- scale measure;cull;scaling of logs

Design and Implementation of the Data Interface between the Log Volume Measuring System and ERP Manage System
Effects of Log-Scaling Carry Methods on Timber Specifications and Volume
Automatic scale ruler installation technique without need to cleaning tank in old Depot
In addition , the working environment of measuring log volume is bad .
There is large error in manual measuring equal length and heaping log volume .
Some Questions Related to the Inspecting , Flushing and Heating for the Heavy Oil Tank
Hand-dipping measurement of liquid level has many weaknesses , but radar level gauge can avoid great errors and safety problems .
Trees within the plot wood seized feet , to calculate the intensity of thinning the DBH , tree height , crown width , individual volume and the volume .
Set scale data of Pinus yunnanensis in the continuous forest inventory in Chuxiong prefecture in 2002 as an example , a concrete analysis for this new method is made .
Long-term use of seizure-foot artificial methods , by man-made factors affecting the efficiency is large low level , unable to adapt to modern trends in the development of wood processing .
A novel scheme for measuring the log volume based on automatic testing technique and computer image processing is proposed . And the corresponding automatic measurement system is designed and developed .
Taking the digital image of the cross sections of a bundle of logs as an example , the algorithm for the diameters of cross sections by computer was illustrated as well .
The log scale is one of the key links in the production , processing and trade of wood , however , in which the traditional log scale methods and equipments has long been using .
In addition , the sale of plywood timber was according to average small end diameter of log , this method lacked examination and standard , so it was not adequately show the suitable use of wood .
The manual measurement has been adopted for a long time , which is greatly affected by artificial factor resulting in low measuring precision and low working efficiency , so the measurement of log volume becomes a bottleneck problem in many industrial procedures .