
  • 网络border check
  1. 申根区内航空旅行的边境检查,将自明年3月份起取消。

    Border controls on air travel within the zone will be dropped next March .

  2. 二人冒着被判3年监禁的风险,试图逃脱边境检查。

    The couple had risked a three-year jailsentence by attempting to evade border control .

  3. 各国在边境检查和清关方面可以采用由电子化程序支撑的风险管理技术。同时,我们可以加强能力、技术以及贸易融资提供。

    And we can strengthen capacity , technology , and the availability of trade finance .

  4. 快速的边境检查可以缓解这一情形。

    Speedier border crossings would help .

  5. 美国建议对大多数美国人不要前往墨西哥旅游,并下令加强了与墨西哥相邻各州的边境检查。

    The United States advised Americans against most travel to Mexico and ordered stepped up border checks in neighboring states .

  6. 罢工行动将影响到港口和希思罗等机场的边境检查,有可能阻碍前往伦敦观看奥运会的旅客。

    The action will affect border controls at ports and airports including Heathrow , threatening disruption to people travelling to London for the games .

  7. 尽管如此,此次逮捕仍然是合法的,因为这对夫妇曾试图逃过边境检查,这属于犯罪行为。

    Despite this , the arrests were deemed valid because the couple had attempted to avoid border controls , which is a criminal offence .

  8. 布罗迪·克拉克被特瑞莎·梅指控未经她的同意私自弱化国家边境检查,但克拉克说这些指责是毫无根据的。

    Brodie Clark , accused by Theresa May of weakening the nation 's border controls without her permission , said the allegations against him were unfounded .

  9. 日本最大的高科技公司正在利用国民对犯罪或恐怖主义的恐慌心理,投入巨资打造行政命令和控制、监视和边境检查系统。

    Harnessing moral panics , such as fear of crime or terrorism , Japan 's largest tech companies are growing and investing heavily in systems for executive command and control , surveillance , and border checks .

  10. 同时,几内亚加强了其与利比里亚及塞拉利昂边境的检查措施,以防止埃博拉病毒感染者进入或离开该国。

    Meantime , Guinea is stepping up sanitary measures along its borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone , to prevent people infected with the Ebola virus from entering or leaving the country .

  11. 放宽边境护照检查丑闻的核心人物、高级长官布罗迪·克拉克直接批评特瑞莎·梅,指责这位民事局局长误导公众。

    The senior civil servant at the heart of the scandal over relaxed passport checks has made a direct attack on Theresa May , accusing the Home Secretary of misleading the public .

  12. 肯尼亚政府加强了主要机场和边境地区的检查。

    The Kenyan government is shoring up surveillance at major airports and along its border .

  13. 目击者相信,实际数字可能是上述数字的两倍——包括穿越边境而未被检查到的。

    Witnesses believe the true figure could be double that number - including those who have crossed undetected .