
  • 网络Logistics;logistics industry;logistics chains
  1. 合肥市现代物流业发展的SWOT分析

    Analysis of Modern Logistics Industry Development in Hefei City with SWOT

  2. 重庆市作为西南地区的物资集散地,物流业将对该地区GDP产生越来越大的影响。

    Chongqing as a material distribution center in southwest China , logistics will have increasing influence on GDP .

  3. 我国加入了WTO,为我国港口企业发展现代物流业提供了一个前所未有的发展机遇。

    China 's entry into WTO has come up with unprecedented opportunities for developing modern logistics of those port enterprises in our country .

  4. 从近年数据来看,物流业的发展与经济GDP共同迅猛发展已经成为不争的事实。

    The logistics industry and economic share the rapid development has become an indisputable fact from the data of recent years .

  5. 物流业是中国加入WTO以后所受影响最大的领域之一,主要包括公路、水运行业,分销服务业。

    After entering WTO , Logistics industry is one of the greatest affected area in China , such as road transportation , water car - riage , retail service etc.

  6. 我国已经加入WTO,这既会给我国的物流业提供难得的发展机遇,又会带来严峻的挑战。

    Since we have become the member of the WTO , the development chance and opportunity will be provided to us but also some challenges will be faced to us .

  7. 第二部分,用SWOT法分析了铁路发展物流业的内外环境、机遇和挑战。

    Second part ; have analyzed the internal and external environmental , opportunity and challenge of the development logistics industry of the railway with SWOT matrix .

  8. 本文从国际上物流业的发展趋势、中国物流业的供求形势、加入WTO以后的新情况等方面描述了中国物流业的市场形势;

    The author examines the market situation of Chinese Logistics industry in terms of international logistics industry development trend , the current condition of demand & supply of Chinese logistics industry , the new environment in entering WTO for China .

  9. 《呼和浩特市现代物流业发展规划》指出:重点建设完成MS、金山两个综合物流园区和一批重点物流中心;引进和培养一批规模化、专业化、网络化的物流企业。

    《 The plan of Hohhot modern logistics industry development 》 focus on building MS and Jinshan two integrated logistics parks and a number of key logistics center ; introduction and cultivation of a number of large-scale , specialized network of logistics enterprises .

  10. 以物流业发展定量预测常用的灰色预测GM(1,1)模型为例,介绍了现代物流业发展定量预测通用软件系统的内容、结构、设计、功能以及该设计与实现的关键技术。

    Grey model used by logistics development quantitative forecast is presented as an example . The content , structure , design , function and key technology of design and implementation of system are introduced , which is modern logistics development planning forecast .

  11. 伴随着我国物流业的发展,武汉ZJ物流有限责任公司从创立到发展,取得了长足的进步。

    With the development of logistics industry in China , Wuhan ZJ Logistics Limited Liability Company has made considerable progress from its foundation to the development period .

  12. 进而,确定了重庆PL有限公司的战略目标是:努力确立公司在西部汽车物流业中的领先地位,并逐步成为中国最好的大型综合物流服务提供商之一。

    What 's more , the strategy target of Chongqing PL limited Company is determined . It is that striving to make sure the leader situation in automobile logistics industry in Western China , and then to be one of the best suppliers who supply integration logistics service gradually .

  13. 上海现代物流业的发展与专业化网络化建设

    Development of Modern Logistics in Shanghai and Professional and Network Construction

  14. 好风凭借力,扬帆正其时&珠海发展航空物流业的前景航空物流园区形成机理

    Air Logistics Development in Zhuhai Forming Principle of Air Logistics Area

  15. 制约新疆物流业发展的问题与对策探讨

    Theory System Roughly Xinjiang Logistics Industry Development Of problem And Counterplan

  16. 航运业向电子商务物流业发展分析

    Analysis of Chinese Shipping Industry Developing Toward Logistics Industry of E-commerce

  17. 物流业是国民经济中的重要产业。

    Logistics Industry is an important industry in the national economy .

  18. 现代物流业支撑系统协调性研究

    The Research on Coordination for the Supporting System of Logistics Industry

  19. 物流业发展水平不高与经济快速发展对物流业的要求相对较高之间的矛盾越来越突出。

    Conflict between logistics industry level and economic development becomes prominent .

  20. 品质机能展开,服务品质,港埠物流业。

    Quality Function Deployment , service quality , Port Logistics .

  21. 我国物流业对国民经济贡献衡量的比较研究

    Study of measurement on contributions produced by domestic logistics to national economy

  22. 降低粮食物流业经营成本的对策研究

    On the Countermeasures of reducing the operating cost of grain logistics industry

  23. 阐述了现代物流业演进的相关问题。

    The evaluative question about modern logistics industry is stated .

  24. 电缆行业现状分析刍议我国物流业的跨越式发展

    Analyzed of Cable On Leap - frogging Development of China Logistics Industry

  25. 物流业中的作业成本法及其应用前景探讨

    The principle and application prospect of activity-based costing method for logistics system

  26. 浅谈我国物流业现状与发展趋势

    On Current Situation and Development Trend of Chinese Logistics Industry

  27. 中国物流业防范外资垄断分析

    Analysis of Preventing Monopoly from Foreign Investors in Logistics Industry

  28. 浅析我国第三方物流业并购的原因及其影响

    Reasons & Impacts of Consolidation Wave in China 3PL Industry

  29. 深圳物流业与区域经济发展实证分析

    Empirical analysis of logistics industry and economic development in Shenzhen

  30. 重庆物流业现状及其发展需求与对策研究

    Current Logistics Industry Situation of Chongqing and its Development Requirement and Countermeasures