
  • 网络marginal analysis;PBMA
  1. 项目预算与边际分析(PBMA)&与健康产出相联系的卫生资源配置方法

    Program Budgeting and Marginal Analysis ( PBMA ), Resource Allocation Relating to Health Outcomes

  2. 新古典生产函数是建立在f(x)连续基础上,就劳动要素投入必须连续来说,边际分析对中国小农家庭种植业不适用。

    The neo-classical production function is built on the basis that f ( x ) is continuous . With regard to continuity of the labour factor input , the marginal analysis is not adaptable to the family cropping of the small-scale peasants in China .

  3. 利用边际分析法在黄河中游多沙粗沙区确定粗泥沙集中来源区面积为1.88万km2。

    Mm is the limit of coarse sediment in the source area of centralized coarse sediment in middle reaches of Yellow River is concluded .

  4. 本文试用扩展的(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型,在关税减让为特征的自由贸易化趋势下,对同质产品的横向外资并购带来的价格及福利效应进行边际分析。

    The effect of international merger on market structure , price and social welfare under the trend of trade liberalization is discussed and developed further under the model of Farrell and Shapiro 1990.The paper analyze horizontal merger in Cournot oligopoly with homogeneous goods .

  5. 超边际分析与中国小农经济

    Inframarginal Analysis and the Small - scale Peasant Economy in China

  6. 研究方法:制度经济学和新古典经济学边际分析方法。

    Methods of institutional economics and new-classic marginal analysis were employed .

  7. 汽车零部件项目边际分析及经营决策的研究

    The Study of Marginal Analysis and Decision for Auto Parts Project

  8. 分工选择与产权配置的超边际分析

    An Inframarginal Analysis of Division of Labor and Allocation of Property Rights

  9. 基于边际分析的薪酬成本有效性研究

    A Study of Salary Cost Effectiveness Based on Fringe Analysis

  10. 该思想正好体现了超边际分析方法的特征。

    It manifests the features of extra - marginal analysis .

  11. 对《管理经济学》边际分析和最优化原理的探讨

    A Discussion of the Marginal Analysis and Optimization Theory in Management Economics

  12. 基于边际分析对存在期间法的质疑与剖析

    Discussion and analysis about duration method based on marginal analysis

  13. 关于离散型随机变量的边际分析决策问题的探讨

    A research on the marginal analytic decision about the discrete random variable

  14. 航线收益管理的边际分析方法

    A study on the marginal analysis method for the airline yield management

  15. 组合证券投资资产配置的边际分析法初探

    A Probe to Margin Analysis of Portfolio Investment Assets Allocation

  16. 非专业化发展现象的超边际分析

    The Infra-marginal Analysis of Non-specialized Development Phenomenon The Super Acid

  17. 化肥投入与蔬菜产出的边际分析

    Marginal Analysis and Investigation of Fertilizer Input and Vegetable Output

  18. 边际分析理论在油田开发生产经营中的应用

    Application of Marginal Analysis Theory in Oilfield Development and Operation

  19. 工业化进程中的浙江省个私工业的边际分析

    Marginal Analysis on Individual and Private Enterprise of Zhejiang Province

  20. 其理论的核心在于该理论独特的分析工具:超边际分析方法。

    Its core lies in its unique analytic tool : inframarginal analysis .

  21. 煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析

    Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises

  22. 边际分析在经济决策中的应用

    Application of the marginal analysis in the economic decision

  23. 城市规模成长经济的边际分析

    Marginal Analysis on Economies of urban Population Scale Growth

  24. 临床药物药剂学边际分析的理论与方法研究

    Studies on the Theory and Methods of Marginal Analysis on Clinical Drugs in Pharmaceutics

  25. 用边际分析法推求喷灌工程设计风速

    Determination of design wind speed of sprinkler irrigation projects by means of marginal analysis theory

  26. 边际分析在市场定价中的应用

    Application of Marginal Analysis in Marketing Pricing

  27. 本文以新兴古典经济学的超边际分析方法,剖析了公路基础建设的经济学原理。

    The economics theory of highway foundation construction is analysed by the method of inframarginal analysis .

  28. 在模型的分析过程中,采用了边际分析和均衡分析法。

    In the model the analysis process , using the marginal analysis and equilibrium analysis method .

  29. 详细讨论了转运中的边际分析,以电网的潮流计算为基础,建立了转运费定价的数学模型。

    Based on marginal analysis and flow calculations , this paper puts forward the wheeling cost model .

  30. 项目投资决策风险分析方法研究&一种基于现金流量的边际分析方法

    On the Risk of Policy Decision in Project Investments : A marginal analysis method based on cash flow