
  1. 思于此,提出边疆建设的思考。

    Thinking in this , raised thinking about national border construction .

  2. 我们尽力支援边疆建设。并努力向岸边划去。

    We are trying our utmost to support the construction of the border areas .

  3. 中国海洋战略边疆建设理论与策略研究

    The Research on the Theories and Policies in the Construction of China 's Maritime Strategic Frontier

  4. 为边疆建设服务为西部开发奠基

    Lay Foundation for the Development of Inner Area and Serve for the Construction of Border of China

  5. 不过,边疆建设应该是在整个或某一边疆地区以经济建设为中心、政治、文化全面跟进的一个综合性工程。

    However , the border construction should be a comprehensive all-or-some borderland-oriented project focused on economical construction and coordinating with the politics and culture .

  6. 本文对清末同光中兴名臣岑毓英的边疆建设思想及其实践进行了分析探讨。

    Between this text and latter stage of Qing Dynasty " and mere resurgence famous official " Cen Yu borderland of Great Britain build thought and his practice analyse the discussion .

  7. 生物微边疆建设是军事生物科技发展的必然,是现代军事医学发展的必然,是实施国家军事生物安全战略的必然。

    The construction of bio-micro-frontier is the inevitable outcome of the development of military bio-technology , of the development of modern military medicine and of the implementation of state military bio-safety strategies .

  8. 海洋战略边疆建设是当今世界各国特别是海洋大国维护和拓展国家利益、提升综合国力、实现未来可持续发展的重要举措。

    The construction of maritime strategic frontier is an important measure for the countries , especially those with vast oceans , to maintain and extend national interests , to upgrade comprehensive national power and to realize sustainable development in the future .

  9. 他们投身于边疆的建设。

    They have given themselves up to the construction of the border areas .

  10. 通过发展小城镇,能够改善职工的生产、生活条件,增强农牧团场的凝聚力,稳定职工队伍,促使广大职工安心边疆、建设边疆,维护新疆的稳定和祖国的统一。

    The development of small town can improve workers ' living standard , and can hold them together , even more , can maintain Xinjiang 's stabilization and the consolidation of China .

  11. 边疆文化建设应立足于边疆文化的特质,建设一种开放态势的文化,同时应努力开掘边疆文化的底蕴,在与经济建设同步进行的同时推进文化的产业化建设。

    The frontier culture developments should have a foothold in cultural characteristic in frontier , develop a kind of culture that open the situation , should work hard to open the cultural bottom in the frontier , at turn with the economy development pushing forward the synchronous proceeding .

  12. 清代是我国统一的多民族国家最终形成和疆域版图最后确定时期,也是历代对边疆地区开发建设卓有成效的一个时代。

    Qing dynasty was the final time of our country to form a multinational country and determine the territory . And it was also an era to develop and construct the border areas highly effective .

  13. 据统计,从1953&1966年,大约有1000多万城镇和农村知识青年上山下乡参加农业生产,这对于缓解城市的就业压力,支援边疆和农村建设起到了的积极作用。

    According to statistics , there were about ten millions of urban and country youth go and work in the countryside or mountain areas from 1953 to 1966 , it played a active part on the relief of the employment pressure of cities and the strength of the agricultural front .

  14. 边疆小学校园文化建设迫在眉睫。

    Therefore it seems imminent for campus culture construction of frontier elementary school .

  15. 推进黑龙江边疆文化大省建设的战略

    The Strategies of Pushing forward the Culture Construction of Big Borderland Province of Heilongjiang

  16. 论广西民族交融传统在边疆稳定与开发建设中的作用

    On the significance of guangxi 's national amalgamation tradition in the stability and development of the border areas

  17. 发展县域经济在边疆民族地区全面建设小康社会的战略中占有极为重要的地位。

    It is of vital strategic importance to develop county economy in rural areas in order to establish an affluent society thoroughly .

  18. 在西部边疆展开大规模工业建设的工业移民战略,是必要的、可行的、合理的。

    It is necessary , feasible and reasonable to implement the strategy of " industrial immigration " and launch large-scale industrial construction in the western borderland .

  19. 作为一个基督教团体,边疆服务部不可能担负起边疆建设的重任。

    As a Christian association , the Border Service Department could not take on the heavy responsibilities of the border construction .

  20. 国民政府要求边疆省份设置边政研究机关,聘请专家,搜集资料,研究设计边疆建设问题,以作为政府参考。

    The organizations engaged experts , collected data , studied and designed frontier development for the government .

  21. 因此,建设边疆文化大省具有重要的战略地位。与此同时,还要很好地研究边疆文化大省建设过程中的战略目标和具体战略问题。

    So it has important significance to build borderland culture big province and to research the strategies in construction .