
  • 网络Online Music;internet music
  1. 另一方面,AppleMusic融合了一系列突显网络音乐的复杂性的功能。

    Apple Music , on the other hand , combines a range of features that underscore how complex online music has become .

  2. 采用人声输入的网络音乐检索系统

    An Online Music Indexing System Based on Human Tone

  3. 现今,大量存在的未经授权的P2P网络音乐共享严重影响了音乐工业的健康发展。

    Nowadays , the existence of the large amount of the unauthorized P2P music-sharing strongly impedes the healthy growth of the music industry .

  4. 网络音乐著作权保护的法律思考&从MP3现象谈起

    Legal Reason about Copyright of Musical Works in Network Circumstance & Talk to Rise From the MP3 Phenomenon

  5. 本文围绕MP3数字化网络音乐作品的性质、归属以及所涉及的法律关系等,就MP3数字化网络音乐作品的著作权问题做一简要分析。

    Concerning the nature and ownership of MP3 Digital Network Music and some law issues involved , this paper makes a brief analysis of the copyright of MP3 Digital Network Music .

  6. 数字音乐早已经悄然渗入到我们的生活之中,从最早出现的CD唱机到现今流行的MP3随身听和网络音乐等,都是数字音乐逐渐演变出来的各种形式和内容。

    In the life that digital music seeps into long ago already quietly to us , from the earliest turn up CD gramophone to nowadays popular MP3 Walkman and network music etc. , the various form and content being that digital music develops out gradually .

  7. 新媒体时代网络音乐文化传播特征解析

    Internet Music Culture 's Transmission Characteristics of New Media Era

  8. 网络音乐的多文化视角研究

    Multi - cultural Research on Internet Music From Different Angels of View

  9. 网络音乐作品著作权的保护的几点建议

    Several Suggestions to the Protection of Network Music Copyright

  10. 提出一种基于人声输入的网络音乐检索系统设计方案。

    A human-tone-based online music indexing system is presented .

  11. 新媒体视野中的网络音乐文化及其美学特征

    Internet Music Culture and Its Aesthetical Characteristics in the Perspective of New Media

  12. 第二部分介绍技术进步对网络音乐侵权问题的影响。

    The second part introduced the impact of music piracy by the network technology .

  13. 第四部分论述网络音乐权利主体的维权措施。

    The fourth part discusses the subject measures of the online music rights protection .

  14. 音乐教育同样面临网络音乐资源带给我们的前所未有的机遇与挑战。

    The music education is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges come from Internet music resources .

  15. 网络音乐销售&英国音乐在线

    Online Music Sales-British Music Online

  16. 在此部分,介绍技术措施的更新换代对网络音乐传播的影响。

    In this part , the upgrading of technical measures made the impact of dissemination of network music .

  17. 网络音乐崖略

    Outline of Web Music

  18. 谷歌还推出了网络音乐服务等面向中国市场的产品。

    The company has also launched some products unique to the market , including an online music service .

  19. 网络音乐作为新兴的艺术形式,是科技时代的产物,也是人们审美文化的产物。

    As a newly emerging art , online music is the product of technologies as well as aesthetic culture .

  20. 随着互联网在世界范围内的普及和高速发展,网络音乐作品的传播和下载成为新一轮的消费热点。

    Following the rapid development of internet , the dissemination and download of digital music has become a new consume form .

  21. 第一部分从传统的侵权概念入手,对网络音乐侵权的含义进行了界定。

    The first part from the traditional concept of infringement , defines the meaning of copyright infringement of music on the network .

  22. 欧洲委员会相信该计划有助于经济发展,同时将促进网络音乐产业的文化多样性。

    The European Commission believes the plan will help economic development as well as promote cultural diversity in the online music industry .

  23. 目前互联网上面依然可以收听到这些违规网络音乐,各相关网站工作者应该及时的进行处理以免影响网站的运营。

    And websites have been warned that failure to remove the songs will be punished , although they have not outlined the penalties .

  24. 而网络音乐也就是在这样一种市场环境中得到迅猛发展,并且成为我们生活娱乐密不可分的一部分。

    And music also has developed rapidly in such a network market environment , as well as become a life entertainment inseparable part to us .

  25. 各互联网文化经营单位停止一切网络音乐、网络游戏、网络动漫、网络影视等娱乐活动。

    Various Internet culture Management unit stops all recreational activities and so on network music , network game , network animation , network film and television .

  26. 很多监管者都在尽力区分合法的网络音乐服务平台这样的到底是起到威慑效果,还是不断取代非法下载的方便,低廉的方式。

    Monitors struggle to distinguish the effect of deterrence from the rise of easy , cheap alternatives to piratical downloading , such as legal online music services .

  27. 网络音乐侵权问题可以说是其中的热点,围绕网络音乐侵权问题的立法和司法实践引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Internet music piracy can be said to be one of the hot spots , the Internet music piracy legislation and judicial practice has aroused extensive attention .

  28. 本文就根据现已存在的问题,对网络音乐库系统做了全面的分析和整体的介绍。

    This article question which already existed on the basis , right the network music storehouse the system has made the comprehensive analysis and the whole introduction .

  29. 报告显示,青少年网民使用网络音乐、网络游戏、网络视频和网络文学这四类应用的比例均高于网民总体水平。

    Virtual music , game , video and online literature were all more frequently used by young Internet users than other online groups generally , the report said .

  30. 但是依然存在着难题,比如:如何给每一个下载的网络音乐文件标上使用者的姓名和价格。

    There is a sticking point , however , since it 's now unclear how to put a user name and price on every digital music file being downloaded .