
  • 网络Logistics Market
  1. 加入WTO与中国物流市场

    Access to WTO and China 's Logistics Market

  2. 2002年中国加入WTO后,根据中国对服务贸易方面的承诺,我国物流市场将全面开放。

    After China joined the WTO in 2002 , Chinese government carries out its commitments on trade and service section , Chinese logistics market will open widely .

  3. 加入WTO后我国企业应对物流市场国际化竞争的对策分析

    The Countermeasures of Domestic Logistics Industry to Meet International Competition After China 's Access to WTO

  4. 随着我国加入WTO后物流市场的逐步开放,我国第三方物流企业的发展面临着众多的机遇和挑战。

    As the gradual open of logistics market after China 's entering into WTO , third party logistics companies of China are confronting so much opportunities and challenges .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,我国服务市场准入程度的进一步扩大,中国仓储物流市场竞争也会更加激烈。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the service market will be of further extend , China 's market competition in warehouse logistics would be much more vehement .

  6. 本文在OGSA、WSRF和WS-Notification基础上提出了一种基于物流市场的网格Web服务资源分配模型。

    A Grid Web Service resource allocation model based on market of logistics is proposed based on OGSA 、 WSRF and WS-Notification in this thesis .

  7. 在对第三方物流市场需求规模指标选取以及需求规模影响因素分析的基础上,运用SPSS软件对昆明市第三方物流市场需求规模进行预测。

    Based on the selection of the demand index of the TPL market and the analysis of the affecting factors , the paper predicts the demand scale of the TPL market in Kunming by using SPSS .

  8. 我国物流市场竞合动因与竞合效应分析

    Analysis on Competitive Cooperation Motives and Effect of China Logistics Market

  9. 激活物流市场应三管齐下

    Activating the Market of Logistics Should Take Measures From Three Respects

  10. 我国物流市场需求供给分析

    The Analysis of the Demand and Supply of Civil Logistics Market

  11. 物流市场细分方法在区域物流规划中的应用

    Application of the logistics market segmentation in regional logistics development planning

  12. 对国内外物流市场发展的研究与思考

    A view of the Development of Internal and External Logistics Markets

  13. 未来国际物流市场拥有许许多多良好的机遇。

    The future international logistics market has lots of good opportunities .

  14. 贵阳市第三方物流市场发展对策初探

    Countermeasures about the Development of Third-party Logistics Market in Guiyang City

  15. 物流市场需求包括需求数量和需求质量两个方面。

    Logistics market demand includes demand quantity and demand quality .

  16. 虚拟仓库在粮食物流市场运行体系中的作用

    The Role of Virtual Warehouse in the Grain Logistics Market Operation System

  17. 现代物流市场具有需求变化快、需求特性不单一、受其他因素影响大等特点。

    Modem logistics market is affected by demand and it 's trait .

  18. 基于模糊聚类的物流市场细分方法探讨

    Research on Logistics Market Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis

  19. 中国绿色食品物流市场发展与产业竞争力提升

    To Develop China Green Food Logistics Market and to Raise Industry Competency

  20. 交通运输业应占领物流市场制高点

    Traffic Trade be Occupied the Key Point in Logistics Market

  21. 湖北省农产品物流市场空间结构分析

    Spatial structure of primary products logistics market in Hubei province

  22. 开放条件下中国物流市场发展现状及趋势分析

    Logistics Market in Opening China : The Current Situation and Its Trend

  23. 我国物流市场的区域差异分析

    A Comparative Study on Regional Logistics Markets in China

  24. 我国冷藏食品物流市场现状及发展措施

    The Logistics Current Situation for Food Refrigeration and Several Available Measures in China

  25. 我国第三方物流市场结构和竞争策略研究

    Research on the Third Party Logistics Market Structure and Competition Strategy in China

  26. 物流市场的兴旺带动了物流园区的蓬勃兴起。

    The boom of logistics market drives the spring up of Logistics Park .

  27. 我国物流市场的共生营销战略

    The Coexisting Marketing Strategy of Logistics Market in China

  28. 郑州邮政的物流市场分析与定位

    Analysis and Positioning of Logistics Market for Zhengzhou Post

  29. 西部内陆城市第三方物流市场分析

    An Analysis of Third Party Logistics Market in the Cities of West China

  30. 中国物流市场竞争因素分析

    Analysis on Competitive Factors in China Logistics Markets