
  • 网络Per Capita Disposable Income;per-capita disposable income;PCDI;PGDI
  1. 官方数据显示,上半年,全国居民人均可支配收入17642元,同比名义增长12.6%。扣除价格因素影响,实际增长12%。

    China 's per capita disposable income stood at 17642 yuan in the first half of the year , up 12.6 percent from the same period last year in nominal price factors , per capita disposable income rose 12 percent year on year .

  2. 分城乡看,城镇居民人均可支配收入24125元,同比名义增长11.4%,扣除价格因素,实际增长10.7%;农村居民人均可支配收入9248元,同比名义增长14.6%,扣除价格因素,实际增长14.1%。居民消费支出情况

    Separately , urban per capita disposable income came in at 24125 yuan , up 11.4 percent in nominal terms , and 10.7 percent in real terms , while income in rural areas stood at 9248 yuan , up 14.6 percent in nominal terms , and 14.1 percent in real terms .

  3. 从图2中可以看到,城镇人均可支配收入与FDI利用效率并没有明显的规律性。FDI。

    Fig.2 The relationship between Urban per capita disposable income and FDI , GDP , FDI efficiency .

  4. 居民收入也有所增加,人均可支配收入同比增长6.8%,增速超过GDP。

    People 's income also grew , with per capita disposable income increasing by 6.8 percent year-on-year , outpacing the growth in GDP .

  5. 在影响房地产价格的诸多因素中,目前已经数量化的因素是货币供应量M2和城镇居民人均可支配收入。

    Within the elements that affect the real estate price , the money supply M2 and per capita disposable income in urban residents have been quantified .

  6. 女性每周饮用牛奶≥5次、家庭年人均可支配收入≥3000元组的高血压现患率分别显著低于<5次和<3000元的组(P均<0·05)。

    The prevalence rates of hypertension in the group of frequency of drinking milk per week (≥ 5 times ) and the mean income of family per year ( INCOME )≥ 3 000 RMB in female were significantly lower ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 相关性分析结果显示因子绝大部分均呈相关性,人口数的相关性在增强,GDP、人均可支配收入相关性一直较强,人均GDP的相关性较弱。

    Correlation analysis results show that the factor most showed a correlation , correlation between population increased , GDP , per capita disposable income per capita GDP has strong correlation , correlation is not obvious .

  8. 当然,美国可能认为在海外推出更廉价的iPhone手机是在贬低一个高档品牌的价值,但鉴于中国的人均可支配收入水平,这仍然是一笔巨大的开支。

    Sure , a cheaper iPhone abroad could be perceived by the U.S. as downplaying a premium brand , but to many Chinese , it would still be a hefty chunk of their disposable income .

  9. 通过建立VEC模型,进行脉冲响应检验了房地产价格和交易量对城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、利率和城镇人口数量的变化冲击的敏感度。

    Through the establishment of the VEC model and impulse response it tests the sensitivity of real estate prices and trading volume to the demand shocks .

  10. 继而以泡沫度为被解释变量,选择GDP增长率、人均可支配收入增长率等八个指标作为解释变量构建泡沫度影响因素模型。

    And then with the bubble degrees as the dependent variable , we choose GDP growth rate , per-capita disposable income growth rate and the other six indexes as the independent variables to construct the bubble degrees model of influence factors .

  11. 根据灰色关联分析发现,约束民族地区产业结构演进的主要因素是城镇人均可支配收入,其次是人均社会固定资产投资总额、人均社会消费品零售总额与人均GDP。

    According to the gray relational analysis , the main factors constraint the industrial structure development is the evolution of urban per capita disposable income , followed by the total social fixed assets investment per capita , per capita retail sales and per capita GDP .

  12. 据这份报告显示,2015年,中国人均可支配收入增长了7.4%,比往年的增长幅度都要高。但是,中国的收入分配制度仍然面临挑战,例如居民收入占GDP份额较低、劳动报酬占初次分配的比例较低。

    According to the report , per capita disposable income in China increased by 7.4 percent in 2015 , higher than increases in previous years . However , the income distribution system still faces challenges , as represented by the low proportion of residents ' income to GDP , and of labor remuneration to primary distribution .

  13. 城镇居民人均可支配收入21810元,比上年名义增长14.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长8.4%。2011年中国多数城市房价环比下降

    Housing prices fall month on month in most Chinese cities in 2011

  14. 城市居民人均可支配收入10%的增速会不会太低了?

    Won 't the10 % increase in city residents'disposable incomes be too low ?

  15. 结果表明人均可支配收入的提高推动了国内旅游业的发展。

    The result indicates that added personal disposable income push tourism industry forward .

  16. 通过增加人均可支配收入和加大节水力度,提高居民承受能力;

    Increasing per capita disposable income and water saving can enhance household affordability .

  17. 其中冶金型城市平均失业率偏高,煤炭型城市城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民纯收入平均较低。

    Among them , the average unemployment rate of melting cities stands relatively higher .

  18. 2001年,城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入比1990年实际增加了一倍多。

    In2001 the per-capita disposable income of urban households more than doubled that in1990 .

  19. 城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增长8.5%。

    The per capita disposable income increased by8.5 % in real terms for urban residents .

  20. 这样的人均可支配收入,在北京,也就是凑合活。

    Such a per capita disposable income in Beijing , which is make do live .

  21. 旅游业对提高一个国家人均可支配收入贡献良多。

    Tourism contributes greatly to the increase of disposable income per capital in one country .

  22. 3.4561112324.90004555.3773330773541.4535'33222.5463.4555'57734.286'63845.4886'5554城镇居民人均可支配收入19831元,增长12.8%;

    per capita disposable income of urban residents was RMB19831 , up by 12.8 % ;

  23. 报告中指出,2011年,城镇居民人均可支配收入与农村居民人均纯收入之比高达3.13。

    The report reveals that the ratio of urban disposable incomes to rural net incomes reached 3.13 in 2011 .

  24. 但除了城镇居民人均可支配收入这个变量外,其他自变量的间接效应大都不显著,这也说明目前休闲农业发展的本地化:即主要客源来自于当地。

    But apart from the per capita disposable income of urban residents , indirect effects of other variables are not significant .

  25. 并且人均可支配收入、人均财政支出的逐年增加,对于人均消费的提高分别具有积极地促进作用。

    Furthermore , the increase of per capita disposable income and fiscal expenditure promote the raise of per capita consumption actively .

  26. 城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入由1978年的343.4元,提高到1997年的5160.3元。

    The urban residents ' per-capita annual income on living expense soared from 343.4 yuan in 1978 to 5,160.3 yuan in 1997 .

  27. 城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增长7%,农村居民人均纯收入实际增长9.3%,农村贫困人口减少1650万人,城乡居民收入差距继续缩小。

    The number of rural people living in poverty was reduced by 16.5 million and the urban-rural income gap continued to narrow .

  28. 与之相比,农村金融相关比率与农村住户的人均可支配收入之间存在明显的因果关系。

    At the same time , the ratio of agriculture-related rural finance did a significant contributes to the Rural per capita disposable income .

  29. 在对影响房地产价格因素分析时,重点从土地价格、利率、人均可支配收入和预期等因素对房地产价格进行了分析。

    We focus on land prices , interest rates , disposable income and expectation while analyzing factors that may influence the real estate price .

  30. 通过测算发现,运城市人均可支配收入总体增长较快,但中低收入家庭可支配收入增长相对缓慢。

    By estimates , found that overall per capita disposable income growth is rapid , but low-income household disposable income growth is relatively slow .