
  • 网络computer network architecture
  1. 由于现有的计算机网络体系结构没有考虑对服务质量(QoS)的控制,因此有必要对现有的网络体系进行改革,加强对多媒体信息传输的适应性。

    Since the existing computer network architecture fails to allow for QoS control , it is necessary to reconfigure the current network structure and enhance its adaptability to the multimedia information transmission .

  2. 计算机网络体系结构研究

    On Computer Network Architecture Issue

  3. 系统介绍了3G自动化测试平台设计和开发中所涉及到的一些重要知识,如计算机网络体系结构、以太网、TCP/IP协议等。

    Secondly , the paper narrates some important knowledge and principle which provide the foundation for developing the platform , such as hierarchical structure of computer network , ethernet network , TCP / IP protocols etc.

  4. 通过研究计算机网络体系结构发展的历史,吸收了软件体系结构研究的成果,提出了一种基于交互的网络体系结构框架模型(FINA)。

    By researching on the history of network architecture development and adopting the results of software architecture researches , a framework of interaction based network architecture ( FINA ) is proposed in this paper .

  5. 下一代新型计算机网络体系结构不断兴起。

    A new generation architectures of computer network continues to burgeoning .

  6. 提出要想彻底解决网络安全的问题,必须探索一种全新的计算机网络体系结构;

    It is necessary to explore a completely new network architecture so as to solve network privacy problems thoroughly .

  7. 本文以基于Web的计算机网络管理体系结构为基础,结合VRML及Java技术,给出了一个实现网络管理的可视化模型,以便为网络管理者提供更为直观的三维图形用户界面和良好的交互手段。

    This paper is on the basis of computer network management architecture based on Web , gives a visualization model to realize the network management combining VRML and the technique of Java , and the more directly 3D GUI and the good interaction means are provided to the network manager .

  8. 计算机网络安全体系结构及其技术

    Architecture & Technology for Security of Computer NetWork

  9. 计算机网络层次体系结构教学与实践

    Teaching and Practice of Computer Network Layer Architecture

  10. 根据实际的安全分析和业务需求分析,针对信息网络的安全问题,提出了一个通过包过滤路由器来构建计算机网络防火墙体系结构的方法,使防火墙在网络安全中发挥最大的作用。

    Based on the discussion of the information network security and the analysis of real security and business demand , the paper proposed a method to construct the architecture of network firewall using packet filter router , which made the firewall exert its full function in the network security .

  11. 介绍了计算机网络管理的体系结构和协议,分析了IBM的局网技术,着重论述了IBM的LAN(局网)管理策略并给出了它的一个具体应用例。

    Describes the systematic architecture and protocol of computer network management with IBM LAN technique discussed . The IBM LAN network management strategy is explained including an application example in detail .

  12. 计算机网络安全标准体系结构及对策研究

    Research on the system structure of network safety standard and its countermeasure

  13. 防火墙技术作为计算机网络安全技术体系结构中的一个重要组成部分,在保护网络安全过程中发挥了关键的作用。

    As a crucial part of the technological system concerning computer network security , firewall plays a critical role in protecting network security .

  14. OSI/RM将计算机网络将网体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次。

    OSI / RM classify the structure of the network into application layer , presentation layer , session layer , transport layer , network layer , data link layer and physical layer .

  15. 计算机网络技术(2)计算机网络体系结构及通信协议

    Computer Network Technology ( 2 ) The Architecture and Protocol of Computer Network