
  • 网络Computer cluster;PC cluster
  1. 计算机集群是随着分布式计算机系统而发展来的,特别是近年来Internet的出现,对集群技术的要求越来越高。

    Computer cluster is developing with the distributing Computer system . Specially the Internet accelerate the development of Cluster .

  2. 通过对N皇后问题棋盘矩阵的旋转,改进了回溯算法,并通过计算机集群并行实现了N皇后的计数问题。

    Traditional backtracking algorithm has been improved by rotating the chessboard matrix and put into solving N-queens counting problem in computer cluster .

  3. 本文是系列文章中的第3部分,该系列涵盖了安装和设置一个大型Linux计算机集群的全部内容。

    This is the third in a series of articles that cover the installation and setup of a large Linux computer cluster .

  4. 在应用程序之外通过map和reduce基元来查看世界,Hadoop作为在计算机集群之间分配工作的方式非常有用。

    Outside of applications that view the world through map and reduce primitives , Hadoop is useful as a means of distributing work among a cluster of machines .

  5. 基于Erlang语言构建加密计算机集群

    Encrypt Computer Cluster based on Erlang

  6. 例如,基于MDP的SOA和ESB应用程序能够在计算机集群上运行,从而提高可靠性和可用性。

    For instance , SOA and ESB applications based on MDP can run on a cluster of computers to improve reliability and availability .

  7. 讨论了应用普通的PC机和Linux操作系统以及其他免费软件实现的BESⅢ在线数据获取系统的测试计算机集群的设计与实现。

    The design and implementation of the BES ⅲ online data acquisition system test farm with PC , Linux and other free software are presented .

  8. 此外,作为Apache软件基金会组织下的一个极具特色的开源项目,Hadoop可以方便、快速的实现计算机集群。

    In addition , as a unique open source project of the Apache Software Foundation organization , hadoop implements computer clusters easily and quickly .

  9. 基于Linpack的高性能计算机集群的并行性能测试

    Parallel Performance Evaluation for High Performance Computer Cluster Based on Linpack

  10. 深入探讨计算机集群及其负载均衡问题,基于Petri网的理论对目前已有的几种算法策略进行了建模分析。

    Deeply discussed the computer cluster and its load balancing problem . And then several algorithms of the current strategy have been modeling and analysis by Petri nets . 3 .

  11. 面向计算机集群系统的FP-Growth算法的并行计算

    Parallel FP-Growth Algorithm on PC Cluster

  12. 本算法在高性能计算机集群MPI环境中并行实现时,采用主从模式设计程序,合理调配各节点的计算负载,并应用容错处理手段,达到了较高的并行效率。

    The method was realized in powerful cluster MPI computing environment using master-slave model . Strategies of load relocation on different nodes and fault-tolerance were adopted .

  13. 使用Hadoop的大规模数据处理与分析提供了一个框架,通过将工作负载分散到一个计算机集群中来充分利用这些资源。

    Big data processing and analytics using Hadoop provides a framework to take advantage of these resources by distributing the workload into a cluster of computers .

  14. 这一独立特性使得StrongBox成为安全地部署嵌入式系统、计算机集群、企业Linux部署、安全的Web服务器、PBX系统以及kiosk系统的理想选择。

    This independence makes StrongBox ideal for the secure deployment of embedded systems , computing clusters , enterprise Linux deployments , secure Web servers , PBX systems , and kiosk systems .

  15. 该算法应用在多节点环境的计算机集群上,用FCM算法实现一种样本权重修正算法,使得多节点能够同时训练多个分类器。

    This algorithm is applied on the computer cluster of the multi-node environment , using FCM to implement a algorithm to adjust the sample distribution , so that multiple classifiers can be trained simultaneously on multiple nodes .

  16. 测试和评价了Fluent软件并行性能,结果表明Fluent在高性能计算机集群的硬件条件下具有更好的并行性能,其16个CPU的加速比达到了11。

    The speedup performance of Fluent in the parallel computing is tested and evaluated , and the results show that Fluent have the better parallel performance in the High Performance Parallel Cluster and its speedup rate arrives at 10 under 16 CPUs .

  17. pdsh:这个计算机集群管理工具可以并行地在多台计算机上运行命令。

    Pdsh : This compute cluster management tool can run a command on multiple machines in parallel .

  18. Hadoop框架充分利用了计算机集群的优势高速运算和存储,可以对海量数据进行分布式处理,而用户可以在不了解分布式底层细节的情况下,轻松地开发和运行处理大量数据的应用程序。

    Hadoop framework allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models . Users can easily develop and run applications processing large amounts of data , without the knowledge of distributed technology .

  19. 本文概述了计算机集群技术的概念、技术基础、并行软件开发环境和Beowulf集群;论述了石油工业对高性能计算的需求;

    In this paper , the authors outline the basic concepts and technical fundamentals of cluster computing , Beowulf cluster , and software development environments of parallel computing ( MPI and PVM ), which are independent of hardware plateforms .

  20. IaaS云管理平台作为网络化操作系统的基础,建立在由大量服务器等硬件资源组成的集群之上,利用虚拟化技术对集群中硬件资源统一管理,向外界提供可用的计算机集群。

    As basement of Network-Operating system , Cloud Computing platform is established on a computer cluster which includes a large number of servers , provide unified management of hardware resource in computer cluster by virtualization technology and provide available virtual machine cluster to the outside users .

  21. 计算机集群的搭建、测试与应用

    Building , testing , and application of high performance computer clusters

  22. 计算机集群技术在医院网络服务器中的应用

    The application of the computer cluster technology in the hospital server

  23. 网络计算机集群负载均衡机制的研究

    Research of mechanism of load balancing for network computer cluster

  24. 计算机集群就为这样的并行计算提供了很好的平台。

    Computer cluster provides a good platform for parallel computing .

  25. 新的计算机集群上需要实现近似线性的缩放。

    The new computer cluster on the need to achieve nearly linear scaling .

  26. 计算机集群技术的计算环境与拓扑结构实现

    Computing Environment and Topology Structure Implementation of Clustering Technology

  27. 系统内部温度高得出奇,仿佛这个计算机集群是活生生的一般。

    It is surprisingly warm inside , as if the cluster were alive .

  28. 计算机集群监控系统任务模型的研究监护仪器的发展状态

    The Study of Task Mode for Cluster Computer Monitor System Development of the Monitor

  29. 计算机集群系统是超级计算机发展的方向;

    The computer cluster of the system makes the direction of the super calculator evelopment ;

  30. 高性能计算机集群的性能评价

    Performance Evaluation of High Performance Computer Cluster