
  • 网络low-income family;Low income family;low-income households
  1. 借鉴日本公营住宅经验建立我国低收入家庭住房租金模型

    House renting model of Chinese low income families based on Japanese experience of public housing

  2. 低收入家庭的学生如果选择在威尔斯当地就读大学,则一毛钱学费也不必付。

    Welsh students from low income families will pay no fees at all if they attend universities in wales .

  3. 新到的救济金是低收入家庭的及时雨。

    This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families .

  4. 低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。

    It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families .

  5. 许多低收入家庭将会买不起自己的房子。

    Many families on low incomes will be unable to afford to buy their own home

  6. 低收入家庭越来越吸引媒体的关注。

    Low-income families are attracting more and more media attention .

  7. 多数富有家庭会让孩子们上学前班或日托班,但低收入家庭更可能依赖家人照顾孩子。

    Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care , while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members .

  8. 里尔登的研究发现,在高收入家庭和低收入家庭之间,出生于2001年的孩子当中的成绩差距,与25年前出生的孩子相比扩大了30%-40%。

    The achievement gap between children from high - and low-income families is 30-40 % larger among children born in 2001 than those born 25 years earlier , according to Mr. Reardon 's research .

  9. 社会科学工作者声称,差异存在的部分原因是,低收入家庭可以花在音乐课或学前班上的资金较少,日上的灵活性也较差,所以陪同孩子去博物馆或参加校园活动的机会也少。

    Social scientists say the differences arise in part because low-income parents have less money to spend on music class or preschool , and less flexible schedules to take children to museums or attend school events .

  10. 但一直努力着让更多的黑人西班牙裔和低收入家庭的学生进入高等数学领域,希望能改变高水平竞争者的人口池,使其不再那么排外。

    But efforts are in place to expose more black , Hispanic , and low-income students to advanced math , in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less exclusive .

  11. “经济适用男”一词来源于“经济适用房”,即政府为低收入家庭出资提供的公共性住房。

    The word " budget husband " originates from the word " budget housing " , government subsidized public housing for low-income households .

  12. 所以,如果一个低收入家庭买了房子,So,,a,family,that,bought,a,house&,他们一般是还不起房贷的,当贷款利率回升时。

    A low-income family buys a house they can barely afford it , then the rates go up on them .

  13. 牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)将为来自低收入家庭的年轻人设立一个3亿英镑的奖学金基金。

    Oxford university is setting up a £ 300m scholarship fund for young people from low-income families .

  14. 低收入家庭学生的高等教育入学保障机制&EugeneLang实验的启示

    Assured Access for lower - income students to higher education & Eugene Lang experiment and the Enlightenment

  15. 根据国家教育统计中心(NationalCenterforEducationStatistics)的最新数据,在美国所有的高中毕业生中,能升学到两年或四年制院校的比例为68%,但在低收入家庭的学生中,这一比例仅有52%。

    According to the most recent figures from the National Center for Education Statistics , 68 percent of all high school graduates make it to a two - or four-year institution , but only 52 percent of low-income students do the same .

  16. imf提出的一条明智建议是,暂时削减英国低收入家庭的税负这些家庭很可能会把多出来的钱花掉,而不是存起来。

    One sensible suggestion from the IMF was for temporary tax cuts targeted at lower income households , who would be likely to spend rather than save the benefits .

  17. 奥巴马已采取了一些初步举措来扩大医保范围支持扩展联邦儿童医疗保险计划(StateChildren'sHealthInsuranceProgram),在现有700万来自低收入家庭的儿童的基础上,再增加400万,为他们提供医疗。

    Mr Obama has already taken some initial steps to broaden protection , by championing the extension of the State Children 's Health Insurance Program , adding a further 4m to the existing 7m children from families with modest incomes who are provided with medical care .

  18. 励德邨(LaiTakTsuen)则是个例外。这是个公共住宅区,住户主要是低收入家庭和靠政府养老金生活的老年人。

    Lai Tak Tsuen , a public housing estate home to largely low-income families and the elderly living on government pensions , is an exception .

