
  1. 密尔沃基玛丽山大学(MountMaryUniversity)企业管理学助理教授、MBA课程主任克里斯汀o罗克表示,证据显示这并非一种个别现象。

    The evidence suggests not , according to Kristen Roche , an assistant professor of business administration and director of the MBA program at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee .

  2. 我也曾希望这只是个别现象,

    I wish that were an isolated occurrence ,

  3. 但这只是个别现象。

    But the tumbrils are hardly circling .

  4. 姚明从来都只是一个个别现象。

    Yao was always a singular case .

  5. 随着我国硕士研究生招生制度的改革,硕士研究生调剂录取已不再是个别现象,而成为了研究生招生工作中的重要组成部分。

    With the reform of Matriculation system for Postgraduate , the regulating matriculation has been a all-pervading phenomenon .

  6. 如果这是个别现象也就罢了,不幸的是如此走形式的企业似乎遍布全国。

    If this is individual phenomenon also just , unfortunately so take a form enterprise appears throughout the country .

  7. 不是对个别现象的说文解字,而是在于对规律的探讨和把握。

    It is not the study of the individual phenomenon , but the discussion and the grasp of the disciplinary .

  8. 但同时应当看到,发生在民事诉讼领域的虚假诉讼已不再属于个别现象,且明显地呈现出蔓延趋势。

    However , it should also be noticed that false lawsuits in civil lawsuits are not rare but on obvious increase .

  9. 考试作弊在大学生中尽管是个别现象,但作弊的消极影响不可低估。

    Although cheating in examinations is an exceptional phenomenon in universities and colleges , its negative impact should not be underestimated .

  10. 但是,这些个别现象显然并不足喜,我们的整体思维还不够好。

    But , as is evident in the dismal state of affairs , our collective thinking simply isn 't good enough .

  11. 余秋雨的成功不是个别现象,而是中国知识分子转型时期的缩影和投射。

    Yu Qiuyu 's success isn 't a specific phenomenon , which is a reduction and cast of intellectuals in the transitional times .

  12. 最后,很多年轻的高中生乃至初中生出国,仅仅是因为他们的父母太有钱了,而且这还不是个别现象。

    Lastly , many young high school , or even middle school students go abroad simply because their parents'money bags are too swollen .

  13. 这类愚人的诞生与轮回转世,不是偶然出现的个别现象,而是历代创作主体有意识创造与继承的结果。

    Their birth and growth , is not the individual phenomenon appears accidentally , but the special creation which inherits from all previous dynasties .

  14. 第二,司法介入公司治理的失灵现象并非个别现象,而是存在于中国司法实践中的普遍现象。

    The failure of judicial intervention into corporate governance in China does not only exist in individual cases but is a common phenomenon in judicial practice .

  15. 本文在前人研究的基础上,运用统计、描写和解释的方法,首先对副词进行封闭式的量化统计,证明副+NP不是个别现象。

    Based on the previous researches , this dissertation firstly prove that adverb + NP are not specific phenomena by means of statistics , description and interpretation .

  16. 通过对大量历史文献资料的分析及研究发现,我国古代存在的寺院武僧活动,并非是个别现象。

    Through the analysis of historical literature and research , it 's found out that the Wushu activities held in ancient Chinese temples are not an individual phenomenon .

  17. 英国工业革命中使用童工劳动不是某一行业、某一资本家的个别现象,而是一种普遍的现象。

    During the Industrial Revolution in England , child labor was not a rare phenomenon appealing in certain particular trade or under one capitalist , but a common one .

  18. 从古代社会的个别现象到现代社会的普遍存在,劳动关系及其争议由来已久,其法律调整在不同的历史时期各有其特点。

    From individual phenomenon in ancient society to universal existence in modern society , the labor relations and the legal adjustments of disputes have its characteristics in different historical periods .

  19. 学院也并没有要求名学生必须填写登记表格。如果有填写表格的情况,也是个别现象。

    The supervising school has also never demanded students to fill in a registration form and if there was a situation of a student filling up such form it was an exceptional phenomenon .

  20. 结果表明六次复现可以看作是二语词汇习得的一个分水岭。(3)同时也出现了输入频次理论无法解释的个别现象。

    The result suggests that 6 recurrence rate can be viewed as the threshold for L2 vocabulary acquisition . ( 3 ) There are some exceptional problems that input frequency theory cannot fully interpret .

  21. 纵观世界范围内的女性犯罪问题,女性犯罪率不断攀升不再是哪个国家的个别现象,而是犯罪学领域所面临的全球性社会问题。

    Around the world within the scope of the female crime problem , women rising crime rate which country is no longer the individual phenomenon , but criminal learn field face global social problems .

  22. 我们可能会认为这只是个别现象,但威斯康辛儿童信托基金的研究表明,低收入家庭的孩子遭受多种童年创伤的几率为40%,

    And we think of these things as especially rare , but a study by the Wisconsin Children 's Trust Fund found that 40 percent of low-income kids face multiple instances of childhood trauma ,

  23. 西汉时皇帝虽也依赖身边的大臣,但能像霍氏和王氏那样专权的外戚只是个别现象。

    In the Western Han , even though emperors relied on individual followers , it was rare for consort clans like families Huo and Wang to seize great power to interfere with the state affairs .

  24. 这里,我们也见到个别现象战胜普遍性和诗人的近乎解剖手法的个别描写的爱好;

    but of the vigorous truth to nature and the artist 's imitative power . Here also we observe the victory of the phenomenon over the universal , and the delight in a unique , almost anatomical preparation ;

  25. 指数可以直观的为我们展示整体或者个别现象的变动趋势,可以是不同时间现象水平的对比,也可以是不同空间现象水平的对比。

    The index can be intuitive for us to show the overall change trend or an isolated phenomenon , which can be different times of the phenomenon of the level of contrast , can also be a level of comparison of different space phenomena .

  26. 对于我国现实的情况来说,腐败问题已经决不能说成是个别现象了,而且由于腐败类型的犯罪具有隐形化的特点,常规类型的侦查手段往往收效甚微。

    To our country 's realistic of circumstance , the problem of corruption has already never can be an individual phenomenon , and because of the crime of corruption has the invisible characteristics , so the investigation of normal type usually yield results very tiny .

  27. 所以,写声的音乐,无论就任何关系而言,都与真正音乐的神话创造力处于对立地位:它使得贫乏的现象更为贫乏,但是醉境音乐却使得个别现象更加丰富,扩大而成为反世界的画面。

    Tone-painting is thus in every respect the opposite of true music with its mythopoeic power : through it the phenomenon , poor in itself , is made still poorer , while through Dionysian music the individual phenomenon is enriched and expanded into an image of the world .

  28. 结果发现,加入锶和镧盐均能提高大多数试样Ca、Mg元素含量的测定灵敏度,且镧盐的释放效果明显高于锶盐,但有个别反常现象。

    The result shows that adding Sr and La salt will improve sensitivity of most experimental specimen of Ca and Mg , the releasing effect of La salt is apparently higher than that of Sr salt , but there are exceptional abnormal phenomena .

  29. 那么如果你遇到个别拒捕现象时怎么办?

    It 's on . So what do you do if you encounter an individual resisting arrest ?

  30. 近几年指示语的认知研究虽然开辟了新的途径,但这些研究大多侧重个别指示现象,或者只强调指示语的经验解释。

    The cognitive approaches to deixis in recent years shed new light on the study of deixis , but focus is only restricted to certain deictic expressions or the epistemic interpretation of deixis .