
  • 网络Interventionism;interventionalism;interventionist
  1. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)第二任期的正式就职演说令人振奋而且毫不妥协,他为干预主义政府和社保安全网的作用进行了有力辩护。

    Barack Obama mounted a vigorous defence of the role of an interventionist government and a social safety net in an uplifting and uncompromising speech that marked the formal opening of his second term .

  2. 旨在保持出口竞争力的干预主义政策促进了经济增长。

    Interventionist policies aimed at sustaining export competitiveness expand economies .

  3. 很多专家认为,亚洲国家应当放弃货币干预主义。

    Many experts think that Asian countries should abandon currency interventionism .

  4. 微观经济领域和宏观经济领域干预主义与自由主义论争的比较

    Comparison of Debates on Interventionism and Liberalism in Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Fields

  5. 经济法:干预主义与自由主义的协调法

    Economic Law : the Coordinating Law of Liberalism and Interventionism

  6. 所有这些犹豫和反对都让干预主义者感到愤怒。

    All these hesitations and objections anger the interventionists .

  7. 最后,欧洲人可以通过参加干预主义者俱乐部实施自救。

    Finally , the Europeans could help themselves by joining the intervention club .

  8. 现在我们以这个意义上来考虑反干预主义。

    We now consider anti-interventionism in this light .

  9. 与人道主义的看法相同,干预主义者的论点更加务实。

    Alongside the humanitarian arguments , the interventionists also make a more pragmatic case .

  10. 干预主义者还认为,军事行动的法律障碍是可以规避的。

    The interventionists also believe the legal objections to military action can be circumvented .

  11. 干预主义者还提出了地缘政治的依据。

    The interventionists also make geopolitical arguments .

  12. 干预主义者则不这么看。

    Interventionists take a different view .

  13. 社会政策视角下的香港住房政策:积极不干预主义的悖论

    The Paradox of Positive Non-Interventionism : Housing , Social Policy and Development in Post-Colonial Hong Kong

  14. 其次,治理反思了市场失灵与国家失败的两种场景,超越了自由主义与干预主义之争。

    The governance reflects the market failure and state failure , beyond the liberal and interventionist debate .

  15. 存异主要体现在国家干预主义和经济自由主义理论与政策取向之间的互不相容,趋同表现为两者之间互相吸收对方合理的理论并进行综合。

    " Seeking differences " reflects itself in the inconsistency between the country interventionism and economic liberalism .

  16. 20世纪70年代西方出现的滞胀又促成凯恩斯国家干预主义的衰落。

    And the stagflation in the 70s of 20th century leads to the declination of Kains country interventionism .

  17. 任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。

    Any policymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner , wearing a pointy hat .

  18. 儒家还论证了自由主义工商管理政策的必要性,并对国家干预主义进行了多方面批判。

    As for business management , the Confucian was in liberal - ism and against interference from State .

  19. 在利率管制政策的指导思想上,发达国家的管制政策是其干预主义的膨胀性总体政策的一个组成部分;

    For developed countries , the standpoint of the interest rate regulation policy is to stimulate economic growth .

  20. 评港府经济政策的理论基础与实践&对积极不干预主义的反思

    On The Theoretical Foundation And The Implementation of Hong Kong 's Economic Policy : Rethinking On Laissez Faire Attitude

  21. 第二条理由是:如同插队一样,在实行干预主义的产业政策方面,我们英国人实在不擅长。

    The second reason is that we British are really no better at interventionist industrial policy than we are at queue-jumping .

  22. 同样,许多欧洲人可能渴望看到一个干预主义式微的美国;但一个孤立主义的超级大国恐怕会更加令人生惧。

    Similarly , many Europeans may yearn for a less interventionist america ; but an isolationist superpower could be much more frightening .

  23. 假如有那么一天,金砖四国及其他新兴大国改变了对自由干预主义的态度,或许能填平上述力量与雄心之间的鸿沟。

    That gap could , one day , be filled if the Brics and other rising powers change their attitudes to liberal interventionism .

  24. 就连达沃斯这个盎格鲁-撒克逊式资本主义的教堂,也对更具干预主义色彩的政策的可能优点,表示了难得的认可。

    There has even been the odd nod from Davos , the church of Anglo-Saxon capitalism , to the possible merits of more interventionist policies .

  25. 本文通过厘清与其直接相关的干预主义与自由主义主要流派之立场,以揭示各派对社会保障(制度)的共同支持性。

    The essay sorts through relevant positions of major schools of interventionism and liberalism to reveal the joint support of various schools for social security system .

  26. 因此,国家干预主义思潮的兴起,为20世纪初美国社会的全面变革奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    Thus , the rise of state interventionist thoughts established a solid theoretical base of the comprehensive changes in the American society of early 20th century .

  27. 我们也知道,坚持有关竞争、政府援助和贸易方面的规定,可以防止短期的保护主义和干预主义冲动损及竞争和贸易方面的长远利益。

    We know that sticking to rules on competition , state aid and trade shelters the long-term gains from competition and trade from short-term protectionist and interventionist reflexes .

  28. 分工演化视角与新古典经济学的差异主要是均衡的还是非均衡的,与干预主义的不同主要是有机性的还是机械性的。

    The main difference between labor division evolution with neoclassical economics perspective is balanced or unbalanced , and the main difference with the interventionist is organic or mechanical .

  29. 经济自由主义与国家干预主义这两大经济学说的争论,在很大程度上主导了经济学学派的兴衰更替,监管理论的演变就是在这一争论的背景下发生的。

    The arguments of economic liberalism and state interventionism largely dominated the rise and fall of different schools of economics . The evolution of regulation theory is carried out in this context .

  30. 过去,亚洲的技术官僚信奉向自由市场资本主义逐步转型,对国内更加提倡干预主义或国家主义的声音,通常持反对态度;如今,他们感到疑惑或失望。

    The Asian technocrats who put their faith in a gradual shift to free-market capitalism , often in opposition to more interventionist or nationalist voices at home , are confused or disillusioned .