
  • 网络food price index
  1. 联合国的食品价格指数仍处于历史高位附近。

    A UN food price index remains near record levels .

  2. 食品价格指数[国际复兴开发银行]

    Food Price Index [ IBRD ]

  3. 据联合国粮食及农业组织(TheUnitedNationsFoodandAgricultureOrganization)公布的数据显示,2月份食品价格指数较1月份上升5.2个点,为2012年中期以来最快增速。

    The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 's monthly food-price index in February rose 5.2 points from January , the sharpest rise since mid-2012 .

  4. 2009年11月食品价格指数再度达到2008年9月以来的最高水平。

    In November 2009 the food price index to again in September 2008 . the highest level since .

  5. 其中,食品价格指数同比上涨2.3%,与此相比3月份食品价格指数上涨4.1%。

    Within that , food prices rose 2.3 per cent , compared to a 4.1 per cent increase in March .

  6. 4月份,食品价格指数上涨7.1%,将通胀推高至3%,为近两年来的高点。

    In April , the food price index rose 7.1 per cent , pushing inflation near a two-year high of 3 per cent .

  7. 跳跃式的能源和食品价格对于价格指数回升具有突出作用,尤其减缩了经济利润。

    Galloping energy and food prices , which are especially squeezing business profits , figured prominently in the index 's pickup .

  8. 对于食品的价格分类指数而言,货币超发对蛋、鲜果、鲜菜的影响较大,对肉禽及其制品、粮食、水产品的影响较小。

    As for the price sub-index under food , money over issue takes great influence on eggs , fresh fruits , fresh vegetables . It takes small impact on meal , poultry and their product , grain as well as aquatic product . 3 .

  9. 食品在越南消费价格指数(CPI)中占到了将近43%的比重,但武文宁表示,越南目前有充足的供应,以避免价格进一步上涨,并且今年出口450万吨大米,他对此有信心。

    Food accounts for almost 43 per cent of the consumer price index in Vietnam but Mr Vu said Vietnam was confident it now had sufficient supplies to avoid further price increases , as well as export 4.5m tonnes of rice this year .

  10. 而在日本,扣除食品和能源的价格指数2月份同比下降1.1%,比通缩恐慌情绪最高峰的2001年形势更糟。

    And in Japan , prices , excluding food and energy , were 1.1 per cent lower in February than a year earlier , a worse rate of deflation than in 2001 , when the scare was at its height .