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Different occurrence of selenium in kerogen : TEM evidence
For kerogen at different stages of thermal evolution are given . In addition , the limits of petroliferous evolution of kerogen and explora-tion prospect are discussed .
Application of MATLAB optimization toolbox in calibration of dynamic parameters of hydrocarbon generation of kerogen
X-ray diffraction characteristics of algal kerogen and its relation with the generation of oil and gas
Situ-Study on Generative Kerogen in Sedimentary Rock by FTIR-Microspectrometry Technique
The kerogens from Green River oil Shale , from Nanhai and from Fushun coal are selected as testing samples .
Differential scanning colorimetry studies on kerogen
Influence of mineral matter on DTA thermogram of kerogen
Calculation method of geological time-temperature relation of kerogen thermo-degradation and oil-generation by TGA thermo-degradation kinetics
Research of Kerogen Preparation Control System Based On CAN-BUS
An application of thermal-analysis technique in petroleum geology
Carbon distribution of kerogen and its relationship to hydrocarbon generation potential ── an application of  ̄( 13 ) c NMR cp / mas and DD techniques
And RP , reflecting composition of light hydrocarbon , would be affected by the depositional environment and kerogen type of source rock .
Biology fountain is mainly plankton that constitutes the source rock of sea-facies in the South China Sea Basin , and kerogen type is III , which mainly generates gas .
The organic matter belongs to Type-III kerogen , partly to Type-IIB ; the vitrinite reflectance ranges from 0.5 % to 1.1 % .
This paper presents the X-ray diffraction data of algal kerogen obtained by hydrous pyrolysis and discusses the correlation between the structural parameters of algal kerogen and the evolution of oil and gas .
The free radicals in kerogen of sedimentary organic matter can be easily determined by using the electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ) technique .
The top of the anomalously pressured transition zone is identified by marked increases in sonic transit time , hydrocarbon production index ( PI ), clay diagenesis , and vitrinite reflectance .
In this paper , the texture of kerogen is studied , using x-ray diffraction to determine the aromaticity of kerogen . According to the x-ray diffraction spectra , the microcrystalline parameter of the kerogen is calculated .
The activation energy distribution of ⅰ type of kerogen ranges narrowly , being 50 837 ~ 53 828 cal / mol for mudstone and carbonate rock ;
Analysing generation hydrocarbon process of hydrocarbon source rocks on reflectance of vitrinite evolutional history and caseate generation hydrocarbon history , hydrocarbon source rocks in most of depressions have experienced two oil and gas generation periods .
Based on three domestic groups of simulation experiment data of kerogen type ⅰ,ⅱ, and ⅲ, and through the calculation of mole composition of hydrocarbon-generation products , pvt phase maps are computed by applying pr state equation ;
In order to determine PY - GC parameters of kerogen , certain compounds are selected to replace the other similar compounds .
Experimental study of the influence of temperature and water on the structure state of kerogen at 100 MPa pressure
According to data of element analysis and Roek-Eval analysis , both kerogens in the two sections belong to humic type .
Acidic components with high temperature ( H 2 S , SO 2 , HF , HCl and so on ) and transitional metal elements in the volcanic hydrothermal fluid may promote the bond fission of C-O and C-S in kerogen , and has catalytic action on hydrocarbon generation .
Solid 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer and natural evolution combining with thermocompression simulator are used for analysis of variation of carbon matrix and functional group in the course of kerogen thermal evolution , showing that lipid carbons mainly contribute to the hydrocarbon generation .
A new method for identifying kerogen types based on Pyrolysis Characteristics
Effect of clay minerals on kerogen pyrolysis and the reaction mechanism
Study on Characteristics and Kinetics of Catalytic Degradation from Estonia Kerogen