
jiǎn chá yuàn
  • procuratorate
检察院 [jiǎn chá yuàn]
  • [procuratorate] 国家机关,有审查批准逮捕、决定起诉并出席法庭支持公诉的职能

检察院[jiǎn chá yuàn]
  1. 论我国基层人民检察院检察文化建设

    On the Inspection Culture Construction in China Grass-roots People 's Procuratorate

  2. 人民检察院提起公益诉讼的立法研究

    Legislative Research About The Public Welfare Litigation By People 's Procuratorate

  3. 本文主要了研究SAR信号处理中的两部分内容:成像算法和自聚焦算法。检察技术是我国各级人民检察院办案中的常用技术。

    The research work of this thesis mainly focuses on two aspects , one is imaging algorithm , the other is autofocus algorithms .

  4. 最高人民检察院(最高检)基层医院应用PPH术治疗重度痔病60例临床观察

    Application of PPH in the treatment of 60 cases with severe hemorrhoids in primary hospital

  5. 随着Internet的飞速发展,信息网络化办案模式已成为检察院不可或缺的工作方法,案件审讯监录同步录音录像在侦察审讯过程中的重要性越来越突现出来。

    With the rapid development of Internet , an information-networked pattern of cases has become an indispensable working approach in procuratorates . The importance of synchronized audio-video recording of case supervising and recording for trial has emerged in the processes of investigation and trial .

  6. 加强和改进上级检察院对下级检察院领导的思考

    Thought about Improving the Leadership of the Procuratorates at Higher Levels

  7. a:人民检察院对谁负责?

    A : To whom are the people 's procuratorates responsible ?

  8. 在首尔检察院前作出冲动的一幕。

    Staged a surprise demonstration at the Seoul prosecutor 's office .

  9. 然后他就被交给了联邦检察院。

    He 's been giving Intel to the u.s.attorney 's office .

  10. 基层检察院开展调研工作存在的问题与对策

    Problems of research work carried out by grass-roots procuratorates and solutions

  11. 广西人民检察院广域网系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the WAN System of Guangxi Procuratorates

  12. 我与检察院做了笔交易。

    I made a deal with the prosecutor 's office .

  13. 二是,完善检察院的量刑建议权。

    Secondly , perfecting the right of sentencing suggestion of procurator ate .

  14. (五)各级人民检察院和专门人民检察院;

    The peoples procuratorates at various levels and the special peoples procuratorates ;

  15. 第七节人民法院和人民检察院

    Section 7 . the people 's court and the people 's Procuratorates

  16. 其监督主体分别是检察院、医生协会和社会公众。

    Its supervisory subject contents procuratorate , doctors association and the public .

  17. 检察院成员小组的首席检察官下个月就不在了

    The D.A. " s squad loses its lead investigator next month .

  18. 检察院民事监督权之我见

    My Views on Procuratorate 's Civil Right of Supervision

  19. 法院和检察院的执法水平又有明显提高。

    The law-enforcement level of the court and procuratorate has been raised remarkably .

  20. 北京市人民检察院新建办公业务用房工程结构设计

    Structural Design of New Office Building of the People 's Procuratorate of Beijing

  21. 各级人民检察院根据需要可以设司法警察。

    People 's procuratorates at all levels may install judicial police as needed .

  22. 检察院内部监督制约机制框架设计

    Framework of Interior Supervision and Restriction Mechanism of Procuratorate

  23. 北京市人民检察院一分院结构改造加固设计

    Reconstruction and strengthening design of the First Branch of Beijing People 's Procuratorate

  24. 人民检察院应有权申请宣告死亡

    The Law Officer Should Have the Right to Apply for Declaration of Death

  25. 听说市检察院的人来找他谈话了。

    I heard that the persons from the Law-Office had talked with him .

  26. 检察院网络信息系统风险与管理研究

    Study on Risk and Risk Management of Network Information Security System in Procuratorates

  27. 检察长统一领导检察院的工作。

    The chief procurator exercises unified leadership over the work of the procuratorates .

  28. 检察院审讯电子笔录系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Interrogation Electronic Record System

  29. 北京市人民检察院新办公楼

    New Office Building of Beijing People 's Procuratorate

  30. 创建学习型检察院和学习型处科室的思考与实践

    The Thinking and the Practice of Establishing Learning Procuratorate and Learning Department or Office