
  • 网络carbon sink;carbon sequestration
  1. NPP增长驱动下的中国森林生态系统碳汇

    Carbon Sink of Forest Ecosystem Driven by NPP Increasing in China

  2. 设计了CDM碳汇、流域补偿机制和区域补偿机制4种补偿方式。

    Four methods of compensation including CDM carbon sink , basin ecological compensation and inter-regional compensation are designed .

  3. 植树造林等项目作为碳汇(carbonsink)将在该机制下更为活跃。

    Projects to establish plantations as carbon sinks could be added to the activities under this mechanism .

  4. 岩溶土壤系统对空气CO2的吸收及其对陆地系统碳汇的意义&以桂林丫吉村岩溶试验场的野外观测和模拟实验为例

    Sink effect of karst soil system on atmospheric co_2 : evidence from field observation and simulation experiment

  5. CO2失汇与北半球中高纬度陆地生态系统的碳汇

    The carbon sink : the role of the middle and high latitudes terrestrial ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere

  6. “越来越明显的是,随着你制造出一个更温暖的世界,曾经作为碳汇的许多森林地区可能转变成碳源。”Field说。

    " It is increasingly clear that as you produce a warmer world , lots of forested areas that had been acting as carbon sinks could be converted to carbon sources ," Field said .

  7. CDM下的森林碳汇项目给我国林业发展带来的机遇

    The Opportunity Brought to China by the Forestry Carbon Sequestration Projects under CDM

  8. 浅议我国林业发展中基于CDM的森林碳汇

    The Forestry Carbon Sequestration Projects under CDM in the Forestry Development in China

  9. 岩溶水通过水-岩-气作用溶解碳酸盐岩,以溶解无机碳(DIC)的形式固定大气中的CO2,构成了岩溶作用的碳汇效应。

    The karst water fixates atmospheric CO2as dissolved inorganic carbon through carbonate rock dissolution with water-rock interaction .

  10. CDM林业碳汇项目的泄漏问题分析

    Analyses on Leakage Issues of Forestry Sequestration Project

  11. 《波恩政治协定》同意将造林再造林林业碳汇项目作为第一承诺期的合格CDM项目类型。

    Bonn Political Agreement takes afforestation and reforestation carbon sink project as a qualified CDM project in the first undertaking period .

  12. 兴安落叶松(Larixgmelini)幼中龄林的生物量与碳汇功能

    Biomass and carbon pool of Larix gmelini young and middle age forest in Xing ′ an Mountains Inner Mongolia

  13. 全球温暖化、CO2施肥效应,氮和磷沉降的增加以及人工植被的扩大是形成碳汇的主要因素。

    Global warming , CO_2 fertilization , increasing nitrogen and phosphorus deposition , and the expansion and re-growth of forests are major factors impacting the size and distribution of these carbon sinks .

  14. 同时还对湖南14个市州的森林碳汇及其经济价值分别进行了估算,并进一步对通过林业建设实现CO2减排进行了探讨。

    In addition the capacity of carbon sequestration of forest ecosystem and its economic value were estimated for each of the 14 municipalities in Hunan . Finally emission reduction of CO_2 through forest establishment was discussed .

  15. 森林凋落物覆盖层对林地土壤CO2排放起到减缓的屏蔽作用;在全球基本按人口和新增碳汇量分配CO2排放权不可避免,碳汇单位和碳源单位之间的碳交易同样不可避免。

    The trend of the increasing personal assignment of CO2 and newly-increased carbon is unavoidable at the earth , and the carbon trade between the carbon source units and the carbon rate unit is unavoidable too .

  16. 造林作为一种土地利用变化,可以增加陆地碳汇,减缓大气中CO2的积累。

    Afforestation , as a type of land use change , can add terrestrial carbon sink and alleviate atmospheric CO2 increment , which was recognized as a counteract measure to the national GHGs emission by internationals and governments .

  17. 中国拥有世界上面积最大的人工林,有效的管理和抚育这些人工林,不仅可以改善生态环境,而且可以固定CO2、增加碳汇,为减缓全球气候变化做贡献。

    Because China owns the largest plantation in the world , the effective management and nurturing these plantations not only can improve the ecological environment , but also can increase CO2 fixation and carbon sink , slow global warming .

