
biān jiāng
  • frontier;border area;borderland;frontier region
边疆 [biān jiāng]
  • [border area;frontier] 靠近国界的疆土;边远地方

  • 支援边疆建设

边疆[biān jiāng]
  1. 为应对挑战、维护自身统治,十九世纪晚期,清朝政府加快全国行政、经济一体化进程,把行省制推向边疆,移民实边。

    In order to deal with the challenge , to maintain own rule , the Qing Dynasty government had sped up the political and economic integration advancement , pushed the province system to the border area in the later 19th century .

  2. 明朝治理边疆思想的时代特征

    Characteristics of age of thought of control of border area of Ming Dynasty

  3. 已派出部队去守卫边疆。

    Troops have been sent to defend the borders .

  4. 坚定的个人主义造就了美国的边疆社会。

    Rugged individualism forged America 's frontier society .

  5. 3年前他被派去守卫边疆。

    He was sent to defend the border three years ago .

  6. 我的父母住在边疆。

    My parents dwell on the border of our country .

  7. 战士们守卫边疆,防止外敌入侵。

    Soldiers guard the frontier against invasion .

  8. 卡车把货物输往边疆地区。

    Commodities are transported to border areas by truck .

  9. 青年们将建设边疆引为己任。

    These young people regard the construction of the borderland as their duty .

  10. 这部小说生动地描绘了边疆青年的生活。

    The novel vividly depicts the life of young people in the frontier region .

  11. 边防部队常备不懈地守卫着祖国边疆。

    The frontier guards , ever on the alert , stand watch over the borders of our country .

  12. 一出滑稽短剧《兽王》酷似传统的边疆闹剧

    One of these skits , " The King of Beasts " resembles a traditional frontier prank .

  13. 八月份,边疆航空的一名乘客在从费城飞往迈阿密的途中因对乘务员动手动脚而被绑在座位上。

    A Frontier Airlines passenger was taped to his seat after he allegedly groped and assaulted flight attendants during a Miami-bound flight from Philadelphia in August .

  14. 在20世纪60年代,美国总统肯尼迪又提出了开发新边疆(NewFrontier),也就是探索太空。

    In the 1960s President Kennedy made an initiative to explore the New Frontier , which meant space .

  15. 东部发达地区GDP对就业的乘数效应比边疆民族地区的大,说明了东部发达地区依然是吸收就业和农村剩余劳动力的主要地区,并提出增加就业的对策建议。

    The multiplier effect in Eastern area is bigger than the ethnic area . The paper presented proposals on how to promote employment .

  16. 在美国历史上,Frontier有着特殊含义,指19世纪后半期美国开发的西部边疆。

    In the US history frontier was a term with special meaning . It referred to the wild west that was developed by the US in the second half of the 19th century .

  17. 本研究以身心症状自评量表(SCL-90)为工具,对滇南边疆民族地区两所高校的762名贫困生进行心理健康状况测查。

    This research has used SCL-90 to evaluate the state of mental health of 762 impoverished undergraduates of two universities in the frontier minority areas , south of Yunnan .

  18. 我拍《超时空接触》(Contact,1997年的影片,讲述寻找外星生命的故事)的时候就想:“好吧,这不是在东方,在西方,在我们面前发生的事。你可以抬头看,北方的新边疆在哪儿?”

    Until I made " Contact " [ the 1997 movie about the search for extraterrestrial life ] . That made me actually wonder : " O.K. , it 's not just what 's happening here , east , west , in front of us . You can look up . What 's the new frontier to the north ? "

  19. 边疆军队医院发展的思考及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Development of Army Hospital in Border Areas

  20. 边疆医院远程医疗系统开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Remote Medical System in Border Areas

  21. 思于此,提出边疆建设的思考。

    Thinking in this , raised thinking about national border construction .

  22. 我们正在迈向一个无边无际的新边疆。

    We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier .

  23. 边疆日报(福建):史蒂夫,这是教育。

    Frontier Journal ( FJ ): Steve , this is Ed.

  24. 边疆日报(福建):边疆期刊采访格雷迪布奇。

    Frontier Journal ( FJ ): Frontier Journal is interviewing Grady Booch .

  25. 边疆文化是一种具有自己的特质的文化。

    The frontier culture is a kind of having own idiosyncratic culture .

  26. 总督锡良与东北边疆的开发

    Governor XI Liang and the Development in the Northeast Frontier of China

  27. 对帝国东部边疆的治策进行多角度的分析。

    In the eastern frontier strategy for a multi-angle analysis .

  28. 促进了边疆地区经济的发展和国防力量的增强;

    Promotes the economic development and the strength of the national defence ;

  29. 对边疆民族地区先进文化建设的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Construction of Advanced Culture in Ethnic Area of Borderland

  30. 热区边疆全训部队营养保障的研究

    A study of nutritional guarantee on allover exercise troop in hot border