
  • 网络personal statement;Statement of Purpose
  1. 个人陈述,也叫学校申请信,作为一种学术促销体裁(Bhatia,1993)它是学校申请过程中的最重要文件之一。

    The personal statement , or school application letter , as an academic promotional genre ( Bhatia , 1993 ), serves as one of the most important documents in the school admission process .

  2. 我在撰写个人陈述方面确实需要些帮助。

    I really need some help in writing my personal statement .

  3. 这个问题正是我们在个人陈述中要回答的。

    We need to answer that question for our presentations .

  4. 问题21:学生们写个人陈述时必须怎样?

    Question 21 . What must applicants do in their personal statements ?

  5. 对大多数人来说,写个人陈述并不困难。

    For some people , writing a personal statement will come easily .

  6. 个人陈述是申请资料中重要的一部分。

    The personal statement is an important part of your application package .

  7. 2.所以一定要准备一分写的很好的个人陈述。

    Zhang : So we have to prepare a well-written personal statement .

  8. 我这周再次读了你的个人陈述。

    I read your statement again during the weekend .

  9. 她说:好的个人陈述和推荐信需要具备许多详尽的信息。

    Good personal statements and recommendation letters require a lot of detailed information .

  10. 个人陈述是在申请过程中推销自己的一个很好的机会。

    Personal statement is an opportunity to sell yourself in the application process .

  11. 招生人员会读每一封收到的个人陈述。

    Admissions officers read every personal statement that arrives .

  12. 他补充说,另外一个禁忌是在简历中写个人陈述。

    Another no-no was writing a personal statement on your CV , he added .

  13. 从系统功能角度对个人陈述的体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of Personal Statements from Systemic-functional Approach

  14. 申请过程中最重要的一项,也是学生们最畏惧的一项就是个人陈述。

    The most important part of the application is the much feared personal statement .

  15. 什么是好的个人陈述?

    What makes a good personal statement ?

  16. 最后,她不得不选择自行重写一份个人陈述和推荐信。

    She had to rewrite the personal statement and recommendation letters herself in the end .

  17. 近年来,人们对个人陈述的研究兴趣越来越浓。

    In recent years , there has been growing interests in conducting research on personal statement .

  18. 具有中国特色的个人陈述写作

    Writing Personal Statements with Chinese Characteristics

  19. 在截止日期逼近的压力之前,开始撰写你的个人陈述和其它短文。

    Start writing your personal statement and other essays now , beforeimpending deadlines add to the stress .

  20. 西方国家通用的写作原则和美国排名前50位的大学入学申请委员会对个人陈述写作的点评和反馈;

    Western writing principles in textbooks of writing and feedbacks given by the admissions officers of western universities ;

  21. 在个人陈述中暴露自己的学习缺点对于申请大学是非常有帮助的。

    " Disclosing " a learning disability in a personal statement within the college application can definitely help .

  22. 最后,在提交申请前,你还要按要求提交个人陈述。

    Finally , before you submit your application , you will be asked to include your personal statement .

  23. 巴尔内夫斯说,申请者也不要抄别人的个人陈述,或者从网上找灵感。

    Applicants should also avoid copying anyone else 's statement or taking inspiration from the internet , says Balnaves .

  24. 如果当时在寄申请书的时候,你忘记附上一篇个人陈述,你会被拒绝吗?

    What if you had forgotten to send an essay with your application , would you have been rejected ?

  25. 巴尔内夫斯还敦促申请者检查个人陈述的拼写和语法错误并及时提交。

    Balnaves also urges students to review their statements for spelling and grammar and to apply in good time .

  26. 你为每所学校所提交的个人陈述都要证明为什么适合你的学校就是它。

    Your personal statement for each school should be crafted to demonstrate why THAT PARTICULAR school is suitable for you .

  27. 在填写大学申请表时,我们给海外学生特别指导,尤其是填写大学报名表的“个人陈述”部分。

    We then give them a great deal of help with their personal statements , especially if they are international students .

  28. 当您在准备自己的研究生个人陈述时,您就是在对招生委员会展示一幅完整的自画像。

    When you create your graduate school personal statement , you are presenting a total picture of yourself to admissions officers .

  29. 英国大学和学院招生服务中心使用名为“抓取复制”的程序来检查个人陈述的相似之处,发现可疑之处会提醒学校。

    Ucas uses a program called Copycatch to identify similarities in statements and notifies the universities if it picks up anything suspicious .

  30. 申请研究生学校的个人陈述是您向招生顾问充分展示自己成就、经验和真正潜质的机会。

    The grad school personal statement is your best chance to highlight your accomplishments , experiences and true potential to college admissions advisors .