
  • 网络Manhole;inspection well
  1. 检查井是城市管道工程的重要附属构筑物。

    Manhole is an important accessory structure of municipal pipeline engineering .

  2. 关于预制装配式混凝土检查井的几个技术问题

    Some Technical Problems of Prefabricated Concrete Manhole

  3. 密闭取心检查井岩心水淹判断方法研究

    Judging watered-out method of cores from sealing core drilling in-spection well

  4. 密闭取芯检查井数据处理与可视化研究

    Study of Processing and Visualizing the Data of Sealing Coring Inspection Well

  5. 预制混凝土装配式检查井的研究试制和使用

    Research and Product and Application of Prefabricated Concrete Inspection Well

  6. 浅谈住宅小区楼前排水检查井的做法

    Discussion on the building of catch pits in front of residential districts

  7. 塑料预制检查井在排水管道工程的应用

    Application of Plastic Precast Inspection Well in Drainage Piping Project

  8. 城市道路检查井细部施工质量管理研究

    Research on Quality Control About Inspection Well Along City Road

  9. 道路检查井周围防止沉降的技术措施

    The technical measures of preventing settlement around road inspection shaft

  10. 判别分析在检查井油层水洗研究中的应用

    Application of discriminant analysis to WATER-SWEEP study of oil zones in inspection wells

  11. 城市道路检查井周围病害的成因及防治对策

    Study on the diseases around road inspection shaft in city and prevention measures

  12. 钻检查井前该区域采收率为53%。

    The recovery in this area is 53 % before drilling inspection well .

  13. 城市道路检查井质量通病的成因及其防治方法

    The Causes of and Preventive Measure for Common Defects in Inspection Wells in the Urban Road

  14. 消除检查井周边水泥混凝土路面破坏通病的建议

    Proposals of Eliminating the Common Failing of the Damage of the Concrete Pavement aroud Inspection Wells

  15. 随着城市现化代水平的提高,排水管道及检查井日益增多。

    With the enhancement of urban modernization level , drainage pipelines and inspection chambers are increasing .

  16. 市政道路检查井井周路面沉陷分析及防治措施

    Analysis on and the Prevention of the Pavement Pression around the Inspection Well of Municipal Road

  17. 市政道路行车道检查井井圈下沉的处理方法

    Treatment Methods for the Subsidence of the Crib of Inspection Shaft in Traffic Lane of Municipal Road

  18. 本文就南昌市阳明路综合改造工程的检查井井盖安装新工艺作了简要介绍。

    This paper introduces briefly the application of new craft of overload modular cast liron well covers .

  19. 它对于检查井资料的整理应用,有实际指导意义。

    These will give a practical guide to the processing and application of data from an inspection well .

  20. 高寒地区给排水检查井的冻害分析及防治

    To analyze and prevent the freezing hazard to the inspection wells for water supplying and draining in paramos

  21. 本文对检查井周边水泥混凝土路面破坏原因进行分析;

    In the article , the reasons why the concrete pavement around inspection wells is generally damaged are analysed ;

  22. 不明水不仅会造成检查井溢水,还增加了污水处理厂的负荷和运行成本。

    As a result , the unknown-water not only causes overflow of manhole , it also increases load and operation cost of wastewater treatment plant .

  23. 通过对比检查井沉降量与路面沉降量的差值,研究了路面与检查井的沉降差值处于相对合理区域时土体的压缩模量范围。

    Contrast the settlement of road and manhole , find the modulus range which the difference between road and manhole settlement is in the suitable region .

  24. 在管道走向和坡度改变的地方以及在管道交叉的地方都应设置人孔/检查井。

    At every change of direction and gradient in a pipeline and at each intersection of one sewer with another , a manhole should be provided .

  25. 检查井是城市道路基础设施,检查井井盖的质量通病也是城市建设中难以解决的难题。

    The inspection well is the urban road infrastructure , inspection of the common quality failing of well covers is also the difficult problem in the urban construction .

  26. 检查井的沉降给社会带来很大危害,且每年用于维修检查井的费用也在递增。

    The hazard of our society has been introduced by settlement of inspection chamber in road , and the fee of maintenance and overhaul are incrementing every year .

  27. 因小区面积不等、户型多样、情况复杂,检查井砌筑不慎将导致污水渗漏,污染地下水。

    For residential districts are different from each other in built-up area and planning , the causal building of catch pits will cause effluent seepage and groundwater pollution .

  28. 目前城市道路检查井病害问题已经引起市委、市政府及各级职能部门的高度重视。

    At present , the Municipal Party Committee and Government , together with other functional departments have paid high attention to the problem of urban road inspection chamber disease .

  29. 主要针对城市道路检查井周围出现下沉、和路面横纵坡不一致等问题进行了原因分析,并提出了解决办法。

    The causes of the problems of the sinking around the manholes and the inconformity of the cross and longitudinal slopes of urban roads are analyzed and some solutions are proposed .

  30. 为配合塑料管应用研究的科研开发项目,在平凉路排水管道工程中试验性应用了多座塑料预制检查井。

    In order to cooperate scientific and research developing item of plastic pipe application and research , multi plastic precast inspection well are applied on trial in Pingliang Road Drainage Piping Project .