• object;thing;matter;res;other people;chose
  • 人以外的具体的东西:事~。生~。~体。货~。礼~。文~。~价。~质。地大~博。~极必反。

  • 内容,实质:言之有~。

  • 指自己以外的人或跟自己相对的环境:~议(群众的批评)。待人接~。~望所归(众望所归)。


(东西) thing; matter; object:

  • 动物


  • 货物

    goods; commodity; merchandise;

  • 矿物

    mineral substance;

  • 废物

    waste matter;

  • 文物

    cultural relics


(指自己以外的人或与己相对的环境) other people; the outside or material world versus oneself:

  • 待人接物

    the way one gets along with people;

  • 游心物外

    let the mind soar free from the material world


(内容; 实质) content; substance; essence:

  • 言之有物

    speak or write with substance;

  • 空洞无物

    totally void of substance; devoid of content

  1. 音乐是如此蒙之物。

    Music is such a nebulous thing .

  2. 物以稀为贵。

    When a thing is scarce , it is precious .

  3. 岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。

    The islanders use a system of barter instead of money .

  4. 这种陷阱不用诱饵或其他引诱物。

    This type of trap uses no bait or other attractant .

  5. 医生说他不能举重物。

    The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights .

  6. 这是一物多用,既是瓶塞钻,又是开瓶器。

    It 's a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one .

  7. 我不相信这些有关目击不明飞行物的传言。

    I don 't believe these reports of UFO sightings .

  8. 他做了手术,取出喉头的阻塞物。

    He had an operation to remove an obstruction in his throat .

  9. 政府已保证要清除工业排放物。

    The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions .

  10. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。

    The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics .

  11. 所有毛巾上都标有物主姓名的首字母。

    All the towels were personalized with their initials .

  12. 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim .

  13. 在最后一遍漂洗时加入织物柔顺剂。

    Fabric conditioner is added during the final rinse .

  14. 织物是红色的,带有金黄色的斑点。

    The fabric was red , flecked with gold .

  15. 这种织物进行过防水处理。

    The fabric has been treated to repel water .

  16. 加入有机物以改良土壤。

    Improve the soil by adding organic matter .

  17. 小心,这种织物一撕就破。

    Careful ─ the fabric tears very easily .

  18. 这些屋子装饰着华丽昂贵的织物。

    The rooms were decorated with rich fabrics .

  19. 船撞到了硬物上。

    The boat bumped against a solid object .

  20. 他跳过了两个障碍物以躲避记者。

    He hurdled two barriers to avoid reporters .

  21. 我摸了一下这种织物。

    I had a feel of the material .

  22. 自我是唯一可知的存在物。

    The self is the only knowable existent .

  23. 他们用障碍物堵住了所有的门窗。

    They barricaded all the doors and windows .

  24. 那匹马在跨越最后一个障碍物时跌倒了。

    The horse fell at the last jump .

  25. 这种织物很贴身。

    The fabric moulds to the body .

  26. 这颗钻石镶在金饰物上。

    The diamond is mounted in gold .

  27. 她的手镯上挂着许多金饰物。

    Gold charms dangled from her bracelet .

  28. 这些圣人遗物是倍受敬奉之物。

    The relics were objects of veneration .

  29. 障碍物拦住了人群。

    The barriers kept the crowd back .

  30. 所购之物若不合意,我们将全额退款。

    If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund .