
  • 网络family farm;home farm;Fishers Family Farm
  1. 基于DEA模型的家庭农场规模经营评价与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis on Scale Management of Family Farm Based on DEA Method

  2. 看一下我最近到莫桑比克楠普拉省(Nampula)的一个家庭农场参观的情况。

    Consider a visit I recently made to a family farm in Nampula Province of Mozambique .

  3. 目标是要建立一个能够使家庭农场得以存续的国家,并使其维持下去。

    The goal has been to establish and sustain a nation of viable family farms .

  4. 但是JoStaton理解为什么布什小姐想把五月十日的婚礼搬到德克萨斯克拉福特郊外的家庭农场。

    But Jo Staton understands why Miss Bush wanted to have her nuptials , which took place on May10th , at the family ranch just outside Crawford , Texas . " She 's down to earth ," said Ms Staton .

  5. 你们普遍支持家庭农场而不是大型农场。

    You are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms .

  6. 这些法令对那些为生存而斗争的家庭农场来说是有帮助的。

    Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence .

  7. 简论家庭农场浅谈现代家庭装饰

    Brief Analysis on Family Farm Simple talks about modern house ornament

  8. 家庭农场是我国社会主义初级阶段农业生产组织形式的基本形式。

    Family farms is the basic form of agricultural production organization .

  9. 他们失去了家庭农场已经不能再算是农民了

    They lose the family farm , they lose their identity .

  10. 家庭农场每天的工作时间大多很长。

    Very long work days are usual on family farms .

  11. 家庭农场是现代农业的一种有效的经营方式。

    Family farm is a management way of modern agriculture .

  12. 家庭农场农机规模经营影响因素分析

    Analysis of Effective Factors on Agricultural Machinery Scale Management in Typical Farm

  13. 发展我国效率与规模兼容的家庭农场

    On Establishing Large and Efficient Household Farms in China

  14. 生态农业模式与节能型家庭农场的构建

    The Constrution of Ecological Agricultural Patterns and Ecological-economical Family-farms

  15. 湖南省职工家庭农场发展趋势初探

    A preliminary approach to the developing tendency of the family farms in Hunan

  16. 家庭农场是苏南农业集约化经营的现实选择

    Family Farms as a Realistic Option for Intensive Agricultural Management in Southern Jiangsu

  17. 家庭农场系统结构的研究

    Study on system structure model of a household farm

  18. 家庭农场适度土地规模的研究

    The study on suitable land size of family farm

  19. 把农业机械化的优势与家庭农场的长处结合起来

    Combination of the superiority of agricultural mechanization and the strong points of family farm

  20. 有些评论家认为政府保护家庭农场是有好处的。

    Some commentators argue that the government has a stake in preserving family farms .

  21. 英国农业革命与家庭农场的崛起

    English Agricultural Revolution and the Family Farms

  22. 英国家庭农场的早期实践对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of britain family farm early practice

  23. 美法日家庭农场发展的经验与启示

    The Experience and Apocalypse of the Development of American , French and Japanese Family Farms

  24. 它们大部分地分布在印第安原始居民区,一小部分在家庭农场外养殖。

    It is found largely among the Tarahumara Indians and among smaller family-outdoor pig farms .

  25. 国内外的实践都证明,家庭农场比集体农场更优越、效率更高。

    Practices in domestic and foreign agriculture proved the family farm is superior to collective farm .

  26. 在那时的密执安,一个中型的家庭农场最少也得有一百五十英亩面积。

    In Michigan at that time a middle-sized family farm would be at least 150 acres .

  27. 河西地区家庭农场农机配备方案优化计算

    Schemes of Agricultural Machinery Optimum Calculation for Individual Farm in the West District of Gansu Province

  28. 山姆的母亲为了替丈夫还债,不得不卖掉了家庭农场。

    Sam 's mother had to sell the farm to pay the money her husband owed .

  29. 他们在一个非常贫困的家庭农场里住了一天一夜。

    They spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family .

  30. 简论家庭农场

    Brief Analysis on Family Farm