
  • 网络marginalized population
  1. “对于边缘人群而言,它是中华文化的必要一环”,贾樟柯在接受英国新闻网站TheUpcoming采访时表示。

    It is " an integral part of Chinese culture , for people living on the margin , " Jia told the UK-based news website The Upcoming .

  2. 一种是走在亚洲的绅士,一个良好的距离边缘人群,拍摄的照片与一个什麽样子奥林巴斯素E1用电池手柄。

    An Asian gentleman was walking around , a good distance from the edge of the crowd , shooting photos with what looked like an Olympus E1 with a battery grip .

  3. 城市边缘人群子女的负面心态及教育管理对策

    Negative Mentality of Progeny of " Sub-urban Groups " and Educational / Administrative Remedy

  4. 在几乎所有区域,尤其是在边缘人群中,艾滋病毒监测仍然很薄弱。

    HIV surveillance remains weak in almost all regions , particularly among marginalized groups .

  5. 而且每个社会都对其边缘人群心存恐惧。

    And every society fears its fringe dwellers .

  6. 社会的边缘人群通常是这种有害的恶作剧的对象。

    This type of harmful prank-playing was usually directed toward marginalized sections of society .

  7. 这一群游走于社会边缘人群,他们聚集在南京路的各个巷口。

    Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road .

  8. 为了应对老龄化,养老机构也开始大力发展,对于一些“边缘人群”的公共服务也在加强。

    Care for the elderly is also being boosted and public services for marginalized groups are being provided .

  9. 作为城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工却不享受工伤保险待遇。

    Peasant workers as the marginal crowd in the city have no opportunity to enjoy the insurance treatment .

  10. 对城市边缘人群子女进行心理干预和教育管理是构建和谐社会的必然要求。

    Proper education and administration with psychological assistance to such an audience are a prerequisite of constructing harmonious society .

  11. 文中主要从环境负效应、传染病、非传染性疾病、精神障碍、边缘人群等几个方面加以分析。

    This article is on the negative effects of environment , infectious diseases , frontier crowd and so on .

  12. 我们可以从他的言辞中,感知其真诚的知识分子道德勇气以及对作为边缘人群的知识分子命运的终极关怀。

    We can , from his speech , perceive his sincere morality and ultimate concern for intellectuals as the marginal .

  13. 无论你是得到新发现的科学家还是奋战于满足边缘人群需求最前线的人

    Whether you are a scientist with a new discovery , or working in the trenches to understand the needs of the most marginalized ,

  14. 在广场的大棚之下,说唱乐手们也有一席之地,他们常常呼吁社会关注东印度群岛边缘人群的困境。

    Rappers set up on the plaza across from the kraton , often calling attention to the plight of marginalized peoples of the East Indies .

  15. 而我国原有的工伤保险制度仅仅覆盖城镇的企事业单位的公民,将这些城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工排除在安全网之外。

    But our original industrial injury insurance system only covered the citizens of the town enterprises and institutions and was exclusive to the rural migrant workers .

  16. 如果竞赛对所有人都是公平的,包括变性者,那么社会边缘人群也应该开始获得应有的尊重。

    If a competition is open to all , including transsexuals , then people at the margins of society will begin to get the respect and support they deserve as human beings .

  17. 坚持面向普通市民,同时,回应不同人群的诉求,特别是贫困阶层、弱势群体、边缘人群的需求,应该成为基本价值观和行为准则。

    It should be the basic value and code of conduct for us to face the citizens and respond to the requirements of different groups , especially the poor , the disadvantaged , and the marginalized .

  18. 主导研究中国女性性工作者得凶杀案的学者赵军(音译),在与《中国周刊》对话中谈到,她们是社会边缘人群,这是人所共知的。

    In an interview with China Newsweek Magazine , Zhao Jun , a leading scholar on the murder cases of China 's women sex workers , a number of facts came to light about these marginalized members of society .

  19. 贾樟柯的电影《世界》巧妙选择世界公园这样一个有着多重隐喻意味的人造景观作为叙事场所,客观真实地描述了北漂一族这一城市边缘人群精神世界迷失的历程。

    Jia Zhang-ke 's movie The World selected cleverly artificial scene " World Park ", which had multiple metaphor as depicting scene has described lost experience in spiritual world of " the family of northern wandering ", a group on the border of city .

  20. 霍加特离开中心后,霍尔带领来自边缘人群并积极投身新社会运动的中心成员与学生,建立理论研讨小组,吸收以西方马克思主义为主的思想资源。

    It was committed to interdisciplinary research of postwar culture After Hoggart left Center , Hall leaded Center members and students , the " marginal people " to actively participate in the new society movement , to establish theory seminar group and to absorb predominantly western Marxist thought resources .

  21. 我们的“长期资本”(patientcapital)策略要求我们投资于那些具有商业头脑,同时对于边缘化人群抱有同情心、用他们的头脑和心去思考的企业家。

    Our " patient capital " approach requires us to invest in entrepreneurs who possess a fine balance of business acumen and compassion for the marginalised , someone who thinks with their head and their heart .

  22. 母语教学是消除歧视和帮助边缘化人群的有效工具。

    Mother language instruction is a powerful way to fight discrimination and reach out to marginalised populations .

  23. 在全球为重建付诸努力的过程中,我们有机会帮助重建各社区,但同时不要对边缘化人群视而不见。

    In this global rebuilding effort , we have an opportunity to help rebuild communities without losing sight of the marginalized .

  24. 我们深知母语教育对学习成绩的重要性。母语教学是消除歧视和帮助边缘化人群的有效工具。

    We know how important education in the mother language is for learning outcomes . Mother language instruction is a powerful way to fight discrimination and reach out to marginalised populations .

  25. 那些可以容忍一个圆(或三角形,方形,矩形或椭圆)偏离常态的人可以容忍不正常的人或者社会上边缘的人群。

    People who are tolerant of deviance from the norm when judging a circle ( or triangle , square , rectangle or ellipse ) are tolerant of deviant or otherwise marginalised groups in society .

  26. 终于一吐为快了-新闻调查,解释性新闻,公开腐败和不公的新闻,为特殊人群和边缘化人群发声。

    Now that I got that off my chest - you know , investigative journalism , explanatory journalism , journalism that exposes corruption and justice gives voice to the different and the marginalized , the voiceless .

  27. 中国律师(包括古代讼师)长期处于官僚、知识分子、商人三角边缘的灰色人群;

    Chinese lawyer ( including ancient legal pettifogger ) is defined unclearly among bureaucrat , intellectual and businessperson ;

  28. 他说设计临床试验应该考虑到让边缘和高危人群获取治疗、试验参与者的早期教育、社区参与以及减少文化障碍。

    He said clinical trials should be designed to address access by marginalised and high-risk groups , early education for trial participants , community involvement , and reducing cultural barriers .

  29. 答:目前,结核病控制正处于停滞状态,特别是在病例发现方面,这主要是因为我们目前仍然不能触及那些最脆弱的、处于社会边缘的高危人群。

    A : TB control is reaching a plateau , especially in case detection due to the fact that we are still not reaching the most vulnerable , marginalized , high-risk populations .