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líng chí
  • put to death by dismembering the body;ruin;put to death by dismembering the body a feudal form of capital punishment;bully;decay
凌迟 [líng chí]
  • (1) [put to death by dismembering the body a feudal form of capital punishment]∶零割碎剐的一种酷刑。亦称凌持

  • 凌迟重辟

  • (2) [bully]∶欺凌;欺负

  • (3) [decay;ruin]∶衰败,崩坏

  • 堤防凌迟

凌迟[líng chí]
  1. 在首席执行官程守宗(JohnChen)的领导下,黑莓手机业务被凌迟处死——程逐渐地让黑莓公司离开手机硬件市场。

    It has been death by a thousand cuts for the phone business under chief executive John Chen , who has slowly unwound the company 's attempts to stay relevant in the handset market .

  2. 宋代凌迟之刑的使用对元明清均产生了重要影响。

    It had an important influence on later dynasties .

  3. 不会让我承受痛苦的凌迟。

    I will not let the Lingzhi endured pain .

  4. 我情愿打入死牢也要把你凌迟无数次。

    I 'd rather be on death row for killing you a zillion times .

  5. 论凌迟之刑的起源及在宋代的发展

    On the Origin and Development in Song Dynasty of Death Penalty by Cutting Flesh Bit by Bit

  6. 如果说爱情是主谋,那么回忆将是我们凌迟处死的侩子手。

    If love is mastermind , then cut into pieces will be our memories to be put to death the executioner .

  7. 他们还要召集联军来攻打你,用石头砸死你,用刀剑把你凌迟。

    And they shall bring upon thee a multitude , and they shall stone thee with stones , and shall slay thee with their swords .

  8. 在一次采访中,鲍康如表示,对于妇女来说,在高科技产业工作就像被凌迟处死,因为在这个由白人男性主导的工作环境中,妇女地位会被持续不断地削弱。

    She said in an interview that working in the tech industry was like death by a thousand cuts for women because they were constantly undermined in a working environment dominated by white men .

  9. 在一次采访中,鲍康如表示,对于妇女来说,在高科技产业工作就像被“凌迟处死”,因为在这个由白人男性主导的工作环境中,妇女地位会被持续不断地削弱。

    She said in an interview that working in the tech industry was like " death by a thousand cuts " for women because they were constantly undermined in a working environment dominated by white men .

  10. 王回答迦勒底人说,梦我已经忘了,你们若不将梦和梦的讲解告诉我,就必被凌迟,你们的房屋必成为粪堆。

    The king made answer and said to the chaldaeans , this is my decision : if you do not make clear to me the dream and the sense of it , you will be cut in bits and your houses made waste .