
jiǎn chá rén yuán
  • inspectors
  1. 这是财新给大家展示的来自昌平政府的文件,文件上称近日,昌平区南部的20家私立幼儿园中有8家被政府检查人员评为C级,这就意味着这些幼儿园没有达到标准,必须要对其进行取缔。

    A document from the Changping government that Caixin has seen shows that eight of the 20 private kindergartens in the southern part of the district have been rated C by government inspectors recently , meaning that they do not meet standards and must be closed .

  2. GW级机组引风机与增压风机合并设置检查人员建议,公司应当考虑在这些通风系统之间安装一个连锁分离装置,以防止单元增压。

    Installation of ID fan combined with FGD booster fan for 1 000 MW units A recommendation was made by inspectors that consideration be given by the company to the fitting of an interlock trip between the ventilation systems to prevent cell pressurization .

  3. 目前还不清楚检查人员在satyam的档案中具体提出了哪些事项。

    It is not known exactly what issues the inspectors raised in the Satyam file .

  4. 批评者说美国已成为可以进口食品的倾销地,因为供应商知道被FDA检查人员发现的可能性不大。

    As a consequence , the nation has become a dumping ground for suspect imports , critics say , because suppliers know there 's not much chance of being discovered by FDA inspectors .

  5. 北韩要求美国提供三亿美元,作为交换北韩将确保检查人员进入所有有关地点进行检查。如果客户要求,CERES的检查员可以在预检查期间帮助客户制定出管理计划。

    North Korea demanded 300 million US Dollars in return for the inspectors ' access to all the relevant sites . If requested by the client , a CERES inspec - tor can help the client to work out the man - agement plan , during a pre-inspection .

  6. 检查人员进行现场检查,应当出示证件。

    The inspectors shall produce their credentials before conducting on-the-spot inspection .

  7. 这也引出了测试人员和检查人员的区别。

    This also brings about a difference between Testers and Checkers .

  8. (四)拒绝、阻碍监督检查人员依法执行职务的。

    To prevent or obstruct supervisors and inspectors from performing their duties .

  9. 检查人员在业务账日中发现了几处违规行为。

    The inspectors found several irregularities in the business accounts .

  10. 在质量检查人员中推行间接工时定额考核的尝试

    The Application of Indirect Man-hour Quota Assessment of Quality Inspectors

  11. 那些检查人员正忙着检查我们准备运送前的产品,看看有什么瑕疵。

    Those inspectors were busy checking our products for defects before shipment .

  12. 拖的时间越长,检查人员发现的问题就越多。

    The longer the delays continued , the more problems inspectors found .

  13. 检查人员监视着每层停车间里的所有汽车。

    Sensors monitor all vehicles in the parking bays .

  14. 联合国表示检查人员在一个危险的环境中工作。

    The United Nations says the inspectors are working in a dangerous environment .

  15. 他的工作是旅行证件的检查人员。

    He was working as a travel document checker .

  16. 检查人员执行任务时,应出示身分证明文件。

    In performing his duties , an inspector shall show his identification card .

  17. 检查人员一下班,工厂就在夜晚开工。

    The work starts at night , once the inspectors have gone home .

  18. 尼日利亚联邦检查人员星期五在阿比让提出了书面文件,寻求结束原有的诉讼。

    Federal prosecutors filed papers in Abuja Friday seeking to discontinue its original lawsuit .

  19. 检查人员进行发票检查时,应当出示税务检查证;

    While conducting invoice examination , the examiner should show out taxation inspection certificate ;

  20. 但必须得到检查人员或船东的许可。

    But it must be approved by the painting surveyor or the ship owner .

  21. 任何组织和个人不得妨碍边防检查人员依法执行公务。

    No organization or individual shall obstruct frontier inspectors from lawfully executing their duties .

  22. 无沿盔式安全帽,多用于普通安全检查人员及工人佩带。

    Helmet safety cap without a brim , usually for safety inspectors and works .

  23. 俄方表示检查人员需要回到叙利亚完成调查。

    Russia says the inspectors need to go back to Syria to finish their investigation .

  24. 对检查人员和生产厂家进行治疗血清生产关键性参数方面的培训;

    Train inspectors and manufacturers on the critical parameters of the production of therapeutic sera ;

  25. 检查人员不用爬上车顶或趴在地上,就能安全搜查乘客或商用车辆。

    One inspector can safely search a passenger or commercial vehicle without climbing or kneeling .

  26. 第三方检查人员如加利福尼亚能源法规咨询公司:起作用的系统且标准化。

    Third party inspectors are like California energy code consultants : a system that works .

  27. 在夏洛特,表情严肃的安全检查人员从数百名被淋湿的代表那里没收了他们的雨伞。

    Unsmiling security screeners in Charlotte confiscated umbrellas from the sodden delegates by the hundreds .

  28. 检查人员表示那应该准时发生。

    Inspectors say that happened on time .

  29. 2了解从事职业健康检查人员构成情况。

    To learn the composition of the people engaged in occupational health inspection . 3 .

  30. 每一块划分区域均有不同的条例来规范,况且检查人员也不是好糊弄的。

    Each type of zoning has different ordinances and the inspector won 't be fooled .