  18. 江河源区1986&2000年,土地植被盖度下降了2.252%,土壤有机碳含量下降了11.454%,土壤CO2年释放量仅下降了9.165%,表现了土壤从碳汇转化为碳源的趋势。

    The canopy of plant decreased 2.252 % ; soil organic carbon reservoir fell down 11.454 % from 1986 to 2000 in this region , while the annual carbon dioxide emission dropped only 9.165 % in the same period .

  19. 大气、海洋和陆地生态系统是人工源CO2的3个可能的容纳汇,其中陆地生态系统最复杂、最具不确定性,因此陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇研究是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。

    Atmosphere , ocean and terrestrial ecosystem are three probable reservoirs of carbon dioxide released by human activities . Terrestrial ecosystem carbon source and sink is one of the critical problems in global carbon cycle because of its complexity and uncertainty .

  20. 土壤有机碳储量巨大,它可能成为大气CO2的碳源或碳汇,其较小幅度的变化就可影响到碳向大气的排放量,进而影响到全球气候的变化。

    The tremendous storage of soil organic carbon is likely to be the carbon source or the carbon sink , a minor change of which will affect the emission of carbon into the atmosphere , and thus affects the global climate change .

  21. 分析我国实施清洁发展机制(CDM)林业项目的利弊因素,阐述在我国开展CDM造林项目的可行性;通过对影响CDM碳汇市场主要因素的分析,估计了我国CDM造林项目的潜力。

    The advantages vs disadvantages and feasibility to implement clean development mecharism ( CDM ) afforestation / reforestation ( A / R ) project activities in China was analyzed , and its potentiality was estimated .

  22. 结果表明,在我国实施CDM造林项目是可行的,我国在第1承诺期CDM碳汇市场的份额估计最高可达20%。

    It was indicated that to implement CDM A / R project in China is feasible , and China is likely to take 20 % of the world market of CDM A / R projects .

  23. 表明农田生态系统转换为林、草生态系统,有利于土壤有机碳的积累.而且,土壤作为碳汇的功能增强,更有利于CO2固定和生态环境改善。

    These indicated that the conversion of farmland system into forest and grassland ecosystems was favorable for the accumulation of soil organic carbon and much more favorable for carbon fixation and ecological environment improvement because it increased the capacity of soil functioning as a carbon sink .

  24. 考虑土壤再分布累积在沉积区的SOC后,研究区沉积部位的SOC表现为大气CO2的局地碳汇,整个研究区SOC损失量远低于常规方法计算的结果。

    After consideration of solid redistribution accumulating SOC in the depositional area , SOC in the depositional sites became a local sink of atmosphere CO2 . The loss amount SOC in the whole study area was lower than the calculation result with traditional method .

  25. 从年平均净碳平衡来看,华北落叶松人工林在成林后是一个明显的碳汇,年平均净碳平衡在1.0t?hm-2左右。

    From the annual net carbon balance point of view , larch plantation was obviously carbon source , annual net carbon balance was about 1.0 t ? hm-2 .

  26. 一方面可以吸收和固定大气中的CO2,表现为碳汇;另一方面森林的采伐、经营等营林措施又会使原先已固定的碳通过各种途径释放出来,表现为碳源。

    On the one hand , forest could absorb and fix atmospheric CO2 and presented as carbon sink ; On the other hand , with the felling and management of forestry measures it could make carbon which was fixed formerly released in various ways . It presented as carbon source .

  27. 农田土壤既是CO2的重要排放源又是CO2的吸收汇,在温室气体减排方面起着非常重要的作用,保护性耕作能够有效降低土壤CO2的排放,增强土壤碳汇的作用。

    The soil of farmland is both an important source of CO2 emission and the sink of CO2 , it plays a very important role in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions . The conservation tillage can reduce CO2 emissions of soil , and enhance to sink of carbon in soil .

  28. 最终选取了最优控制模型和布莱克-斯科尔斯(B-S)期权定价方法,对未来我国森林碳汇市场交易的价格进行计算,为我国建立碳汇市场及其定价提供理论依据。

    Finally , the optimum control model and the Black-Scholes option pricing methods will be combined to estimate the future trading price of the domestic forest carbon sinks and to provide a reference for establishing the forest carbon market in China .

  29. 造林对陆地碳汇影响的研究进展

    Research Advances of the Influence of Afforestation on Terrestrial Carbon Sink

  30. 对我国开展森林碳汇贸易工作进行了宏观设计。

    Advancing macro-designing to develop forest carbon-sink trade in our country ;