
  • 网络individual need
  1. 同时,要对一些不合理需求加以引导,做到个体需要与社会需要的统一。

    Meanwhile , unifying individual need and social need .

  2. 三是重视组织价值而忽略知识型员工的个体需要,从而忽视了知识型员工的个人成长;

    Great importance attached to the value of organization and ignorance of individual need and self-improvement of knowledge-based employees ;

  3. 国家需要与个体需要有机结合原则;

    The country needs needing to accord with the principle with the masses organically ;

  4. 靠背的宽度和大腿支撑可以根据个体需要来进行选择,座椅的加热系统也支持不同的设置。

    Settings for backrest width and thigh support can be varied , as can the settings for the seat heating system .

  5. 从进化的视角看,这种现象令人非常困惑,因为合作的个体需要自己承担成本但却给非亲缘的群体成员带来收益。

    This kind of behavior is puzzling from an evolutionary perspective because cooperating individuals incur individual costs to confer benefits on unrelated group members .

  6. 但是普通中学的体育课程结构也存在一些问题,如以社会、学科为中心,忽视了学生的个体需要;

    But some questions exist in this kind of course structure , such as regarding society , discipline as the centre , the individual who ignores students needs ;

  7. 动机是直接推动有机体活动以满足个体需要的内部状态,是行为的直接原因和内部动力[1]。

    Motivation is directly promote the activities of organisms to meet the individual needs of the internal state , is the direct cause of behavior and internal power .

  8. 结论特殊假体具有更适合个体需要、可防止植骨块移位或塌陷、初始稳定性较好等优点。

    Conclusion Special prostheses have the advantages of better compatibility with the individual requirements , prevention of displacement or collapse of the bone graft and higher primary stability .

  9. 食用了预压缩冷冻家常小饼和出现了这些症状的个体需要立即联系他们的医生和健康顾问。

    Individuals who have recently eaten prepackaged , refrigerated Toll House cookie dough and have experienced any of these symptoms should contact their doctor or health care provider immediately .

  10. 教师职业倦怠正逐渐从个人问题延伸为群体与制度问题,导致教师职业倦怠的根本因素,在于对教师个体需要,尤其是尊重的需要、安全的需要、个人价值实现的需要的忽视。

    The occupational boredom of teachers has gradually turned from individual to communal issue , due to the negligence of their personal need of respect , security , and value .

  11. 传统的高校学生管理存在的主要问题是忽视了学生的个体需要和发展需要,忽视学生的主体地位和情感联系。

    The main problem exist in traditional high school student managed is neglect student 's individual need and development need , neglect student 's main body status and the emotion relation .

  12. 个体需要在相互作用过程中集合成公共需要,公共需要必然升华为共同意志,共同意志被国家以根本法的形式表现出来形成宪法价值。

    Individual demands will flow into a public demand in the process of interacting , and the public demand will become constitutional value when it represented by the basic law of a country .

  13. 认为只有如此,才能改变传统道德教育对个体需要的压抑,将德性与德行更好地统一起来,实现道德教育本身的健康发展。

    That only so can we change the traditional moral education of the individual needs of repression , morality and virtue would be to better integrate and realize the healthy development of moral education itself .

  14. 远程教育教学环境的完善,以及高质、高效、满足个体需要的网络课程设计和素材库的建设,对现代远程教育体系、网络教育发展至关重要。

    It is very important for development of modern distance education , e-learning that improvement of distance instructional environment and construction of instructional material base , high quality , high efficiency web course to meet individual demand .

  15. 机器人辅助教育是指将机器人应用于教学过程,充分发挥机器人的实际操作和演示功能,并可与学生自然交互,积极适应学生个体需要的教学。

    Robot assisted education means that robot is applied to teaching process , its function of practical operation and demonstration is brought into fully play , it can naturally interact with students and actively fit for students ' individual need .

  16. 掌握高校学生个体需要的特征,运用管理心理学的需要理论,明确开展思想工作的思路,树立威信,注重感情,对有效开展高校学生思想政治工作,具有重要的现实意义。

    For carrying out the ideological political work for college students , it is significant to grasp the characteristics of individual needs , apply the theory of needs , define the thinking of ideological work and set up the authority as well .

  17. 在设计指标时,力求从学生消费者这一角度出发,体现学生个体需要与关怀,体现当代学生对于高等教育服务的新要求。

    When design the indexes , I sought to consider from the points of view of the student consumers , to reflect the individual needs and cares of students , reflect the students ' new requirements to the services of higher education .

  18. 是对教育活动满足社会和个体需要的程度和对教育活动现实的(已经取得)或潜在的(还未取得,但可能取得)价值做出判断,并期望达到教育价值增值的过程。

    It is a social and educational activities to meet the individual needs of the extent and reality of educational activities ( already made ) or potential ( not yet achieved , but may be obtained ) value to judge in order to achieve the educational value of value-added process .

  19. 与Malinowski不同的是,Radcliffe-Brown觉得,与其说社会行动满足了个体的需要,不如说是维持了社会结构。

    Unlike Malinowski , Radcliffe-Brown felt that the various aspects of social behavior maintain a society 's social structure rather than satisfying individual needs .

  20. 制定适宜的目标,激活个体道德需要;

    Suitable goals should be made so as to activate individual moral needs ;

  21. 论个体道德需要发生的必然性和机制

    On the inevitability and organization of individual moral-need

  22. 这些结果都强调了对于糖尿病患者抗血小板治疗方案的个体化需要。

    These findings underscore the need of individualized antiplatelet treatment regimens in diabetic patients .

  23. 论个体道德需要的生成

    On the formation of individual moral requirement

  24. 从教师个体的需要和组织理论发展两个角度展开分析,本研究阐明教研组首先是一种教育组织&政治性育人性组织;

    Launch the research from two angles about the teacher individual demand and organization theories .

  25. 个体道德需要问题探微

    A Probe into Individual Moral Need

  26. 立足大学生的个体道德需要,提高道德教育的实效性

    To Improve the Effectiveness of Moral Education : Based upon the Individual Moral Needs of College Students

  27. 目的:探讨前臂皮瓣修复口腔缺损时,为适应缺损的个体化需要而设计皮瓣形状的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of custom-made forearm flap in the restoration of oral defects .

  28. 衣食住行是每个社会每个个体都需要的。

    " food , clothing , housing and transportation " is necessary to every society and every individual .

  29. 课堂教学改革的目标是满足社会需求和学生就业与个体发展需要。

    The aim of class teaching reform is to meet the needs of society and students employment and individual development .

  30. 个体道德需要即个体对道德的依赖性,这种依赖性是由个体作为社会存在物的规定性所决定的。

    The individual moral-need is the dependence of the individual on the morality being decided by the individual social exists .