
  • 网络Picture effect;photo EFFECT;image effect
  1. 或许,正是由于错误纠正,才使得在Mac上观看Panoramio图片效果变得更好。

    Probably the most popular is that viewing Panoramio photos is much better on the Mac thanks to a bug fix .

  2. 个人化的应用显示用户搜集的图片效果正好,而金融方面的应用不妨显示用户投资组合中的股票报价。

    Personal application would show images from their photo gallery while a financial application may show a stock ticker from their portfolio .

  3. 由于环境、光线及自身拍摄水平不高的原因,真实视频效果要好于图片效果。

    Due to the environment , light and shoot their own low level of reason , the real effect of video images better than results .

  4. 打个比方,图片效果阿猫、阿狗、阿朱(只是为了好记)可以去掉颜色,让照片模仿不同时期的胶片和镜头的特点。

    For example , effects named Melissa , Sophie or Tony ( to make them easier to remember ) will mute colors and change the focus to imitate the film and lenses commonly used in different eras .

  5. 当一组特定的静态图像,例如几何图形,以指定的频率切换,便会产生某种动态图片的效果。

    When a number of certain static images , such as geometric figures , for example , interchange with a specified frequency , it creates something like a motion picture effect .

  6. VISUALBASIC中实现完美图片出现效果的方法研究

    Research for Implementing Means about Consummate Picture Appearance Effect in Visual Basic

  7. 结合CSS和Javascript技术实现图片轮播效果

    Combination of CSS and JavaScript technologies achieve to effect of Photo Carousel

  8. 介绍了在VB中的两种典型方法制作多媒体图片切换效果及技巧。

    Two typical methods are introduced using VB to realize interchange effect of multimedia picture in this paper .

  9. 该JavaScript库为图片添加效果,如虚化,锐化,浮雕,加亮等。

    This is a JavaScript library for adding effects to images , like blur , sharpen , emboss , lighten and more .

  10. 使用Alpha-Blending技术实现图片水印效果

    Implementation of Watermark Effect of Picture with Alpha-Blending

  11. 为该图片设置效果与声音。

    Set effects and sounds for this picture .

  12. 本文介绍了常用的图片切换效果,并在VC++60实现了其效果。

    This paper introduces the mothod of using VC + + 6.0 to realize interchange effect of pictures .

  13. 利用VB实现多媒体图片的切换效果

    Using VB to Realize Interchange Effect of Multimedia Picture

  14. 贝佐斯展示了这款手机的运动追踪屏幕。它采用了“动态视角”技术,依靠在屏幕四角安装的红外摄像头,让用户不需要借助3D眼镜就能感觉到图片的三维效果。

    Bezos introduced the phone 's motion-tracking screen , which uses " dynamic perspective " head-tracking technology that relies on four corner-mounted infrared cameras to make images appear to be three-dimensional without the need for 3-D glasses .

  15. 一种最近被采用的技术(例如CSS)可以让我们做的更好,同样不失先前提到的那些表格和图片标签的效果。

    A newly adopted technology ( like CSS ) should allow us to create something better , without losing the design quality of previous table hacks and all-image-based tabs .

  16. 使用Dreamweaver设计网页,利用Flash技术制作动态图片和文字效果,使得网页生动,同时采用Photoshop进行图像处理使得网站具有更好的视觉冲击力。

    Dreamweaver is used to make webpages , Flash is used to design cartoons in order to make the webpages more vivid , and Photoshop is adopted to deal with pictures and make website have better visual effect .

  17. 文中将软硬件实现的顺序形态图像处理图片在处理效果和速度两个方面作了比较。

    The images processed by software and hardware realization are compared in effect and speed .

  18. 但是这种由二维到三维的转换主要是针对二维图纸进行转换,对图片或手绘效果图中三维数据提取和三维重构则刚处于起步阶段。

    But this conversion from two-dimensional to three-dimensional is mainly aims at conversion from two-dimensional blueprint .

  19. 要在单击触发器时获得更多效果,可以为图片添加动画效果和声音。

    To make more happen when you click the trigger , animate the picture and add a sound .

  20. 打开填充效果对话框,可在其中选取图片、过渡效果、纹理或带图案的填充颜色

    Opens the Fill Effects dialog box , where you can pick a picture , gradient , textured , or patterned fill

  21. 两人此前已创建了@EarthPix账号,用来发布全球各地的城镇和森林照片,于是他们想看看贴历史图片是什么效果。

    The two had already created @ EarthPix which posts pictures from towns and forests around the world , and wanted to see how historical pictures would fare .

  22. 本文具体研究并实现了图像的直方图均衡、基于空域法的邻域平均法和中值滤波的图像平滑技术,以及图像梯度锐化和拉普拉斯掩模锐化,并针对序列图片给出应用效果。

    This paper researched and implemented the image histogram equalization , neighborhood average method and median filtering technique based on the airspace method , and image gradient sharpening and Laplace mask sharpen .

  23. 通过与常用的几种像素级边缘检测算子对旋翼图片的边缘定位效果来考察Zernike矩边缘检测算子的实际应用能力。

    Observe the Zernike moments edge detection operator practice application ability through compared with common pixel level edge detection operator .

  24. 文中重点讨论了抽点法、平均法在视频MP3中的实现方法,并对使用这三种方法对图片处理后的效果进行了比较。

    The paper discussed the realization of snapshot method and average method in video MP3 , and compared the picture processing effects of the two methods .

  25. 改进水印图片里文字识别效果的新方法

    A new way to improve the effectiveness of character recognition from watermark picture

  26. 卡通之星,米老鼠,也已经通过计算机图片制造跳跃的效果并且有一个计算机动画假日节日在制作中。

    The cartoon star , Mickey Mouse , has already made the jump to computer graphics and has a computer-animated holiday video in the works .

  27. 从实验结果可以看出,本算法所实现的编码图片属于较好的效果,并使实时视频编码的速度得到了很大的提高。

    According to the experiments , the realization of the encoding algorithm is a better picture of the results and demonstration by experiments that the encoding speed has been greatly improved .

  28. 和许多喜欢数码摄影的人一样,我也会把图片的尺寸处理小一点,以增强整个图片的效果。

    As with most people who take digital photographs , I like to crop my raw photographs to reduce file size and to improve the composition of my photos .

  29. 它在个人图片网站中是非常重要的一环,对个人图片网站效果的提高起着重要的作用。

    It is count for much one wreath in personal picture website , rising to the exaltation of personal picture website result the important function .

  30. 该图片库系统主要是为编辑提供图片上传、编辑、分类等管理类服务,同时也实现图片处理相关应用,并且通过服务器端的技术使用,为门户用户呈现良好的图片效果。

    This system mainly provides photo upload , edit , and classify services , at the same time , implement application about photo edited , and use server technique to give portal users a nice photo impression .