
  1. 本文结合工程实践介绍低应变动测法检测发现PHC管桩的缺陷波形特征,并结合静载荷试验情况分析缺陷对竖向承载力的影响。

    Combined with engineering practice , the paper introduced the method of low-strain dynamical Detecting to find the waveform feature of pipe-peg bug and combined with static load experiment to analyze the effect of the bug on vertical load force .

  2. 桩顶非自由端低应变动测法应用研究

    Application of low strain integrity testing in restrain end of pile

  3. 低应变动测法检测基桩混凝土离析缺陷

    Piles Concrete Isolation Detecting by Low Strain Dynamic Testing

  4. 低应变动测法在水泥土桩工程质量检测中的应用初探

    Preliminary discussion on application of low-strain dynamic monitoring method to examining engineering quality of cement-earth piles

  5. 笔者针对京秦客运通道提速改造工程,利用低应变动测法对混凝土灌注桩承载力和桩完整性进行了检测;

    In view of reconstruction and speed up of Jing Qin railway , using low strain dynamic measurement the pile loading capacity and its integrity were measured .

  6. 对加固后的桩再进行低应变动测法、静载荷试验法等方法检测,并与第一次检测结果进行比较,结果显示加固后的桩基工程质量符合设计要求。

    After the defect piles are consolidated , the dynamic low strain test and static loading test are applied to the consolidated piles again , and the results of examination show that the treatments meet the demand of design .