
  • 网络Border Post
  1. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  2. 一家旅馆和一个边防哨所被人放火。

    A hotel and a border post were set on fire .

  3. 直到1850年,美加边境甚至没有一个边防哨所。

    There wasn 't even a border post until around 1850 .

  4. 甚至不是一个边防哨所,直到1850年左右。

    There wasn 't even aborder post until around 1850 .

  5. 部队不愿意再花其有限的资源来防御边防哨所。

    The army was reluctant to expend any more of its limited resources on defending the border posts .

  6. 随着叙利亚反对派控制边防哨所,曾经逃离家乡的伊拉克难民正在回归祖国。

    As Syrian rebels seize border posts , Iraqi refugees who once fled from their homeland are returning .

  7. 适用于各类营房工程、边防哨所、永久性工事及各类工业与民用建筑外围护结构的墙体保温节能。

    The system can be applied to all kinds of barracks projects , border sentries , perpetual workshop , the industrial and civil architecture , preferring the heat of the external wall .

  8. 适用于家庭、牧民、军队野外练习、野外训练、野外通信、边防哨所、登山队、海岛、地质勘察、煤矿、矿山、野外作业、海上作业、渔船等照明供电。

    It is suitable for family , herdsmen , army training , outside communication , border post , mountaineering , geological prospecting , coal mine , field working , offshore operation , fisherman , etc.

  9. 远离电网覆盖地区的农牧民定居点、通信基站、边防哨所、高速公路监控系统、森林防火监控系统以及野外科研场所等,都需要低成本、高可靠性的独立供电系统。

    The area which far away from power grid , such as farmers and herders settlements , communication base station , frontier sentry , expressway monitor station , forest fireproof monitor station , and field research station , they all need standalone power systems .

  10. 出境入境的机场、港口、火车站和其他边境口岸,边防海防哨所。

    Airports , harbours and railway stations of entry or exit and other frontier ports , frontier stations and coastal defence stations .