
zhuāng yuán
  • manor;property;grange;finca;demesne
庄园 [zhuāng yuán]
  • [demesne] 乡村的田园房舍; 大面积的田庄

庄园[zhuāng yuán]
  1. 那是典型的英式庄园宅第。

    It was the quintessence of an English manor house .

  2. 该庄园现在出售,价格可议。

    The Manor is for sale at a negotiable price .

  3. 我们住在一处庄园上。

    We lived on an estate .

  4. 富有浪漫气息的庄园和城堡俯瞰着蜿蜒的河道。

    Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river 's twisting course .

  5. 我自然而然地把他当成了庄园的主人。

    I naturally took him to be the owner of the estate .

  6. 《霍华德庄园》是一部经典的老派电影。

    Howards End is old fashioned film-making at its best .

  7. 他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。

    He wants to add a huge sports complex to Binfield Manor .

  8. 他们一致认为必须对乔特勒斯比庄园加以保护。

    They were unanimous that Chortlesby Manor must be preserved .

  9. 当地的牧师已经同意在庄园的小教堂里为我们主持婚礼。

    The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate

  10. 小偷晚上闯进了庄园。

    Thieves broke into the manor at night .

  11. 我夫人像是要把奥斯本庄园变成自己的安乐窝。

    My wife seems to be building a nest of her own at Osborne House

  12. 凶手很可能来自那个庄园。

    The murderer may well come from the estate

  13. 每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。

    Every village has a green , a church , a pub and a manor house

  14. 我父亲一生致力于保护朗利特庄园。

    My father 's life work was devoted to the conservation of the Longleat estate .

  15. 她特意尽可能地不呆在奥斯本庄园。

    She made a point of spending as much time as possible away from Osborne House .

  16. “丽景庄园”是南非历史最悠久、最具创新精神的酿酒商之一。

    Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers in South Africa .

  17. 一条1878年捕获的重29磅8盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。

    A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office

  18. 已故庄园主叫比尔·布朗。

    The late master of the estate was named Bill Brown .

  19. 庄园是贵族与豪族的私人领地

    Manors were private estates of aristocrats or of distinction .

  20. 这些土地被分成了农田和庄园

    These lands were parcelled into farms or manors .

  21. 这说明庄园里多出了一张石雕人面

    It portended that there was one stone face too many , up at the chateau .

  22. 秦士喜出望外,信以为真,便用庄园附近的田地换下了这张破席子。

    Overjoyed to hear this , the Qin scholar believed it to be true . So he exchanged the land near his manor4 for this worn-out straw mat .

  23. 当凯特王妃(剑桥公爵夫人)和其他王室成员一起在桑德林汉姆庄园参加圣诞节礼拜活动时,她穿着一件既暖和又漂亮而且还……过时得一塌糊涂的大衣。

    When the Duchess of Cambridge joined the Royal Family for the Christmas Day service at Sandringham , she wore a coat that was warm , stylish … and thoroughly1 out of date .

  24. 这也让《唐顿庄园》成为PBS有史以来收视最高的一部电视剧。

    That makes Downton the highest-rated PBS drama of all time .

  25. 这个私人资本集团在五月的时候,从堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)那里买下了2300万美元的债权,这是杰克逊抵押他在洛斯奥利沃斯的梦幻庄园而得来的贷款。

    The private-equity group in May bought from hedge fund Fortress Investment Group a $ 23 million loan backed by Neverland , in Los Olivos , Calif.

  26. colonycapital去年与杰克逊成立了一家合资公司,以整修荒废的梦幻庄园,使之免于被没收拍卖,该公司没有就其计划发表评论。

    Colony capital , which saved Neverland from a foreclosure sale last year by forming a joint venture with Jackson to spruce up the dilapidated property , has not commented on its plans .

  27. 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实的动物园,有着来自世界各地的动物,包括一条名为Muscles的巨蟒和一只叫泡泡的黑猩猩。

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles .

  28. 那是一张1780年的水粉画,作者亚当·卡伦德(AdamCallender),画的是庄园对面的一座房屋。

    The 1780 gouache by Adam Callender shows the house from across the park .

  29. 最新数据显示,成千上万的父母开始用英剧《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中角色的名字为孩子取名。

    Thousands of parents are naming their babies after Downton Abbey characters , new figures have revealed .

  30. 剧中的重要角色“大表哥MatthewCrawley”首次当了父亲,但在出演了三季《唐顿庄园》后,饰演该角色的丹·史蒂文斯宣布告别。

    Actor Dan Stevens bowed out after three series as Matthew Crawley shortly after becoming a father for the first time .