
yǒnɡ kù
  • swimming trunks
  1. 在法国的公共泳池,男性只能穿紧身五分泳裤

    In Public Pools In France , Men Can Wear Only Clinging Swimming Trunks

  2. 带什么泳裤啊,现在都穿海滩裤。

    Swimming trunks ? Everyone wears shorts now .

  3. 法国不准男性在公共泳池穿宽松平角泳裤,只能穿紧身五分泳裤。

    In France , swimming shorts are not allowed to be worn in public swimming pools by men ; only skintight swimming trunks are allowed .

  4. 比基尼桥,是指(身材纤瘦的女生穿上比基尼后躺下时)比基尼式泳裤与髋骨形成的“桥状空间效果”。

    The bikini bridge is a term for the space you get between your bathing suit bottom and your hip bones when you lie down .

  5. 显然,这是出于卫生考虑,因为男性可能会把宽松的平角泳裤当成普通内裤来穿,这样他们可能会感染尘土之类的脏东西。

    Apparently3 , it has to do with hygiene4 , because men may wear their baggy5 swim shorts as normal shorts and then they may pick up dust , dirt , and such . 9 .

  6. bathingsuit:游泳衣带上泳裤!

    Serena : Bring your bathing suit ! -

  7. speedo这个词现在用来指各种简洁风格的男士紧身弹性泳裤。

    The word speedo now refers to any brief-style spandex swimwear for men .

  8. 加入悉尼亚太经开构造峰会的向导人们能够定心了,澳大利亚总理约翰•霍华德于本周一暗示,不会让他们衣着泳裤和夹指拖上阵拍本周的APEC民方“百口祸”。

    Australian Prime Minister John Howard assured Asia Pacific leaders Monday that they would not have to parade around Sydney in tiny swimsuits and flip-flops for this week 's official APEC photograph .

  9. 有些人建议让领导人们穿Speedo男式紧身泳裤和夹指沙滩凉拖(在澳洲被称为thongs),这些都是澳大利亚的海滩必备装。

    Some want to see them clad in men 's lycra Speedo swimming trunks , paired with the flip-flop sandals or thongs that are must-have wear for the Australian beach .

  10. 泳裤与泳衣生产商Speedo的美国分公司表示:“我们不能容忍与本品牌长期以来支持的价值观相抵触的行为。我们欣赏他取得的许多成绩,希望他继续进步,从这次经历中吸取教训。”

    The US arm of the maker of swimming trunks and costumes said : " We cannot condone behaviour that is counter to the values this brand has long stood for . We appreciate his many achievements and hope he moves forward and learns from this experience . "

  11. 你看见一个穿红泳裤的男孩了吗?

    Have you seen a boy in a red bathing suit ?

  12. 我想穿新泳裤能好看些。

    I want to look good in my new bathing suit .

  13. 你不觉得你的泳裤保守了一点吗?

    Don 't you thinkyour trunks are a little conservative ?

  14. 卢克,你怎么能忘了你的泳裤?

    Luke , how could you forget your bathing suit ?

  15. 我现在又穿不进去泳裤了。

    I 'm not going to fitinto my Speedo now .

  16. 唯一我没找到的是你的性感泳裤。

    The only thing I couldn 't find though was your speedo .

  17. 拜托别告诉我是丁字泳裤。

    Please don 't tell me it 's a thong .

  18. 标准泳裤实用、不拘束、而且几乎所有男人穿着都不错。

    They are practical , relaxed and look good on almost every man .

  19. 他在沙滩上只穿条泳裤?

    Does he wear a Speedo at the beach ?

  20. 他泳裤左裤腿冒出来的是什么东西?

    What 's coming out of the left leg of his swim shorts ?

  21. 不穿泳裤一定很冷吧。

    It must be cold without your trunks .

  22. 这男式平腿泳裤为什么这么贵?

    Why are these Boxer Shorts so expensive ?

  23. 倒是安边站着的一些穿紧身泳裤的老爷们让我觉得很好笑。

    Although , I was fairly amused by guys wearing speedoes on on the shore .

  24. 每次向下踢腿时,泳裤就应露出水面。

    When the feet kick down , the bathing suit comes out of the water every time .

  25. 塞内卡尔说,他也不喜欢晒太阳,很少穿泳裤。

    And , Mr Senecal said , he is not a sun worshipper - rarely appearing in swimming trunks .

  26. 参赛者身穿比基尼和紧身泳裤时,展现的就不仅仅只是运动能力了。

    With participants dressed in bikinis and tight swimming trunks , athletic ability is not the only thing on display .

  27. 结果,我们脑海里出现许多实际问题,例如:他应穿泳裤还是短裤到学校?

    As a result , lots of questions came up about expectations and behavior patterns : Should he wear a bathing suit or shorts to school ?

  28. 湖南省有4名男人穿着泳裤,带着潜水装备在5.5米深的泳池底部搓起了麻将。

    With diving equipment , four men in swim trunks are playing Mahjong at the bottom of a 5.5-meter-deep swimming pool in central China 's Hunan province .

  29. 男性应该在海滩及游泳池中穿三角泳裤,并以穿三角泳裤自豪。

    The guys should be wearing in the triangular swimming trunks in the swimming pools and the beaches and proud of wearing in the triangular swimming trunks .

  30. 比如说,三角泳裤在欧洲很常见,但如果你在加利福尼亚海滩上这么穿,你会被别人笑死的。

    Swim briefs , for instance , are commonplace in Europe , but if you wear them on a beach in California , you 'll be laughed out of the water .