
  1. 随着Web技术的发展以及各领域信息化改革的日益深入,Web应用系统的规模和复杂度也在不断增加,开发效率和维护成本问题日益突出。

    With the development of Web technology and information in the areas of reform of the increasing depth , Web application system the size and complexity has also increased , the efficiency of development and maintenance costs have become increasingly prominent .

  2. 前言:介绍了国际国内医疗卫生领域信息化的进展情况:SARS刺激了医院信息系统的发展;

    This is an introduction on the progress of informatization in medical and health field internationally and nationally : SARS stimulates the development of hospital information system ;

  3. 针对工程建设领域信息化实施的困境,分析了工程建设项目管理信息的特点,总结了三种信息系统集成的模式,提出了工程建设项目管理信息系统(MIS)的实施策略。

    Aimed to the implement predicament of construction engineering informatization , the characteristics of construction engineering management information are analyzed , three kinds of mode of information system integration are summed up , and the implement tactics of the construction engineering management information system ( MIS ) are put forward .

  4. 2003年医疗卫生领域信息化进展

    The progress of informatization in medical and health field in 2003

  5. 2003-2004年生产资料流通领域信息化发展概况

    Overview on Development of Production Material Circulation Informatization in 2003-2004

  6. 随着世界信息化步伐的日益加快,土木工程领域信息化程度相对较低。

    The information level is relative low in the field of civil engineering .

  7. 此系统的开发与推广对于进一步加强冷库管理水平,增强食品储藏领域信息化水平具有很重要的现实意义。

    Development and popularization of the system have great significances to further strengthen the management and information level of food refrigeratory .

  8. 建设项目全寿命期的信息共享问题是建设领域信息化的关键工作。

    The problem of all-life-cycle information sharing in construction project is always a key work of the research on construction informationalization .

  9. 中诺思愿携手行业客户和合作伙伴,共同推动我国物流领域信息化的发展与进步,共同跨入一个崭新的发展阶段。

    NOS China works with his customers and partners together to jointly promote the logistics business informationization development into a new stage .

  10. 近年来,伴随着信息化的发展,我国教育领域信息化也取得了丰硕的成果。

    In recent years , along with the development of information technology , the informatization of educational field of our country has achieved fruitful results .

  11. 面对全球性的信息化浪潮,国家提出了实现领域信息化、区域信息化和企业信息化等信息化发展策略。

    In face of global informationization tide , Chinese government has created a development strategy concerning the realization of informationization in fields , regions and enterprises .

  12. 而电子政务是政府信息化建设的核心,是国家信息化水平的重要标志和其他领域信息化建设的关键动力。

    And e-government is kernel construction of government informationization . That is the important identification of a national informationization and also key power of informationization construction in other areas .

  13. 而城市是区域信息化、领域信息化、企业信息化和社会信息化的交汇点,是国家信息化在城市这一层面的缩影。

    And the urban informatization is the joints of regional informatization , domain informatization , enterprise informatization and social informatization , it is the epitome of the national informatization in this aspect .

  14. 风险管理作为海关管理领域信息化治理的重要实践载体,能够有效的解决我国海关监管工作中严格执法与高效运作的突出矛盾,为守法企业提供高效便捷的服务。

    Risk management as an important practice carrier of the customs management area which can efficiently help the contradiction between strictly enforcement of law and efficiently operation in our customs supervise process .

  15. 随着国际油气田工程技术服务市场竞争日趋激烈,石油工程技术服务领域信息化发展呈现现场信息数字化、软件体系一体化和信息集成化的趋势。

    With increased competition in international oil engineering technical service market , The informationization development in the field of engineering and technical service presents a trend of on-site information digitization , software system integration , information integration .

  16. 信息技术的突飞猛进,为仲裁领域信息化建设提供了广阔的发展空间,将以计算机技术和网络技术为核心的信息技术与仲裁案件管理工作紧密结合,是历史和社会发展的必然。

    Remarkable progress in information technology provides broad developing space for the information in arbitration field . Closely connecting arbitration case management with information technology centered by computer and network technology is the inevitable outcome of the development of history and society .

  17. 民商事仲裁具有准司法的性质,笔者通过对国内外司法领域信息化建设和管理现状的比较分析,总结出我国仲裁案件信息化建设和管理特点和发展趋势。

    Arbitration in civil cases and business possesses the quasi-judicial characteristic . The author concludes the features and developing trend of arbitration cases in information construct and management by comparing and analyzing the current conditions of information development and management between China and other countries .

  18. 本文通过对大连出口加工区的电子商务需求进行分析,结合当今社会电子商务发展现状及物流领域信息化发展格局,提出建设大连出口加工区电子商务系统。

    By analyzing the demand of Electronic Business in Dalian Export Expressing Zone ( EPZ as the abbreviation ), as well as integrating the current development situation of E-business with the information development pattern in logistics field , this essay put forward the viewpoint of constructing E-business system in EPZ .

  19. EAM即企业资产管理,它是资产密集型企业在生产维修领域的信息化解决方案。

    EAM , the Enterprise Asset Management , grew out of the CMMS , the Computerized Maintenance Management System .

  20. 农业科研机构项目管理系统是各级农业科研机构实行办公自动化(OA)的核心内容,既可以整合到OA平台上,也可以独立运行,支持农业科研机构率先在科研项目管理领域实现信息化管理。

    As a functional module , the Scientific Project Management ( SPM ) is the core content in the OA application for agricultural research organizations . It should be either integrated into the OA platform or operated separately .

  21. 目前J2EE应用服务器已经广泛应用于各个行业或领域的信息化建设。并且随着国家信息化建设的不断深入,其需求规模和应用地位还将不断攀升。

    Currently the J2EE application server has been widely used in the information construction of various important industries or fields , and with the national information construction been constantly deepened , its demand scale and application status will be still raising continuously .

  22. 随着电子计算机的不断发展,社会各个领域的信息化进程也在不断加快,在这个过程中,光学识别技术(OCR)逐渐成为一些工作中的主角。

    With the continuous development of computer , the process of information in all fields of society is accelerating dramatically ; meanwhile , the optical recognition technology ( OCR ) in this process has become the protagonist of some of the work .

  23. 教学设计的新领域&信息化教学设计

    New Field of Instructional Design & Information Instructional Design

  24. 并且长期以来,对此类领域的信息化也引发各种热议。

    Since a long time , such areas of information technology management has led to hot discussions .

  25. 这套系统在国际上也处于领先地位,并且会提升国内航空领域的信息化水平

    The system is internationally advanced and will improve the information applications in the civil aviation industry .

  26. 信息化时代带动着教育领域的信息化改革。

    The era of information led the information technology reformation of the field of education to improve .

  27. 在二十一世纪的今天,全球医疗领域的信息化革命方兴未艾。

    On this day in twenty-first Century , the global information revolution in medical field is just unfolding .

  28. 其中,第一个领域是信息化社会,第二个是数字化时代的安全与安全研究。

    The first area is the Information Society ; the second area is digital age security and security studies .

  29. 随着信息化时代的到来,在各个领域中信息化技术、软件技术发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the advent of the information age , the use of information technology has penetrated into all walks of life .

  30. 随着信息科学技术的快速发展和经济发展的稳步前进,信息技术逐步广泛应用于社会的不同领域,信息化与网络化成为各行业数字化的重要基础手段。

    With the fast development of science and technology and the steady progress of economic evolution , information technology has been applied in different areas ;