
wǎnɡ luò liú lǎn qì
  • browser
  1. IE浏览器曾经是应用最广泛的网络浏览器,但近二十年来使用量一直不断下降。

    Once the most-used web browser for nearly two decades .

  2. 具有自动查找Web页面上所有链接的网络浏览器

    A network browser that automatically investigates all chains in web page

  3. 微软承认,IE不是理想的网络浏览器。

    Microsoft acknowledges that IE isn 't ideal for web browsing .

  4. 基于激光快速原型的CAD网络浏览器的研制

    Development of CAD Network Browser Based on Laser Rapid Prototype

  5. 这种基于Web的实验室可使得用户仅配置了标准的网络浏览器,就可通过网络实现对实验的访问以及操作。

    The web-based laboratory enables users to access and conduct experiments via Internet with just a standard web browser .

  6. Java网络浏览器组件的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of Java Web browser component

  7. 系统中,采用嵌入式WEB设计方式,用户只需通过网络浏览器就能完成实时监控,且可以保存采集到的图像。

    The monitoring system is designed in embedded web way , so users can monitor the system just through an internet browser .

  8. 介绍如何对Linux内核进行再编译,给出网络浏览器结构的设计及编程方法。

    A proper structure of the web browser and the compile of Linux kernel are given .

  9. 一种Java的应用程序;一种使用顾客网络浏览器来提供用户界面的应用程序。

    A Java application ; an application program that uses the client 's web browser to provide a user interface .

  10. 事实上,网络浏览器来源于挪威Opera软件公司的浏览器软件而不是IE6.0。

    In fact , the Internet browser is from the Opera rather than Internet Explorers 6 .

  11. 并对系统进行模拟,给出预测。该软件含有6个类,可在兼容Java的网络浏览器上运行。

    This software included 6 Java classes and 1 HTML file , and can be run on various Java-enabled web browsers .

  12. DVD刻录及网络浏览器在数字电视机顶盒上的实现

    The Implementation of DVD Recording and Web Browser on Set-Top Box

  13. 该网关支持TCP/IP协议,运行Web服务程序,形成一个用户可以通过网络浏览器进行远程访问的服务器。

    The gateway supports TCP / IP , runs a Web Server , acts as a remote server which can be easily accessed by end user through a browser .

  14. 谷歌在开发Chrome网络浏览器时对其进行了速度优化。

    When Google developed the Chrome web browser , it was optimized for speed .

  15. 假如你想了解的话,“真实世界”里速度最快的网络浏览器还是谷歌公司(Google)的Chrome。

    In case you were wondering , the fastest web browser in the " real world " remains Google Chrome .

  16. 同时,包括美国国土安全部(usdepartmentofhomelandsecurity)在内的许多专家都建议,用户和企业在网络浏览器中禁用java。

    In the meantime , many experts , including at the US Department of homeland security , have recommended that users and companies disable Java in their web browsers .

  17. 介绍利用MP3数字音频和网络浏览器作为语言实验室听力教材管理和使用工具的实现方法。

    This thesis focuses on the way of playing MP3 in Language Lab through Network Browser .

  18. 谷歌(Google)周二推出了自己的网络浏览器,堪称其对微软(Microsoft)电脑软件霸主地位发起的迄今最直接的挑战。

    Google is to release its own internet browser in what amounts to its most direct attack yet on Microsoft 's dominance of PC software .

  19. Linux有图形化的管理工具,以及日常办公的工具,比如电子邮件、网络浏览器和文档处理工具等。

    There are graphical tools for managing Linux , as well as tools for general office work , such as e-mail , Web-browsing , and document processing .

  20. 这样的网络浏览器诠释了下载文件的HTML,也根据一套标准样式规则使呈现的资料格式化。

    Such Web Browsers interpret the HTML tags in downloaded documents and format the displayed data according to a set of standard style rules .

  21. 第四章专门论述了嵌入式Linux中的GUI技术以及网络浏览器、流媒体播放器、邮件客户端等应用软件在GUI上的实现;

    Chapter 4 includes GUI in embedded Linux , and how to developing web browser , stream media player , e-mail client on it .

  22. 微软为了让客户对它的产品“上瘾”,通过蓄意在自家Windows操作系统中嵌入自家的网络浏览器的方式,限制了用户的选择。

    By embedding only its own web browser into its Windows operating system , Microsoft deliberately restricted users " choice in the hope they would become addicted to its products .

  23. 网络浏览器&删除你的浏览记录,cookie文件,保存的密码,并将网络地址备份。

    Internet Browsers-Delete your browsing history , cookies , saved passwords , and saved forms from your web browsers .

  24. 该软件由7个类和一个HTML引导文件组成,具有图型用户界面,可在多种支持Java的网络浏览器上运行。

    This software is made of 7 Java classes and a HTML file . It is an Internet online tool which can be run on various Java-enabled Web browsers .

  25. 该公司也希望基于其轻便快捷的网络浏览器chrome开发的操作系统,能受到欢迎。

    The firm also hopes that an operating system it has developed around its lightning-fast web browser , chrome , will prove popular .

  26. 而使用网络浏览器或者REST客户端的所有人,都可以尽量使用HttpClient构件。

    The HttpClient component can be of great use to anyone building client applications such as web browsers or REST clients .

  27. 火狐操作系统是一款价格低廉的轻量级手机操作系统,由曾经开发颇受欢迎的火狐网络浏览器的MozillaFoundation开发。

    Firefox OS is a lightweight , inexpensive operating system for phones being developed by the Mozilla foundation , the group that makes the popular Firefox web browser .

  28. 1999年,一名联邦法官做出裁决,认为微软强迫用户使用公司的其他产品,尤其是它的网络浏览器InternetExplorer,从而对其操作系统垄断地位构成了滥用。

    In 1999 , a federal judge ruled that Microsoft had abused its operating system monopoly by pushing users into some of its other products , especially its web browser , Internet Explorer .

  29. 多达85%的用户称他们每天都用Facebook,半数用户称他们一打开网络浏览器就进入Facebook网站。

    Up to 85 % of users say that they use Facebook daily - and half say they start up Facebook as soon as they open their web users .

  30. 苹果在Safari网络浏览器上增设了一个按钮,可以降低网页上突然开始播放的声音。

    Apple added a button to its Safari web browser that mutes sound that unexpectedly starts playing from a webpage .