  19. 文学贡献奖(TheLiterarianAward)是颁发给对文学界做出突出贡献人士的奖项,今年由第一图书(FirstBook)公司的总裁兼首席执行官凯尔·齐默(KyleZimmer)获得,这家非盈利机构向低收入家庭儿童分发了数百万册图书。

    The Literarian Award , for outstanding service to the literary community , went to Kyle Zimmer , the president and chief executive of First Book , a nonprofit group that distributes millions of books to children from low-income families .

  20. 然而,像特蕾泽·伊万乔(ThereseIwancio)这样的老师表示,他们的学生会从明确的学业指导中受益。她在巴尔的摩格林芒特社区的塞西尔小学(CecilElementarySchool)任教,那里绝大部分孩子来自低收入家庭。

    Still , teachers like Therese Iwancio , who works at Cecil Elementary School in Baltimore 's Greenmount neighborhood , where the vast majority of children come from low-income families , say their students benefit from explicit academic instruction .

  21. 在一项针对低收入家庭的科技和学习情况的研究中,琼甘兹库尼中心(JoanGanzCooneyCenter)的研究人员对1200对子女在6岁至13岁的美国中低收入父母展开了调查。

    In a study of technology and learning in low-income families , researchers from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center conducted a survey of 1200 lower - and medium-income parents in the US with children aged between 6 and 13 .

  22. 最近像病毒般迅速传播的杜克大学学生报纸的客座专栏中,大四学生凯莉·诺埃尔·沃尔多夫(KellyNoelWaldorf)谈及一所精英大学的低收入家庭学生会感到多么孤立无援。

    In a guest column for Duke University 's student newspaper that recently went viral , senior KellyNoel Waldorf addresses how isolating it can feel as a low-income student at an elite university .

  23. 该计划名为“搬向机遇”(MovingtoOpportunity,简称MTO),始于比尔·克林顿(BillClinton)的第一个总统任期。当时,联邦住房与城市发展部从巴尔的摩、波士顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶和纽约随机选择了一大批有小孩的低收入家庭。

    Under the aegis of the " Moving to Opportunity " program , begun during the first administration of Bill Clinton , the Department of Housing and Urban Development randomly selected a large pool of low-income families with children living in public housing in Baltimore , Boston , Chicago , Los Angeles and New York .

  24. WCRF的调查机构的调查发现,平均17%低收入家庭(生活在C2,D和E社区)每天都在吃这五类食物,相较于27%的高收入家庭。

    The YouGov survey for the WCRF found that , on average , 17 % of lower income households ( social groups C2 , D and E ) eat at least five portions per day , compared with 27 % for those in higher income groups .

  25. 行政官ArnoldSchwarzenegger不愿借钱来维持自己的州的运转,他希望司法部门可以关注该州的240亿美元的赤字,否则该州将不得不砍掉上万个岗位,消除数百万的低收入家庭儿童的医疗保险。

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says he refuses to borrow money to keep his state running , he wants legislators to focus on the state 's 24 billion dollar deficit or the state could be forced to cut thousands of jobs , eliminate health care for a million low income children .

  26. LEDA的布雷格表示,研究生院的申请费——包括备考教材、考试费和学校申请费——是如此之高,低收入家庭的学生普遍认为费用高得令人望而却步。

    LEDA 's Breger says that graduate school application costs - including prep courses , prep books , test fees and school application fees - are so high that is not uncommon for a low income student to decide the costs are prohibitive .

  27. 太原市低收入家庭主观幸福感研究

    Study on the Sense of Happiness of Low-income Families in Taiyuan

  28. 经济学家分析高税率对低收入家庭的影响。

    Economists assessed the impact of higher taxes on lower-income households .

  29. 其它政府机构提供的是一些赞助服务,比如对那些低收入家庭。

    Other government agencies target other constituencies such as low-income housing .

  30. 引导低收入家庭学生克服心理障碍。

    Finally , to guide the students to conquer psychological disorders .