图辅助分析系统的功能需求,从系统的可靠性、易用性安全性等方面分析了非功能性需求。

    First , generally describe the status and significance of the system , the use of UML use case diagrams , lane diagram , activity diagram can auxiliary analysis functional requirements of system , and from ease of use , safety and other aspects analysis the non-functional requirements .

  20. 第二泳道的运动员抢跳了。

    The swimmer in the second lane jumps the shot .

  21. 这些角色可能同业务过程中的泳道相对应。

    These roles may correspond to swim lanes in a business process .

  22. 不过那儿没有跳台,没有跳板,也没有泳道。

    But you have no diving tower or springboard or any lane there .

  23. 然后对可能流程进行层次泳道化;

    Then a lane process graph levelly for the possible process was made .

  24. 泳道的标题栏在您翻页时仍然可见。

    Swimlane title bars remain visible while you scroll .

  25. 玉米种子蛋白电泳图谱图象中泳道边界提取方法研究

    Study on Lane Boundary Detection of Corn Seed Protein Electrophoregrams in Image Processing

  26. 第五泳道入水最快。他领先。

    The fifth lane has the fastest entry time . he 's leading .

  27. 泳道可以移动,这样拖拽活动图就变得更加容易。

    Swimlanes can be moved so that it is easier to draw activity diagrams .

  28. 泳道的长度是多少?

    What 's the length of a lane ?

  29. 奥林匹春游泳池有8条泳道。

    An Olympic pool has eight lanes .

  30. 在游泳比赛中,泳道安排遵循“箭头”原则。

    In swimming competition , assignment of lanes is arranged according to the spearhead principle .