
  • 网络Family organization;clan organization
  1. 论文指出,徽商从事盐业以家族组织为其基本形态,这就给两淮盐务深深地打上了家族生活的烙印。其中,最主要的是对歙县岑山渡程氏宗族聚居地的调查。

    It points out that Huizhou salt tradesman took clan organization as the basical form to carry salt business .

  2. 黑根也属于迈克尔西部家族组织的成员。

    Hagen too was part of Michael 's Western Family .

  3. 略论明清中国家族组织的性质及影响

    On the Nature of Chinese Clan and Its Influence in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  4. 作为考利昂家族组织中最高执行官,他是配那样的持枪证的。

    As a top executive operating official of the Family he rated the license .

  5. 家族组织的完善、门当户对有选择的婚姻、成功的家族教育等是高密单氏兴盛的重要因素。

    Perfect family organization , selective marriage and successful family education were important factors for SSG .

  6. 明清至民国时期山东半岛军户家族组织研究

    A Study of Military Family Households Organization in the Shandong Peninsula between Ming Dynasty and Republic of China

  7. 说实在的,这次会谈是绝对保密的,事前知道的也只是家族组织中的几个头头。

    Indeed the meeting itself was top secret . The only ones who knew about it were the capos of the Family .

  8. 从中国古代地方组织化的过程来看,乡里组织和家族组织成为两种代表性的组织和力量。

    According to the course of the ancient local organization in China , home-town organization and the family organization become two representative organizations and government strength .

  9. 家族组织是长久以来中国进行社会控制的一个重要部分,是理解中国农村社会必不可少的透视角。

    Family organization has been all important part in controlling China 's society and is also an essential prospective angle to learn rural society of China .

  10. 构成家族组织重要组成部分的家规礼法,成为儒家伦理与家族文化结合的载体。

    Family rules and rites , the important components of family organization , were the carrier of the combination of the Confucian ethics and a kindred culture .

  11. 唐末五代的战乱,使形成于魏晋南北朝时期的世家大族式家族组织瓦解。

    War in the late Tang and Five Dynasties broke down the large family-run organization which was formed during the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties .

  12. 在此后几千年的发展过程中,形态几经演变,宋代则处于第三种类型家族组织的形成时期。

    The form had evolved in the development process in the thousands of years . Song Dynasty is in the formation period of the third type of family organization .

  13. 二次合葬习俗的发展过程,就是合葬墓所代表的家族组织从氏族中萌芽、发展壮大,并最终完全取代氏族组织的全过程。

    The development of Secondary Joint Burial , which reflects the whole process that family group originated from clan have developed and grown , replacing the clan completely at last .

  14. 地缘是形成村落家族组织的必要的条件,而传统村落家族的地缘性特点在离家时便悄悄瓦解了。

    Geographical relationship is the necessary conditions for the formation of the organization of village family , but the geopolitical characteristics of the traditional village family quietly disintegrated when they leave home .

  15. 村寨聚落是民族文化赖以传承的生活空间,它以血缘关系和地缘关系为基础,血缘家族组织结构相对简单。

    The minority villages is life space for developing and inheriting ethnic cultures , it based on the relation of consanguinity and region , the strains of a family organization are relatively simple .

  16. 进入越南的国际银行所面临的另一个挑战,是如何向目前被非正式信贷网络所覆盖的农村市场拓展。包括放款人、家族组织和家庭成员的非正式网络,目前满足着越南人一半以上的融资需求。

    Another challenge for global banks entering Vietnam is to extend their reach to the countryside where informal networks of money-lenders , clan associations and family members meet more than half of Vietnamese financial needs .

  17. 因此家族组织、家族的仕宦状况、婚姻圈、交游网以及经营地方,也相当重要。

    Therefore , the family organizes , the condition of the family to be a public official , the marital circle , the friendships as well as managing the local society , also were quite important .

  18. 同时,也能促进其他民族对回族的风俗习惯的进一步认知和尊重,并使回族家族组织民俗更好地为社会服务,推动社会主义新农村建设,为构建平等和谐的社会主义社会做好理论方面的铺垫。

    Meanwhile , it also can promote Hui nationality to further awareness and respect for customs and family organization to serve the community better , to promote a new socialist countryside construction , and build a harmonious socialist society .

  19. 明清家族共同体组织民俗论纲

    On the Folklores of Family Community in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  20. 家族企业组织演进的理论研究综述

    Literature summary on theoretic research on the organization evolution of family business

  21. 基于外部市场的中国家族企业组织演进研究

    Research on Organization Evolution of Family Firms in China Based on External Market

  22. 家族企业组织演进的进化博弈模型

    Game Model for the Organization Evolution of Family Businesses

  23. 基于复杂系统理论的家族企业组织演化研究

    The Study on Organizational Evolution of Family Business Based on Complex System Theory

  24. 产品市场竞争与家族企业组织演进

    Product Market Competition and the Evolution of Family Business

  25. 这个机制能解释家族企业组织学习的50%左右的变异。

    They can explain about 50 % variance of organizational learning of family business .

  26. 那种认为家族式组织作为一种企业模式必然要被现代公司制度所代替的观点,也是不现实的。

    The viewpoint that the family business must be replaced by the modern corporate system is also not really .

  27. 以往关于家族企业组织学习研究,往往还停留在利用组织学习理论来定性分析家族企业的某些经营活动。

    However , former studies on organizational learning of family business stick on using theories of organizational learning to analysis family business qualitatively .

  28. 在此基础之上,作者针对不同行业的企业所受到的产业扶持程度对家族企业组织演进作了进一步的思考并得出基本结论。

    On the basis of the analysis , the authors consider the organization evolution based on industry support and then make basic conclusions .

  29. 家族企业组织环境的复杂性呈现不断升高的趋势,这种趋势对于家族企业组织发展与变革的具有重要影响。

    It is a constant increasing trend which influences the development and organization change of the family business in the complexity of the family business organization .

  30. 论文在分析家族企业组织结构特点的基础上,提出优化家族企业组织结构的具体方法和措施。

    This paper analyze the features of family firms , and proposed the specific methods and measures to optimize the organization of family business based on this analysis .