
  • 网络publishing;Book Publishing
  1. 去年,给图书出版业带来了天翻地覆的变化并因此累积了巨额身家的亚马逊(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯(JeffBezos)决定收购美国历史最悠久的报纸之一——《华盛顿邮报》(TheWashingtonPost)。

    And last year , Jeff Bezos , who as chief executive of Amazon has made billions turning the book publishing business on its head , decided to buy one of the country 's oldest newspapers , The Washington Post .

  2. 自从作者JK·罗琳改变图书出版已经有15个年头,现在是美国公布《哈利波特与魔法石》这本书的周年纪念,

    It 's been 15 years since author JK Rowing change the phase of book publishing for ever , with the US release of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone , and now , on the book 's anniversary ,

  3. 每家主要的技术图书出版商都有关于Geronimo的书。

    Every major technical book publisher has a book about Geronimo .

  4. 已经有专门的图书出版,揭露国际游泳和举重比赛中的欺诈行为。至于环法自行车赛(TourdeFrance)那就更不用提了。

    And whole books have been written about the cheaters in international swimming and weightlifting , to say nothing of the Tour de France .

  5. 对图书出版行业来说,便携化是从2007年Kindle面世开始的。

    For books , it came with the 2007 launch of the Kindle .

  6. 在面临的压力方面分析了网络电子出版对图书出版的冲击和加入WTO后对中小出版社的影响。

    In the face of the pressure of a network of electronic publishing of books published by the impact and after joining the WTO on the impact of small and medium-sized publishers .

  7. 去年秋天,菲利斯和亚马逊图书出版部门AmazonPublishing签定合同,由后者发行他的新书《每周下厨四小时》(The4-HourChef),成为知名作家中第一个吃螃蟹的人,轰动一时。

    Last fall , he created a stir as the first major author to sign with Amazon ( AMZN ) publishing to distribute the 4-hour chef .

  8. 即便是在图书出版后,项目wiki仍然接受大家的建议,目的就是搜集更多的信息。

    Even after the corresponding book is published , the wiki associated with each project remains in place , with the aim of gathering comments and even further contributions .

  9. 为数字设备强大的分心效果痛心疾首吧。根据儿童图书出版商学乐教育集团(Scholastic)前不久发布的一份新报告,为享受乐趣而频繁读书的孩子比以前更少了。

    Cue the hand-wringing about digital distraction : Fewer children are reading books frequently for fun , according to a new report released Thursday by Scholastic , the children 's book publisher .

  10. 本文研究了智能客户端技术的主要特点,针对科技图书出版行业的特殊要求,将智能客户端的先进性合理地应用于OA系统中,使技术最大程度地为工作服务。

    This paper studied the main characteristics of smart client , aiming at the special request of science and technology book publication enterprise , applying smart client reasonably in OA systems , making the biggest degree of technique ground serve for the work .

  11. ONIX是世界出版行业针对图书出版发行和销售的供应链制定的元数据标准,2005年2月推出了最新2.1版。

    ONIX is a metadata standard in the publish industry which apply to describe the book 's publication and distribution .

  12. 运用改进的K-Means聚类算法分析了全国图书出版过程信息,发现有问题的出版社以及正常操作的一般标准。其次,针对经典Apriori关联规则算法运行耗时的问题。

    With the improved K-Means clustering analysis on the national book publishing information , we can find the suspicious publishers and the normal operation of the general standard . Secondly , for run-time consumption of classical Apriori algorithm , the revised Apriori algorithm which Hash technique based is welcomed .

  13. 而与之相关的图书出版、收藏、整理事业也发展迅速。

    Book publishing , collection , collation project also develops quickly .

  14. 图书出版从本质上讲是一个小众商品行业。

    Book publication is in essence an industry of small-group commodity .

  15. 试论三国时期的图书出版机构

    A Discussion on the Publishing Institutions During the Three Kingdoms Period

  16. 教科书是图书出版业的另一个主要部分。

    Textbooks represent another major portion of the book publishing industry .

  17. 最后,提出我国图书出版业的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper gives some suggestions for national publishing industry .

  18. 关于建立图书出版统计学&从文献计量学谈起

    On the Establishment of Publishing Statistics In Terms of Bibliometrics

  19. 论图书出版产业基于价值链特征的经营策略

    On Management Strategy Based on Value Chain Characteristic about Books Publication Industry

  20. 编辑思维能力与价值判断对图书出版的干预

    Editor 's Thinking and Value Judgments on the Intervention of Book Publishing

  21. 近代福建基督教图书出版事业之研究(1842&1949)

    Study on Modern Fujian Christian Book Industry ( 1842-1949 );

  22. 我国高校图书出版业的历史、现状与发展

    On present situation and development of publishing house of University in China

  23. 政府在促进图书出版业发展中的管理作用研究

    The Research on Government 's Management Role in Publishing Industry

  24. 为深入探讨我国经管类图书出版传播的规律,本文从纵向和横向两个角度来进行分析。

    My analysis is from the vertical and horizontal angles .

  25. 整合营销传播初探中国图书出版整合营销传播策略体系研究

    Research on Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy System for Publishing Industry of China

  26. 图书出版发行体制改革探析

    Analysis on the system reform about book publication and distribution

  27. 新时期我国大众旅游图书出版研究

    Study on Chinese Mass Traveling Books Publication in New Age

  28. 商业经济;图书出版;书坊。

    Commercial economy ; Books publication ; Private publishing house .

  29. 试论图书出版传媒中的跟风现象

    On the Phenomenon of Going with the Tide in Publishing

  30. 第四部分:分析了图书出版咨询工作的服务方式。

    Part Four : Analyzing the service form of book publishing consultation .