
jiǎn jǔ
  • prosecution;impeach;inform against;turn in;report to the authorities;recommend;tell on;report on the guilt of others;expose an offense;report(an offense)to the authorities
检举 [jiǎn jǔ]
  • (1) [expose an offence;report(an offence)to the authorities]∶向有关部门或组织揭发违法、犯罪行为

  • 检举逃犯

  • (2) [recommend]∶荐拔

检举[jiǎn jǔ]
  1. 我们一定要检举法官收受贿赂。

    We must impeach the judge for taking bribes .

  2. 你再问他,当他们检举他时他要怎么办。

    Then you ask him what 's he gonna do when they impeach him .

  3. 有人检举他们,说他们是间谍。

    They were denounced as spies .

  4. 是内部检举和调查性报道揭露了这一腐败事实。

    It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.

  5. 检举官可能不久就会以敲诈勒索与欺诈罪名提起诉讼。

    Prosecutors may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and fraud charges

  6. 数以千计的美国公民检举过这些有组织的犯罪团伙。

    Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates .

  7. 这家慈善机构仍受到其前主席被检举带来的影响。

    The charity is still feeling the effects of revelations about its one-time president

  8. 他成了英国国民保健制度下所谓追查报复检举者行动的典型牺牲品。

    He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS .

  9. 公司应该保护那些检举不诚实的工友及工作行为的员工。

    Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices .

  10. 他希望通过出庭检举从前的同事缩短自己12年的刑期。

    He hopes to have his 12-year prison term reduced by testifying against his former colleagues .

  11. 这个法官被检举接受贿赂。

    The judge was impeached for taking a bribe .

  12. 他把可能检举他的人收买了。

    He bought off those who might expose him .

  13. 第二次世界大战以来,政府积极地进行着反对托拉斯的检举活动

    Since World War II , the government has been active in its antitrust prosecutions .

  14. �一切单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对污染和破坏环境的单位和个人进行检举和控告。

    All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the environment and shall have the right to report on or file charges against units or individuals that cause pollution or damage to the environment .

  15. 凯西詹姆斯是慈善机构PublicConcernatWork的代理主管,该机构为检举者提供支持

    The writer is acting director of Public Concern at Work , a charity supporting whistleblowers

  16. 目前,英国严重欺诈办公室(SeriousFraudOffice)为那些对自己雇主感到担忧的伦敦城员工设立了检举者求助热线。

    The Serious Fraud Office has now established a whistleblowers ' helpline for City workers worried about their employers .

  17. 是我搞砸了这交易,我向证监会检举。我对Foster说谎。

    I blew up the deal . I went to the SEC . I lied to Foster about it .

  18. v.检举;进行那驾驶员因在快速公路上超速而被检举。

    prosecute The driver ws prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit on the express way .

  19. 在某些情况下,代表其执行机关检举,或一部份,向认可组织(RO)的。

    In some cases , the Flag delegates its enforcement authority , or a portion thereof , to a Recognized Organization ( RO ) .

  20. 英国议会下议院(HouseofCommons)特别委员会断定,巴特曼海利迪的个性“似乎迷住了本国一些最重量级的政治人物”,而高层的政治支持可能使得有心检举者畏缩不前。

    A House of Commons select committee concluded that Ms Batmanghelidjh 's personality " appeared to captivate some of the most senior political figures in the land , " and high-level political patronage may have deterred whistleblowers from coming forward .

  21. 此外,根据专攻劳工法的律师事务所SeyfarthShaw的数据,监管者收到的检举数量持续上升,从2008年以来了增加20%,但结案数量几乎不变,同期内仅上升了0.5%。

    Moreover , according to employment law firm Seyfarth Shaw , the number of whistleblower complaints to regulators has been climbing , up about 20 % since 2008 -- but the number of cases that have been resolved has stayed flat , rising barely 0.5 % over the same period .

  22. 告发某人,检举某人那医生是个蒙古大夫,应该被检举

    That doctor be just a quack , he shall be report

  23. 我可要给他们公司打电话,检举他!

    I 'm going to call the company and report him !

  24. 检举人说他们是想绑架她的孩子。

    Prosecutors say the pair wanted to kidnap her baby boy .

  25. 检举人处理名人案件的时候有点特殊。

    The prosecutors have a problem unique to a celebrity case .

  26. (三)对检举人、证人打击报复的;

    When those responsible take revenge on the informants or witnesses ;

  27. 布斯,我不想检举你。

    Don 't make me put you on report , bozz .

  28. 我向警方检举了那个司机。

    I reported the driver of the car to the police .

  29. 马德琳是我第一个案子的检举人。

    Madeline prosecuted one of the first cases that I had .

  30. 我别无选择,只有向警方检举他。

    I had no alternative but to report him to the police .