
  • 网络evaluation system;appraisal;Rating System;NABERS;USPHS
  1. 基于GIS的断层破碎带稳定性评价系统与方法

    Appraisal System and Method on Stability of Faultage Fracture Zone of GIS

  2. 基于MaPobjects的油气地质信息与评价系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of oil and gas geology information appraisal system based on map objects

  3. 基于FORWARD平台的碳酸盐岩储层测井评价系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Carbonate Reservoir Logging Evaluation System Based on FORWARD Software

  4. 基于GIS的城市土地可持续利用评价系统的建立

    The Establishment of the Urban Land Sustainable Utilization Evaluation System Based on GIS

  5. 基于GIS的区域噪声预测评价系统模型研究

    Study of the Prediction and Assessment System Model of Regional Noise Based on GIS

  6. 基于Labwindows/CVI的CO2弧焊品质定量评价系统

    Quantitative estimating system of CO_2 arc welding quality based on Labwindows / CVI

  7. 基于MATLAB的超声无损评价系统

    Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation system based on MATLAB

  8. 基于SVM的电子商务营销绩效评价系统研究

    On the performance evaluation system in E-business marketing using SVM

  9. 基于SVM的大学实力评价系统研究

    Research on University Evaluation System Based on Support Vector Machines

  10. INTERNET的出现和普及,为建立科学而先进的网上综合人才评价系统,起到了关键性的推动作用。

    Appearanc of INTERNET and its application have promoted critically in establishing advanced and scientific synthetic system of personnel evaluation through the NET .

  11. 基于VB的路面破损数据采集与评价系统的开发

    System of Data Collection and Evaluation of Pavement Dilapidation Based on VB

  12. 基于网格与GIS的油气资源空间分布与定量评价系统及其应用

    Oil and Gas Resources Spatial Distribution and Quantitative Evaluation System Based on the Grids and GIS and Its Application

  13. 第八章介绍了区域宏观经济DEA评价系统软件的功能。

    Chapter 8 introduces the software of Regional Macro-Economics DEA Evaluation System .

  14. 并利用Delphi语言初步开发了农网改造后评价系统。

    At last the Rural Electric Network Alteration evaluation system is developed using the programming language Delphi .

  15. 《ICU患者病情评价系统》计算机软件的开发与应用

    Design and application of a software for assessment of seriousness of condition of ICU patients

  16. 区域宏观经济DEA评价系统

    Regional Macro-Economics DEA Evaluation System

  17. 本研究以SOTER数据库为基础,建立了基于AHP法的耕地地力评价系统。

    A natural productivity evaluation system was established based on SOTER and AHP .

  18. 引入了AHP法(层次分析法),结合定量的评估指标体系建立了一种评价系统。

    An evaluation system is established with the help of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and an index system of evaluation .

  19. 骨龄自动评价系统是一种对手腕骨X射线图像进行处理的系统,即对于一张手腕骨X射线图像,系统根据CHN法判定骨龄数据。

    The computer-aided skeletal age score system is a system disposing hand-wrist photography , namely , to analysis a hand-wrist photography based on the CHN method .

  20. 阐述了GIS组件技术的特点,介绍了如何利用GIS组件技术研制实现生态质量气象评价系统,并将系统应用于海南岛生态质量气象评价。

    The characteristics of GIS components were expounded . How to complete the evaluation system of ecological quality meteorology were introduced in this paper . The system was applied to evaluate the ecological quality meteorology in Hainan island .

  21. 作为经营性幼教机构引进EVA综合评价系统,其效能、其价值如何,通过什么样的业绩考评体系来推动,这都是值得探究的课题。

    If an operational pre-school education institution introduces EVA comprehensive evaluation system , how about its efficiency and value ? What kind of performance evaluation system can be used to promote it ?

  22. 利用VB6.0编程语言和AUTHORWARE多媒体软件建成了东北夏季旱涝及低温冷害对农业生产影响评价系统和防御服务系统。

    The assessment system of influences of drought , floods and chilling damages on agriculture was built up by VB6 . 0 language and AUTHORWARE multimedia software .

  23. 目的探讨超声心动图测定右室Tei指数评价系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者右室功能的价值。

    Objective To discuss the value of echocardiographic Tei index in evaluating right ventricular ( RV ) function in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) .

  24. 其中教学支持系统可以细分为适应性超媒体学习系统、多媒体授课系统、师生交互工具、考试与评价系统、自动答疑系统、学习管理系统、作业批阅系统、基于WEB的虚拟实验室等子系统。

    Teaching support system among them can subdivide into adaptability hypermedia study subsystem , the multimedia teaching subsystem , teachers and students mutual tool , examination and appraise subsystem , answer questions subsystem , study administrative subsystem , homework read over subsystem , WEB - based fictitious laboratory subsystem , etc.

  25. 本文首先给出干部考核评价系统,然后在此基础上建立了Fuzzy数学模型,并利用广义Fuzzy运算引入二级综合评判,借助模糊数学的处理方法得出一些定量分析结果。

    In this paper , based on the evaluation systems of cadre assessment , a model of Fuzzy mathematics is established . By means of generalized Fuzzy operations , the two-stage multifactorial evaluation is introduced . Using the methods of Fuzzy mathematics , some results concerning quantitative analysis are obtained .

  26. 以可视化程序开发工具VB为基础,开发了一种路面破损数据采集与评价系统,该系统以CCD摄像机所采集的路面图像为工作对象,强调在数据采集过程中的人机互动。

    Based on developing instruments of visual procedure , this paper proposes a system of data collection and evaluation of pavement dilapidation , which performs upon pavement images acquired by CCD camera and gives emphasis to the interaction of computer and operator .

  27. 在分布式卫星SAR-GMTI系统设计阶段,需要结合理论分析与系统仿真两种手段来分析和评价系统性能。

    In the period of distributed satellite SAR-GMTI system design , it needs to combine theoretical analysis and system simulation for analyzing and evaluating the system performance .

  28. 知识制导综合信息矿产预测定理评价系统

    Knowledge-oriented quantitative appraisal system of mineral prediction based on comprehensive information

  29. 生态产品评价系统在水产养殖机械设计中的应用

    The application of ecological product assessment system in aquaculture mechanism design

  30. 基于组件测井储层评价系统设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of Component Based Logging Reservoir Evaluation System