
  • 网络Zhuanghe;zhuanghe city
  1. 格网DEM在坡耕地调查中的应用&以庄河市为例

    Application of Grid-based DEM to Sloping Farmland Investigation in Zhuanghe City

  2. 2004~2007年庄河市恶性肿瘤死亡资料分析

    Death Data Analysis of Malignant Tumor in Zhuanghe City from 2004 to 2007

  3. 本文以GIS为辅助工具,以地理学和区域经济学有关理论为指导,对大连庄河市海洋产业空间布局问题进行探讨。

    This article take GIS as the auxiliary means , and take the geography and the regional economics related theory as the instruction , and carry on the discussion to the Zhuanghe sea industry space layout question .

  4. 庄河市海洋产业空间布局研究

    The Study on the Spatial Distribution of Marine Industry in Zhuanghe

  5. 基于庄河市空间大地全面控制网谈似大地水准面的确定及精度分析

    Determination of Quasi-geoid and Precision Analysis Based on Zhuanghe Space Geodetic Network

  6. 庄河市农业技术推广经费管理体制研究

    The Fund and Management System of Agricultural Technique Extension

  7. 庄河市农村育龄妇女紧急避孕知晓率情况调查

    Survey on Awareness Rate of Emergency Contraception in Rural Childbearing-age Women in Zhuanghe

  8. 辽宁省庄河市胃癌高发区胃癌筛检的卫生经济学评价

    Study on health economics regarding the screening of gastric cancer in Zhuanghe high risk area

  9. 庄河市拥有丰富的旅游资源,荣获中国优秀旅游城市等荣誉称号。

    There are rich tourist resources in Zhuanghe . Zhuanghe win the prize for china excellent tourism city .

  10. 同样,庄河市的农产品深加工产业在发展中也出现了较多困难。

    Similarly , agricultural products further processing industry of Zhuanghe City has been confront with the development difficulties .

  11. 辽宁省庄河市农村育龄妇女生殖道感染的危险因素及对生殖保健知识需求的调查

    Investigation of Risk Factors of Reproductive Tract Infections and Demand for Reproductive Health Knowledge of The Rural Childbearing Age Women

  12. 文章研究的部分结论运用于庄河市的十一五规划纲要制定。

    Some conclusions of the article studies are applied to " the Eleventh Five Year " planning outline of Zhuanghe made .

  13. 近年来旅游业蓬勃发展,庄河市旅游业也呈现出迅速发展趋势。

    Recent years , tourism industry is booming , tourism industry is also showing a trend of rapid development in Zhuanghe .

  14. 通过定性与定量分析,主要从产业角度对庄河市未来内部空间人口迁移进行了测算。

    Through qualitative and quantitative analysis , it is calculated of the future population migration about Zhuang-he from the viewpoint of industry .

  15. 土地开发整理项目的土地质量评价&以辽宁省庄河市土地复垦项目为例

    Land Quality Evaluation of Land Development and Consolidation Project : the Case of Land Reclamation Project of Zhuanghe City , Liaoning Province

  16. 庄河市的千人下跪事件一度成为网络热点,事后分析冲突的深层次原因是权力过于集中和权力运行过程缺乏对外公开。

    Kneeling incident in Zhuanghe City became an internet hotspot , and the deep cause of this conflict was extreme concentration on power and lack of public restriction .

  17. 第二部分是对庄河市文化产业的发展现状分析,介绍了庄河市文化产业发展的优势、现状、存在的问题及原因分析。

    The second part is the analysis of the current development of cultural industry in Zhuanghe City , the existence question and the reason analysis of advantage , current situation , and development of cultural industry in Zhuanghe city .