- 名drying process;drying cycle

Dried fruit is packed with nutrients1 , but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite .
Page model can preferably fit the characteristic of potato drying process .
Application of Voltage Transformation Method Based on PLC to Man-sized Power Transformer 's Drying Process
This equipment fit the study of VOCs during wood drying .
Status and trend of VOCs generated in the process of wood drying
Study on the initial drying process of al_2o_3-zro_2 ceramic film prepared by sol-gel method
Following the universal model , wet and dry regions appearing in the drying process are separated by the criterion , irreducible saturation Str.
According to actual characteristics of wood drying , this thesis proposes a new intelligent PID coefficient adjusting method based on existing neural network model .
Study of Moisture Forecasting Model Based on GA-BP Neural Network of Thin-Layer in Drying Process of Alfalfa
Nano porous TiO 2 doped SiO 2 aerogel insulation were prepared via sol gel process using tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as the precursor and followed by ethanol supercritical drying .
It was found that water content in the process of freezing gel was an important factor to control the pore size , and the deswelling rate was accelerated with increasing water content on the FD treatment .
Heat Transfer Analysis of Process Gas in HXD
The Application of HACCP System in the Production of the Fruit and Vegetable Materials of Freeze-dried Frontal genesis of moisture atmosphere during the early 2008 persistent freezing-rain event in southern China
The effects of absorption property of support to active components , impregnant concentration , pH val - ue , solid / liquid ratio , impregnation time , competing adsorbant and the transport of solute during drying have been studied in the laboratory .
During the study of phytic acid conversion processing treatment , influencing factors of phytic acid processing treatment were predicted . ( The concentration of phytic acid , pH value of treatment solution , the processing time span and temperature , drying ) .
By analyzable of ORIGIN software , the processing parameter which 1.0kV/cm of field strength and 50 pulses resulted in the maximal water loss during air drying .
The theory of neutral network system is applied to study the mold and process anticipation during vacuum freeze-drying . Through the MATLAB method , BP artificial neutral network model is established using toolbox and the model was used to simulate the freeze-drying .
In the freeze-drying process of red blood cells , the samples in plastic tube were scanned with Micro-CT scanning technique at fixed time during sublimation , the inner structures of lyophilized samples were scanning analyzed , and the porosities of freeze-drying and lyophilized samples were calculated simultaneously .
The particle deposition which was observed in the simulation results and verified by the experiment and The comparison of the air experimental data with simulation data showed that the CFD model is a feasible way to simulate the spray drying process .
An innovative method of dynamic speckle is proposed to investigate the drying process of magnetic fluid film ( MFF ) .
The results show that the shrinkage rate of the silica aerogel is reduced when adding BD-3077 .
The results showed that under various temperatures and decreasing O_2 content in the drying media , in which N_2 and CO_2 were used as drying media to replace partial air , the chlorophyll content and mass fraction of vitamin C of the vegetables were improved .
The transfer diffusion of K + , Na + in dry process or low temperature sintering , and the decomposition of sodium sulfate at about 1200 ℃ has an adverse effect upon the densification sintering of the specimens .
A Study on Drying Strain of Pinus massoniana Lumber During Drying
Theory analysis on measure of energy conservation for convective drying process
Derivation of Boundary Shrinkage Formula for Round Fruit during Drying Process
Combined microwave-convection drying has advantage of swift drying and sterilization .
The Optimization of Dry Technology Parameter of Automatic Pulp Model Set
Analysis and design of staged THROUGH-CIRCULATION drying with air - reversals
Stress of Surface Layer of Small-diameter Manchurian Ash Timber during Drying