
  • 网络Lingyuan;Lingyuan City
  1. 基于GIS的玉米用地适宜性评价研究&以辽宁省凌源市西南部6乡镇为例

    Evaluation of Suitability of Land for Corn Based on GIS ── A Case of 6 Townships in Southwest Lingyuan City of Liaoning Province

  2. 基于GIS与地统计学土壤养分空间变异特征研究&以辽宁省凌源市6乡镇为例

    Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients Based on GIS and Geostatistics & A Case Study of 6 Townships in Lingyuan City , Liaoning Province

  3. 以101国道凌源市路段SBS改性沥青路面施工及试验情况为例,简要介绍SBS改性沥青混合料的生产及铺筑技术。

    Taking construction and test of SBS modified asphalt pavement of Ling-Yuan City Section on National Road 101 for example , the paper introduces briefly techniques for production and construction paving of the mix .

  4. 凌源市是我国重要的鲜食葡萄产区之一。

    Lingyuan City is one of our important table grape growing districts .

  5. 新时期凌源市旧城更新实践研究

    Practical Research for the Urban Renewal of LingYuan City in New Period

  6. 对凌源市绿色农产品的发展现状进行了客观的阐述。

    Lingyuan City on the development of green farm produce an objective exposition of the current situation .

  7. 农用地质量空间分布规律研究&以辽宁省凌源市为例

    Study on the Spatial Distribution Law of Agricultural Land Quality & A Case Lingyuan City of Liaoning Province

  8. 作者在调查凌源市农业基本情况的基础上,对凌源市的农业品牌进行了研究。

    So the author studied the brand of agricultural products in the foundation of the basic situation of agriculture .

  9. 位于辽西凌源市南部的牛营子&邓杖子地区侏罗系地质问题多年来困扰着地质学家。

    The Jurassic geology of the Niuyingzi-Dengzhangzi area of western Liaoning province south of Lingyuan has challenged geologists for many years .

  10. 卫星遥感数据在山区地下水信息提取方法&以辽宁省凌源市为例

    Extraction of Underground Water Information at a Mountainous Area Based on ETM Images & Exploration in Lingyuan City , Liaoning Province as Example

  11. 在保障凌源市蔬菜供应方面发挥着重要作用,是农民致富和农业增收的重要手段。

    Lingyuan City in protecting the supply of vegetables play an important role , is the rich farmers and an important means of agricultural income .

  12. 1996年9月16日,辽宁凌源市食品公司统计员张立君练功时用玻璃割腕自尽未遂。

    Sept.1996 , Statistician Zhang Lijun , Food Company of the Ling Yuan City of Liaoning Province , cut the wrist when practicing but failed to die.On17 Sept.

  13. 设施蔬菜是凌源市农业中生产的传统产业,有着悠久的历史,长期以来在凌源市农村经济中占有十分重要的位置。

    Lingyuan vegetable is produced in the traditional agricultural industry has a long history , has long been the rural economy in Lingyuan City occupies a very important position .

  14. 但是,由于受到地域范围、县域经济发展水平等因素的影响,凌源市的绿色农产品发展还存在着许多问题。

    However , due to the geographical area of the county economic development level and other factors , the development of green agricultural products Lingyuan City , there are still many problems .

  15. 自上世纪90年代起,凌源市结合自身地域特点,开始大规模发展设施农业,适时的发展绿色农产品,并已取得了可喜成果。

    Since the 90 years since the last century , with its own regional characteristics Lingyuan City , began a large-scale development of agriculture , timely development of green agricultural products , and has achieved gratifying results .