
dì zhǐ kōnɡ jiān
  • address space
  1. 协同组编辑中基于地址空间转换的一致性维护方法

    Consistency Maintenance Based on the Address Space Transformation Technique in Group Editors

  2. IP地址空间危机及其解决办法

    The Crisis of the IP Address Space and Its Solution

  3. 本机代码必须与Java运行时共享地址空间。

    The native code must share the address space with the Java runtime .

  4. 当前IP网络面临的最急需解决的问题是地址空间的日益匮乏。

    The most compelling problem facing the IP Internet is IP address depletion .

  5. 每个DB2代理进程都有其自己的内存地址空间。

    Each DB2 agent process has its own memory address space .

  6. DB2需要一个连续的地址空间来作为共享内存区域。

    DB2 needs a contiguous address space for the shared memory area .

  7. Java堆可能是进程中最大的虚拟地址空间使用者。

    The Java heap is likely to be the largest consumer of virtual address space in the process .

  8. Windows通过将来自不同地址空间的多个虚拟页映射到同一个物理地址来实现这种机制。

    Windows does this by mapping multiple virtual pages from different address spaces to the same physical location .

  9. 在Linux中,用户内存和内核内存是独立的,在各自的地址空间实现。

    In Linux , user memory and kernel memory are independent and implemented in separate address spaces .

  10. IPv6具有IP地址空间扩大、安全性提高、移动性内在支持等优点。

    IPv6 has the advantages such as IP stretch , security improvement and mobile support , etc.

  11. 这些库被直接装载到DB2内核中,并在我们的地址空间中运行。

    These libraries are loaded directly into the DB2 kernel and run in our address space .

  12. 将所有DB2内存集放入这个地址空间应该没有问题。

    You should have no problem fitting all the DB2 memory sets into this address space .

  13. 主要包括规划存储器的地址空间、配置硬件设备、改良Flash驱动程序。

    These functions include arrangement of address space , configuration of hardware and improvement of Flash driver .

  14. 此节列出了在exchange组织中的每个发送连接器、外部连接器或旧版网关连接器上配置的所有地址空间。

    This section lists all the address spaces that are configured on every send connector , foreign connector , or legacy gateway connector in the exchange organization .

  15. DB2实用程序运行于其批量地址空间之下,根据需要使用来自其他DB2地址空间的内存。

    DB2 utilities run under their batch address spaces and uses memory from other DB2 address spaces as required .

  16. 在研究此配置的细节之前,下面首先列出WebSphereApplicationServerforz/OS采用拆分地址空间体系结构的一些原因

    Before we look at details of this configuration , here are a few reasons for the split address space architecture of WebSphere Application Server for z / OS

  17. 基于DNS的集成网络地址空间管理机制

    An integrated network address regulation method based on DNS

  18. 此外,通过将数据保存在地址空间与Java应用程序相同的缓存内,也会显著提高性能。

    There is still a significant performance improvement by having the data stored in cache in the same address space with the Java application .

  19. 碰巧的是,这些地址空间区域对您来说没有什么意义,因为它是供Windows使用的。

    The chances are that none of this area of the address space means anything to you , because it 's used by Windows .

  20. 它不仅扩大了地址空间,还继承了许多IPv4的特点,比如多播这种通信方式,但是基于IPv6多播的应用还很少。

    But the application which based on the IPv6 multicast are also few .

  21. 直接内存存取(directmemoryaccess,DMA)引擎执行了第一次拷贝(参见图1),它从磁盘中读取文件内容,然后将它们存储到一个内核地址空间缓存区中。

    The first copy is performed by the DMA engine , which reads file contents from the disk and stores them into a kernel address space buffer .

  22. 各种网络应用在IP地址空间上的分布是不均匀的,这就意味着蠕虫可以利用的漏洞也是不均匀分布的。

    A variety of network applications in Internet distribute unevenly in IP address space . This means the vulnerabilities which worm can make use of distribute unevenly .

  23. 在WINDOWS中每个进程的地址空间是私有的,因此一个进程需通过特殊方法才能访问其它进程的地址空间。

    In Windows , the process 's address space is private , so one process should use the special methods to assess another process 's address space .

  24. 每个VLAN使用单独的地址空间。

    D.Each VLAN uses a separate address space .

  25. 当然,调用过程之间,对象保存在Twisted服务器的地址空间中。

    Between calls , of course , the object is maintained in the address space of the Twisted server .

  26. 很快地址空间就被耗尽,我们不得不迁移到IPv6。

    As it will soon run out of address space , it is inevitable that we must migrate to IPv6 .

  27. 下一代网络协议IPv6因其巨大的地址空间和合理的报文结构,为节点移动性的实现提供了有力的支持。

    IPv6 , which has a plenty of IP addresses and a reasonable structure of datagram , can support mobility firmly .

  28. IPv6所提供的巨大的地址空间以及所具有的诸多优势和功能。

    The huge IP address space and other advantage that IPv6 provided make it become the criterion of next generation network .

  29. 基于REST的微核负责处理所有的资源请求,从地址空间中解析URI地址,并且返回该资源的表示。

    A REST-based micro-kernel handles all requests for resources , resolving the URI from the address space and returning a representation of that resource .

  30. 然而遗憾的是,IPv4地址空间很快就要耗尽了。

    Unfortunately , the IPv4 address space is running out , and quickly .